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Going to have surgery on the 27th to sort my leg out. Even putting me under anaesthetic and the operation should take like an hour. Managed to sort it out before I start work which is great!


Was that for varicose veins? What exactly are they gonna do during the surgery?


My sister had a special ultrasound taken of her leg this week to check the veins, as she's been complaining about pain in there. Varicose veins run in our family (on both sides even), so it's likely she has it too. And likely I'll get it too at some point heh (darnit!). My dad has had multiple things done to his legs over the years to help with the veins heh.

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Yeah, I had an ultrasound on my leg (didn't find any babies in there :p). It was weird seeing how my screwed up part reacted. Was very enlightening and humbling that so much is going on inside me at once.


Basically, they will put me to sleep and the cut open the back of my leg further down (the actual issue is just behind my knee) and insert a needle which will travel up through the vein to the issue and then pull part of it out or so I'm told. Then my body will sort itself out and because medical advances have been made for this procedure no nasty scar is left apparently you can barely see it or it'll look like a freckle.


They said I won't feel pain until 3-4 days later because it is inside a vein so it'll take longer for the nerves to react or something. It can be easily sorted out so if your sister does unfortunately have it then no need to fret :)


Can she not see lumps on her leg? When I stand up a decent sized lump appears where the blood is piling up. I haven't had any massive pain but if left the guy warned it could get a lot worse and really screw my leg up in the future with no way to sort it out which was quite scary. I think he meant if I left it for a lot longer but still rather scary.

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Yeah that procedure sounds like what my dad has had done a few times I think. He had big lumpy veins haha.


My sister doesn't have a lump yet, but she feels pain and tension in her leg, especially after standing for a long time. And she has those "spider veins" or whatever that appear on your leg, but just tiny ones (I have those too so might be normal).


The doctor did say she saw something "wrong" with the vein though, so it's likely she has it too. She's all annoyed and blaming dad's genes haha. =P

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Well I think he's had it done multiple times, on both legs. Different veins and all that. But it's not always been a surgery I think, sometimes they inject something in the veins I think? Maybe you'll be lucky and it's just this one time!


My sister showed her legs earlier and I did see a vein on top (on both legs), on the front of her leg. Sorta like you would see on your feet where you have raised veins, but she has it on her leg. Looked a bit odd. =P


I think she'll know more tonight. Mom was all worried already that she had the same problem as I had with my leg (infection on the bone), as the pain was in the same place. Silly mom.

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Just made an amazing discovery on how to clean my shelves easier. Using an old sock (which I use anyway) then using a dustbuster to suck the dust from the sock so no dust gets transferred. It's genius. It saves me time on walking into my brother's room and making the dust fall on his bed/floor.

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2 new starters at work. Both are awesome. Both seem interested in photography and computers, which puts them way ahead of quite a few people. One used to work in Jessops, so has experience with editing and printers, the other has trained in I.T and dabbles in design.


One example of how awesome they are: one asked what my favourite band was (music talk, already a good start). After a bit of thought, I said Rise Against. His face seemed approving and the other starter just yelled "YES!". She's seen them live and told me that they're playing soon in Birmingham or something.


I'm normally happy to get 1 decent new starter. We've got 2 starting together. Good times.

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My bosses are amazing. For the last hour of the day, she let me go on the climbing wall and the bungee bouncers while I was getting paid for working. Then afterwards we all went paintballing and they of course joined in. It was hilarious since they had extravagant tactics since they were once in the military and one of them was really good a shooting and kept getting the other team in the hands. I also got told that when I come back from my holidays I will be able to work weekends which means I have work for the rest of the year and next summer too. And I'm getting added properly to the roster now and will get a 50c increase on my wages per hour. And then finally when I got home, my 3DS was waiting for me on my bed.


And now on Monday I'll be going to Brazil since College doesn't start for another month. Life is fantastic.

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fyi, varicose removal can have a very painful recovery. I've got varicose veins on both sides, both severely so, both my mum and dad had ops. I've got them already but they aren't causing me much discomfort or any pain... thank god.


The longer you leave the worse they get I was told by the doctor though! Just a warning =]

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Passed my Japanese exam' date=' 91%. Can't wait to start the next level.[/quote']


Congrats :) Was that the JLPT? If so what level?


That facebook "on this day in..." thing has made me realise September 3rd tends to be a day of doing things for me. Photographing a wedding later. Last year I had my last day at McDonalds (thank fuck!) and two years ago I had an interview at the Disney Store and watched 500 Days of Summer. And it's also my grandparents anniversary.


Realised my brother's ex may be at this wedding today (she is dating one of the bride's cousins but seeing as she has 60-odd there's a chance she may not go). Kind of hope she does, would be nice to see her again.

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Completed my first week of training to be a beautician, i love it! I can't believe this is my life now, after running myself down working a shitty job for many years. Wonder why i didn't do it sooner! Duh.


We spend a lot of our classes doing beauty treatments on eachother, it's lovely! A lot to remember though, everything has to be done in a very precise manner. But i'm going to work really hard, cos i'd love to do this for a living! :bouncy:

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