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Styin' and Profilin':




Trying on my outfit for the work's Christmas party. You'll have to forgive the pose, I panicked when the timer light started flashing like a mad bastard.


Opinions? I'm liking it quite a bit more than I thought I would. The top half looks pretty rad with jeans too IMO. No picture of that though.

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Might lose the pink lace, but probably. Trainers and suits are win.


I don't do shoes.


Trainers with a suit makes you look like an idiot.


White trainers with a suit makes you look like a dick.


You really need to get some shoes for that suit. Or at the very least some plain black trainers.

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Sorry I don't understand what you're saying.


There are better ways to say it looks shit. Specifically, not saying it makes me look like an idiot or a dick.


But if you are gonna go with trainers, personally I'd ditch the statement lace... don't see it working.


Yeah, the lace is more to do with the fact that I don't actually have a pair of black laces and I've been wearing them with normal clothes too. For the suit, I'll probably get a pair of black laces.


I think people are missing that it's not a job interview or anything :p No need to wear the most formal attire ever.


Yeah, I think most people at work have been confused by the dress code (or haven't even been told). I think most people will be in smart casual stuff, maybe even jeans etc. It's not like it's in the fanciest of locations either. I've heard at least one person say "I'm not wearing a suit to that place".






Actually, one person wears slippers to work. I may wear some as a nod to him.

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There are better ways to say it looks shit. Specifically, not saying it makes me look like an idiot or a dick.


I was joking that I didn't know what tact meant.


I didn't mean to offend you. I thought it was obvious that I was jokingly over the top. You know that I don't consider you an idiot or a dick, far from it.


Sorry Goafer.

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Cheers for the opinions guys. I knew it would divide opinions! Turns out my parents saw some black laces today and bought them for me, so the pink lace is going (although it's staying for other outfits). I'm thinking I'll just wear the trainers. I'd rather be the person who tried something different and failed than the person who buckled and wore something that everyone else is wearing and feel uncomfortable in the process (I really don't like shoes, although I obviously wear them for weddings etc).


And just remember: it could be worse.

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