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The lyrics to Comfortably Numb wash over me but they're really good if you take a closer look.



Is there anybody in there?

Just nod if you can hear me

Is there anyone home?


Come on


I hear you're feeling down

I can ease your pain

Get you on your feet again



I'll need some information first

Just the basic facts

Can you show me where it hurts?


There is no pain you are receding

A distant ship's smoke on the horizon

You are only coming through in waves

Your lips move

But I can't hear what you're saying


When I was a child I had a fever

My hands felt just like

Two balloons

Now I've got that feeling once again

I can't explain

You would not understand

This is not how I am


I... Have become comfortably numb


The Scissor Sisters cover is awesome.


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Got a 1st in my Computer Science BSc :)


Trying to quickly weigh up my options whether to do a Masters or try and find a graduate job. Kinda leading towards the latter.


Why not apply for a masters, and in the mean time, apply for a job. If you get one, then go for it. If not, then you have a masters to do.

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Off to see one of the best performers in music tomorrow, The legend that is Bruce Springsteen.


Very few artists nowadays will perform for well over 3 hours, let alone musical royalty that is The Boss.



Ive never had the chance to see him before, so I literally cannot wait.

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Got to meet Brian Cox (the actor) on campus at Uni earlier today! He's the rector up at Dundee and is up for the graduations later this week (weird to think it was a year ago that I graduated) and to open some new science centre. Anyway, that was cool.


Also cider times sitting on the green in the sunshine :awesome: Just a shame people were setting up the marquees for the garden parties wednesday, thursday and friday and so were making a bit too much noise.

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So, after considering most of the information about the ones I've looked at, and after looking at all of the different financing options and insurance quotes, etc, I've decided that I'll be getting the Picanto. :D Excited.


Good choice with a Kia, they're meant to be very reliable.


I would advise against a car finance deal from a dealership.. They tend to rip you a bit. You'll often find that a bank loan is a far better option if you need finance.


Off to see one of the best performers in music tomorrow, The legend that is Bruce Springsteen.


Very few artists nowadays will perform for well over 3 hours, let alone musical royalty that is The Boss.


Ive never had the chance to see him before, so I literally cannot wait.


I'm going to Hampden to see him tomorrow too. Going to be such a good night.

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Good choice with a Kia, they're meant to be very reliable.


I would advise against a car finance deal from a dealership.. They tend to rip you a bit. You'll often find that a bank loan is a far better option if you need finance.




I'm going to Hampden to see him tomorrow too. Going to be such a good night.


Hmm, I'll look into it and see what my options are. The finance deal seems appealing because you have the car for 3 years and can decide what you want to do at the end of it. So, you can trade it in for another one if you want. It's interesting.


It's looking good and I hopefully should be picking this up at the weekend. Will have a more definite answer on this tomorrow. Goodbye, Ford! Never again.

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Hmm, I'll look into it and see what my options are. The finance deal seems appealing because you have the car for 3 years and can decide what you want to do at the end of it. So, you can trade it in for another one if you want. It's interesting.


It's looking good and I hopefully should be picking this up at the weekend. Will have a more definite answer on this tomorrow. Goodbye, Ford! Never again.


Yeah obviously if you're looking at something like that a bank can't offer you that. Just worth looking into all your options.


I saved around £500 by going to the bank over Arnold Clark finance.

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Yeah obviously if you're looking at something like that a bank can't offer you that. Just worth looking into all your options.


I saved around £500 by going to the bank over Arnold Clark finance.


Yeah, it's worth having a look. I'm quite keen on that particular option with the dealership as this will be my first Kia. I've pretty much only had Fords all of my life and have had shitty luck with all of them. (Drove a Vauxhall Corsa for a bit, which was fine) As I know little about Kia, it's handy to know that if after 3 years (or sooner) I'm just not feeling it, I move it on with little hassle.


I'm hoping it all goes well. I love what I saw of it and test drove. Brakes are a lot more sensitive than the Fiesta I've currently got and it will take some getting used to, but I've got a good feeling about it.


If anything, it's just nice to know that I probably won't have to deal with some of the shit and problems I've had this year or the past few years with cars.

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Don't get the dealer finance, you can get a much better rate elsewhere, usually around 5% if not better (depending on term/deposit). Try here: http://www.moneysupermarket.com/c/car-finance/


The finance deal seems appealing because you have the car for 3 years and can decide what you want to do at the end of it. So, you can trade it in for another one if you want. It's interesting.


That's actually pretty meaningless. If you got finance elsewhere then it would be your car at the end of the 3 years, and you'd still be able to part exchange it for another one with Kia. They're not actually offering you anything.


Although I wouldn't part ex a 3 year old Kia anyway. One of their main selling points is that they have a 7 year warranty. If you p/x it after three years you'd lose 4 years of that warranty (which has pushed up the price of Kias, meaning you've essentially wasted your money). Whereas instead you could sell it privately for much more (as the warranty is transferable, so it would bump up the price of a used Kia). Bit of a double jeopardy effect (paying more for a warranty you won't use, and missing out on a higher 2nd hand price) if you p/x it with the dealer.

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Enjoy Springsteen guys, definitely one of the best live acts I've ever seen. So much energy.


Just got back from the Isle of Wight Festival, awesome weekend as always. Time for some sleep in a real bed and some time off alcohol - way too much cider over the last few days. Good times.

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Don't get the dealer finance, you can get a much better rate elsewhere, usually around 5% if not better (depending on term/deposit). Try here: http://www.moneysupermarket.com/c/car-finance/




That's actually pretty meaningless. If you got finance elsewhere then it would be your car at the end of the 3 years, and you'd still be able to part exchange it for another one with Kia. They're not actually offering you anything.


Although I wouldn't part ex a 3 year old Kia anyway. One of their main selling points is that they have a 7 year warranty. If you p/x it after three years you'd lose 4 years of that warranty (which has pushed up the price of Kias, meaning you've essentially wasted your money). Whereas instead you could sell it privately for much more (as the warranty is transferable, so it would bump up the price of a used Kia). Bit of a double jeopardy effect (paying more for a warranty you won't use, and missing out on a higher 2nd hand price) if you p/x it with the dealer.


I've looked at that link and it seemed to suggest that I wasn't eligible for a loan in many of the places, and in the places where I could take one out, it was with high monthly payments/high apr.


I'll look at this some more tomorrow and see what I can do.

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Very few artists nowadays will perform for well over 3 hours


I went to see Muse at the Etihad in Manchester, and their set was about 2 hours 15 mins or something, and although i love Muse, i think it was a tad too long. I don't think i could stand for 3 hours (plus however long you've been standing beforehand) at any gig and enjoy myself.


Hope it's good though!

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I went to see Muse at the Etihad in Manchester, and their set was about 2 hours 15 mins or something, and although i love Muse, i think it was a tad too long. I don't think i could stand for 3 hours (plus however long you've been standing beforehand) at any gig and enjoy myself.


Hope it's good though!


Yeah I can understand that. For me there's only a couple of artists I'd stand that long for and one of them is definitely The Boss.

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To be fair, it's the standing around for 3 hours beforehand that does the damage. If it was only 3 hours which was completely filled with the band/musician it probably wouldn't be all that bad.


Anyway, just got the date and time of my second interview confirmed. So much less nervous about it now that i've done the first one. I need to do some research on car suspension systems though at some point so I don't make a fool of myself.

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