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(The twitter exchange actually continues, with Rihanna going "Oh, let's make-up, you know I love you" or whatever, implying what she said before was sarcasm (even if it wasn't). Ciara is then all like "Oh yeah of course, sure you just were in a bad mood that night hahaha" clearly really confused/terrified she actually had missed sarcasm. :laughing" Prety sure Rihanna was just genuinely pwning a bitch, no sarcasm intended, then decided to make Ciara feel even more awkward. Yes.)

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You just make this situation worse! :p I want to see her so much. But of course am in Scotland. AND you have a spare ticket? *crai*


That I would be dead.




I got my hair cut today. Shorter than usual. Whenever I cut my hair short (relatively short) though, I feel a bit like someone wearing a wig. Or...like I have a woman's "short haircut". Hmm.


Possibly because it's overstraightened by the hairdresser (it's nice and shiny though). Normally it won't be as flat/whatevs.

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Got offered employment today. I shall be working at home, earning £1,800 p/m if i take full-time (+ commission). I shall be assisting the UK-based team in administrive support, reporting daily online with my work completed. Woo-hoo, can't wait to begin really.











It's too good to be true, because it is a scam email according to the DWP. I never applied for work with this company at all. Got your hopes up, didn't i.

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Not particularly representative as I'm messed it up since she cut it and it won't be as straight/blah normally anyway. Would have a fringe etc.


It kinda reminds me of Hitler's hair cut. If the sides were shaved...

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Got selected for an interview with Revenue and Customs based in Cardiff. All good, but the website doesn't work on 3 web browsers and i am unable to book an interview in this method. Great really, the email they sent says i can only book in this method and if i contact them then i lose out on the interview. It seems a lose-lose situation.


And i voted in the referendum for the WAG potentially getting more powers. Not saying my vote, but i made my decision based on how they have handled things in the past couple of years.

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Got my results today. 68, 65 and 62 for three 20 credit modules. Not the most amazing results in the world but considering I was expecting thirds/2:2s for 2 of them I'm pretty happy.


That's a very good 2:1! I'd give quite a lot for that. :)

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Unknown to me, the girl I'm seeing gets an annual check-up or STIs because her mum is a nurse and makes her go. She phoned me last night to tell me that she doesn't have anything (I didn't even know she went for a test!). But anyway... Booyah!

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And some of us have safe sex/ sex with safe people.




Never been tested, probably won't need it anytime soon either.


I think that's it. As far as I know she's only been with a couple of guys but just gets it once a year just to be safe just in case.

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It is one of ma bestie's birthday today, and at midnight when people started the "Happy birthday" messages on facebook, I decided I needed to outdo everyone.


So I made a video (at 2am...) of me reading from "The Joke Book" context needed, reading excerpts from our "jokes"/funny moments in life. She loved. She knew. She knows I'm The Best.

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And some of us have safe sex/ sex with safe people.




Never been tested, probably won't need it anytime soon either.


I get tested even then, it might be paranoia, but at least I know 100%, but I tend to do this when ever I have a new partner.


The possibility of a new job is occurring, this makes me happy.

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Also having lunch with Daft and spending the evening with Tellyn was nice.


Free game.


Meeting Keeley Hawes who was really nice.


Seeing Gail Porter.


Meeting Marti and seeing Colette (ONM) again.


(although One Direction made me feel bloody old)

Edited by Ashley
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at work the whole company (directors, managers, seniors, IT, Sales etc etc,) just received an email from facilities manager saying...



Dear All (Please ensure this reaches all colleagues)


Can someone own up to having, removed, taken, thrown away, pinched, borrow or otherwise the scrubby from the kitchen


Whatever the circumstances if you come and talk to me I can organise a replacement,


Otherwise everyone queues for the one that is left.


We did not spend a considerable amount of time effort and money, to still have queuing in the kitchen, because we only have one scrubby and the person who knows the circumstance does not come and talk to me.


Rant over!


Please come and talk to me, then I am aware.


I clicked reply to all with the following...




Fortunately people see the funny side to it, rather than the "why did you make that on company time" side of it. and it's now been printed out and put up in the kitchen.


heh. Good start to Friday, will get better when finish at 2:30 and go buy Pokemon :)

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