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So....now Indiana Jones is getting the 3D treatment...

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The Indiana Jones saga is to be re-released in 3D, it has been claimed.


According to website Blue Sky Disney, Lucasfilm will next month announce plans to bring its four Indiana Jones movies back to cinemas.


The news comes less than a month after George Lucas's company confirmed that the six Star Wars movies will return to the big screen in chronological order, starting in 2012.


Raiders Of The Lost Ark, Indiana Jones And The Temple Of Doom, Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade and Indiana Jones And The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull - starring Harrison Ford as the titular archaeologist and directed by Steven Spielberg - have grossed more than $1.9 billion at the worldwide box office.




See Indiana Jones is a totally different beast to Star Wars it hasn't been rehased and re-CGI'd there are some clunky looking scenes like the mine cart scene that show their age but are still fantastic for a film of their era and perhaps they should stay that way?


I get to see them in the cinema this way, so that's something. I only really like Raiders of the four, with Temple, Last Crusade, Crystal Skull coming in as just okay and ranked in that order.


Reasons for only just liking the other three:


Temple - Stupid chick and awful comedy ruins an otherwise awesomely dark picture.


Crusade - Messy, forgettable movie. Way too much crappy comedy. Feels too long.


Skull - It isn't cool to like Skull. I dislike it to fit in.


Why were they not released on Blu-ray??.


3D is not for me, not yet anyway. Because of the stupid glasses. I do not want to sit down and watch a movie whilst wearing them. To relax watching a movie/TV in 3D means wearing glasses, then no.


Apart from Tron, 3D can go screw itself unless it's on a 3DTV that I own. In that case it's razor sharp and jaw droppingly amazing.


Crusade - Messy, forgettable movie. Way too much crappy comedy. Feels too long.


How dare you.


I love three of the Indy films. It's only Temple of Doom that I didn't enjoy.


I'd go see Raiders of the Lost Ark just to see the bit with the boulder.


It would be awesome if they hid a real boulder behind the screen and unleashed it on the unsuspecting cinema people.


I only recognise two Indiana Jones films. The ones with the Nazis. It's just a bit crap and amazingly camp without some Hitler to fight against.

I know, it's sinful. I just... didn't enjoy it at all.


I was going to bring it up earlier but now's a good a time as any... I think Back to the Future is utter shit.


There. I said it.



I was going to bring it up earlier but now's a good a time as any... I think Back to the Future is utter shit.


There. I said it.


Go back in time and correct that immediately. :(


Nah, it's cool. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, no matter how blasphemous.

Why were they not released on Blu-ray??.


3D is not for me, not yet anyway. Because of the stupid glasses. I do not want to sit down and watch a movie whilst wearing them. To relax watching a movie/TV in 3D means wearing glasses, then no.


You'd expect them to be uncomfortable, and maybe take away from the enjoyment. I found them totally fine, i forgot they were on after a few minutes.

Whaaat? They gotta stop with this 3D madness. Start making films that actually benefit from it instead of this crap.


To be honest, I think 3D not being the whole point of the movie is a good thing. There have been too many movies in the past that just used it as a gimmick. Somewhat like the way surround sound was used when it first came out. It should add to the experience, not be it.

I can't wait till a good director makes use of 3-D well.


Herein lies the problem. Some people consider good use of 3D to make 'spectacles' and some people consider good use to just add depth and believe the use of 'spectacle' 3D images to make it worse. Its lose lose.

To be honest, I think 3D not being the whole point of the movie is a good thing. There have been too many movies in the past that just used it as a gimmick. Somewhat like the way surround sound was used when it first came out. It should add to the experience, not be it.


I agree with this, but Indy was never intended for 3D in the first place. Heck, I don't even know how they'll accomplish it. My point is that I really don't think it'll work well. I think it'll feel tacked on and really gimmicky.


More than everything I think I'm just tired of constant remasterings of old films.

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