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What a Lovely Meal


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I went for a meal with my housemate yesterday. It was just down the road at a pub but had a really nice risotto and red wine and was nice to just chat with her.


So yeah - good dining experiences, what makes them? Company, food, drink?

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What makes a meal awesome?




Pasta makes a meal awesome.


I'm a vegetarian, so there's been plenty of times I've had extremely awkward dining experiences....

Me: Hey! Can I have a Cheese quesadilla?

Server: Sir, we don't have those. That's not on the menu.

Me: Well can I have a chicken one, but just don't put the chicken on there? I'm a vegetarian.

Server: Do you want the chicken on the side?

Me: *facepalm* No thanks, you can keep it.


Then they put bacon on it.


Because bacon is a vegetable.



I honestly think restaraunts sometimes do that type of stuff just to spite me. It's always bacon too. Whenever I say I'm a vegetarian they always think they're clever or something and put bacon in there. (Not EVERY time... but it's happened a small handful of times so I'm going to exaggerate.)

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I personally think eating is quite an intimate thing feel uncomfortable eating around people I don't know or who aren't used to seeing me eat.


But I do like going for a meal with someone I actually care about if I've not seen for a while like I did with folks from work and I will be in a couple of weeks.


So it depends on the purpose of the meal as to what's the most significant part. If it's really just serving as a venue for a meeting, providing the food and service is adequate, it doesn't matter too much.


I don't eat out very often but have enjoy it whenever I do. I think my favourite experiences have been at TGI's in Leicester Square. The food isn't fancy but it tastes good, the drinks are nice (though the milkshakes need to come in bigger glasses) and I know when I'm down there, I'm sure to be in excellent company.

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R_A, on the money baby! :p Milanos = heavan


Tonight though, I'm getting some sweet and sour Chinese. Yum :)

Let me tell you though, there's nothing like some good old beef casserole with a lot of carrots, especially in the middle of winter.

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What makes a meal awesome?




Pasta makes a meal awesome.


I'm a vegetarian, so there's been plenty of times I've had extremely awkward dining experiences....

Me: Hey! Can I have a Cheese quesadilla?

Server: Sir, we don't have those. That's not on the menu.

Me: Well can I have a chicken one, but just don't put the chicken on there? I'm a vegetarian.

Server: Do you want the chicken on the side?

Me: *facepalm* No thanks, you can keep it.


Then they put bacon on it.


Because bacon is a vegetable.



I honestly think restaraunts sometimes do that type of stuff just to spite me. It's always bacon too. Whenever I say I'm a vegetarian they always think they're clever or something and put bacon in there. (Not EVERY time... but it's happened a small handful of times so I'm going to exaggerate.)


Might be an American thing maybe? Whenever I was in Texas, it was really hard to find anything vegetarian on the menu. Barely any options. And when you mention you don't really eat meat, you get funny looks. =P


As for good dining experiences, I think a lot depends on the company of course. You could go to the best restaurant with the best food, but if the company sucks the overall experience won't be great heh. One of my last great ones was in London over the summer, where Jim and I went to a lovely Italian restaurant. Had a delicious vegetable lasagne, and then a super yummy chocolate cake for dessert. Mmm.

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Might be an American thing maybe? Whenever I was in Texas, it was really hard to find anything vegetarian on the menu. Barely any options. And when you mention you don't really eat meat, you get funny looks. =P


Well that's Texas... I don't see Texas being very vegetarian friendly haha.


Lately my favorite restaurant is Chipotle. It doesn't help that there's this cute girl working there that I really just gotta ask out.... but it's weird to ask a girl at a restaurant if she wants to go grab food sometime haha.

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I can't understand why people would like a thin base and crunchy crust. It's like Supermarket oven pizza.

Because that's how real pizzas are. Mmm. The ones I eat in restaurants in Spain are like that, thin base and crunchy crust. Super delicious. None of that crappy doughy stuff you get in chains like Pizza Hut.


Well that's Texas... I don't see Texas being very vegetarian friendly haha.


Haha yeah that might be it. =P

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