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OhmiGod, guys! I am SHIT SCARED!


So, as you all know, I've been doing the management course in the place where I work. I've been filling in the stuff in the folder and I got told I was doing really well. So well, in fact, I'm being put IN CHARGE OF THE SHOP TOMORROW! :o


Like, seriously, for real, in charge. I'm bricking it hardcore! I'm bricking it so hardcore that the bricks I'm bricking are bricking it! He said that in order for me to be a supervisor, I need to think like one and he said that he was going to put me in charge of the shop (with him beside me) and I'm going to be telling people what to do, what needs to be done and managing security. Like, I've done it before but that were only for about half an hour, not four hours!


I did get shown how to close the shop, which is piss easy, but I'm just flapping at the minute. It's quite scary! I NEED REASSURANCE!

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Cxalm the fduck doewn mr muppet man, pklay trhe fucking drums or somthiung.


I locve it when you dcall me big papa, throw yo hsands in the air like you a rtrue playa'


you should be proud of thyourself man, you're the fucking man of that store now. Don't talke no shit from nobody, if an employee gets in yo face you put them in tyheir place like the fucking boss you are!!

Edited by martinist
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Cxalm the fduck doewn mr muppet man, pklay trhe fucking drums or somthiung.


I locve it when you dcall me big papa, throw yo hsands in the air like you a rtrue playa'


you should be proud of thyourself man, you're the fucking man of that store now. Don't talke no shit from nobody, if an employee gets in yo face you put them in tyheir place like the fucking boss you are!!


I was going to post some advice, but how can one possible hope to surpass such genius.

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Cxalm the fduck doewn mr muppet man, pklay trhe fucking drums or somthiung.


I locve it when you dcall me big papa, throw yo hsands in the air like you a rtrue playa'


you should be proud of thyourself man, you're the fucking man of that store now. Don't talke no shit from nobody, if an employee gets in yo face you put them in tyheir place like the fucking boss you are!!


Yeah! Totally! If anyone gets in my face, I'll say "RESPECT MAH FUCKIN' AUTHORRRITAAAAAAAH!" :D

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Bitch you're fabulous.




You better believe it, beeeyatch!


Of all the days to pick to put me in charge, he picked today, which incidentally turned out to actually be the busiest day we've had in months. So busy, in fact, that our sales target was exceeded by a grand and a half.


So I was literally directing everybody to go here, there and everywhere whilst asking the staff to do this and that. They responded very well too, which worried me a little, and were more than happy to do as I say. I messed up on a couple of things such as having too many people in one area but he said I did very well and coped under pressure.


It was me, the assistant manager, the head supervisor and two other sales assistants today. Both the manager and the supervisor has said they're recommending me for the position but they can't promise anything. I just said "Let's put it this way: I'm not holding my breath". I also mentioned that after doing this course and after the trial run that when I complete the course and the supervisor position is still open and I still don't get it, I'm not going to try for it again because I'll be wasting my time. He said "Fair enough, I'd do exactly the same thing"


Just very happy that everything went swimmingly! :D


Basically, had this playing in my head:

Broadcast Yourself


Also, where is everybody getting these gifs from???

Edited by Animal
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Best joke of 2014.


I'm going to bookmark this quote for when 2014 awards roll round.



Term & Conditions: Once awarded, "Best joke of 2014" cannot be reissued to any future joke.


By stating "Best joke of 2014", or thanking the relevant post, user enters into a binding contract to vote for the relevant member in the "Funniest member of 2014" award category. Your ability to vote in other categories will not be affected.


Breach of the aforementioned contract will result in instant dismissal from the forum.

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So I'm working on making a game from scratch and managed to overcome a few hurdles today :D


Got my character knowing when its by a ladder and climbing it (well, it enters the animation, it's not currently moving up smoothly) when you press up (outside of the ladder it would jump). Got a basic GUI that displays the score, lives and time remaining. Got a 1up box (essentially) and got the lives decreasing when you die.


Still a fair bit to do, but once I get all the mechanics down I should be able to make more levels. Hoping to get the majority of the mechanics done this week.

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So after a rough couple of weeks, got to meet up with one of my best friends on Sunday night to have our little Christmas get together and exchange presents and it sort of settled me a little. Gave her an Adventure Time Monopoly board and a Makin' Bacon pancakes t-shirt, as well as one or two little personal gifts, and she loved them so phew on that one. She got me some sketchbooks, with a little personal message/drawing in one of them, and a Very Hungry Caterpillar moneybox and again a couple of little personal things.


Was just nice to sit down and have a drink/chat with her as she always been a calming influence on me and keeps me grounded rather than in my head. Admittedly, trying to play monopoly after a few drinks was perhaps not the best idea but still great fun. Trying to sort out a day for us to head on a little trip somewhere and going to take her to lunch or dinner as a thank you.


And although I've been back at work since Monday (which is a bit of a bad thing as I'm feeling a bit weird about being here right now), I'm trying to take on some of her advice and trying to compartmentalise things so that I'm not constantly worrying about things at uni and getting anxious about it all and put other things behind me. And I guess it's kind of working, and I'm looking to fill up those new sketchbooks with drawings and start writing a short story I've been mulling over, but I do think I'm going to go to the doctors to have a talk about my anxiety problems, which seem to be causing a few of the issues I've had lately.


tl;dr - yay for best friends; trying to keep thinking positively and being active in pushing forward with a few things :D

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I got mentioned in the national newsletter of my company for selling the most shoe care, which is epic.


It said:


"Well done to Darren for achieving £140 worth of shoe care last week. He has joined the elite £100 club for the region. Keep up the good work"


....give me my prize, bitch! :D

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Currently on £60k worth of offers for my clients in January. Month target is £40k! I've got more than all-but-one of my colleagues combined!


Also got the last batch of birthday prezzies - a cool Edward Monkton desk calendar and a HARMONICA. I am going to make so much bad noise.


Plus my bank account is like £400 better than I thought it would be. PHEW.

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Currently on £60k worth of offers for my clients in January. Month target is £40k! I've got more than all-but-one of my colleagues combined!


If I ever doubt the incredible potential of life's glorious journey I just stop and remember that Jay7 managed to become Gordon Gecko.

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I've spent time researching stuff and whilst it's not spot-on accurate from memory I know where to go to hit the legislation I need. I looked at what a CEMAP course entails (need one to sell mortgages) and saw that based on the module list I already know about 70%. If I did that course and was hired I would earn double what I am on now.


Essentially the spark of realising I am worth something has been reignited, and as you say there's a journey I'm taking and it's far from over.



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I recently replaced my iPhone 5 with a Blackberry Q10 as I have never fully enjoyed touch type or Apple's lack of dictionary and text input methods.


Anyway, I bought an iPod Touch yesterday which arrived today (not opened it yet) as I needed something for all my music and car connectivity. The Blackberry is an amazing phone for me, everything about it I love. The only draw back going from an iPhone to the BB was the music but as I was constantly having to buy high capacity iPhone models (thus costing me more) I was pleased to just have one device for all my music which shouldn't need replacing anytime soon. Unless I break it of course. :heh:


Tonight though, I got curious about the Blackberry's music system. When doing research on the BB before I bought it, some reviewers said the Q10's music player was a little basic and sometimes difficult to sync with existing music collections. I tried syncing my music with an Android handset a while back and it was just painful (iTunes not helping the matter) so I automatically decided once I bought the BB I'd get an iPod to save any difficulty.


However! Out of boredom this evening (still off sick :( ) I decided to do a test before I opened the iPod and synced all my music to it, and connected my BB up to my computer. The BB Link software (again, often criticised) was brilliant! It links to iTunes and literally everything was there. Albums, playlists, album artwork, everything. Just select, drag and drop. So I dragged a couple of albums - all appeared on the handset fine. Music player looks great, basic but great. So far so good.

All that was left to do was check how the music sounded through my headphones. With no equaliser settings on the BB I thought this was where it would fall down. Nope. Sounded just as good as the iPod - if a little lacking on bass but it was only through listening on the BB and switching immediately to the iPod that it became noticeable.


So now I've synced just half of my music collection and filled my BB internal storage... but as I can increase the memory, I'm going to buy a memory card (32GB) and whack it all on there. Brilliant!


The only test left now is connecting it to my car... and that's the big one. If that doesn't work, dreams will be shattered. I really hope it does though as it will save me a fortune and that iPod can go right back! Never would have thought the music player would be as capable as it is so I'm majorly chuffed. If it works in the car through the USB hook up (which again, I've heard is buggy, but my iPhone didn't even work properly with it anyway so it can only get better!) then I'll be one happy Aneres! All this time off work has had its good points after all!


TL: DR - I managed to save myself a load of money by getting my music collection onto my Blackberry which has a pretty great music player and means I don't have to manage 2 devices. :)

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