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Two domains I purchased on a random impulse last year but never used automatically recurred today. That was a difficult sentence to read, huh? £20 isn't a lot of money, but GoDaddy were great on the phone and refunded me immediately.

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Had a great time at my sister's wedding yesterday. It has been a very long and tiring week preparing for it, but it was worth it. Bit sad that I had to leave early, but I guess 3:15 was late enough (in bed at 4). Seems my sister left 2 hours later so I didn't miss too much.


She looked very nice in her dress and with her hair done. We all got lots of compliments too actually, yay. Three sisters looking pretty together! ^___^

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Today was my mum's 60th birthday, and we held a great celebration yesterday with over 50 guests. My parents had been working on the preparations for weeks, not to mention planning the party for pretty much a year, and it was just an amazing culmination on it all. Today we've all been completely knackered, though, and I'm heading back to Aarhus (a one-and-a-half-to-two-hour drive) tomorrow morning for the first class of this semester at 10 o'clock. :heh:

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Today was my mum's 60th birthday, and we held a great celebration yesterday with over 50 guests. My parents had been working on the preparations for weeks, not to mention planning the party for pretty much a year, and it was just an amazing culmination on it all. Today we've all been completely knackered, though, and I'm heading back to Aarhus (a one-and-a-half-to-two-hour drive) tomorrow morning for the first class of this semester at 10 o'clock. :heh:


It was my mum's 60th birthday yesterday too! Except my mum is a grouchy old lady and didn't want to socialise with anyone not in her immediate family, so we just went out for a meal as a family. Did that on Saturday and Sunday. Feel so fat.

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I just got an email saying that I'm allowed to study Psychology. Why so late? Because it's a special procedure...when people don't enroll in that field, others will get a chance.


So...now I'm torn. Really looking forward to Biotechnology but also am very interested in Psychology.


Just sent a mail to ask if it is a simple procedure to change the course and if I have to pay the fee again (which would suck).



It's good that I have a choice now. But it's a difficult choice and I have to decide within the next few days...

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I harvested my first batch of veg from the garden last night :)


I think the I'll leave the rest of my carrots in the ground a little longer ;) but happy so far. Got another 4 Potato plants, 5 tomato plants, lost count how many beetroots & a huge area of carrots I've still got to harvest.


Tomatoes were used in last night's home made lasagna! NOM!









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On my way home from work an old lady asked me if I could return a purse she found at the bus stop to a house down a street I was going to (The street I live on but didn't mention that) and I posted the purse through the letterbox. It even had money in it and I didn't feel the temptation to acquire a finder's fee.


Fuck I'm awesome.

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I feel like I'm going to look for a new career (just to get an idea of what is out there, at the very least). Script reading, maybe. Or at least look to do it on the side.I feel good about this decision. Less claustrophobic about advertising; I am the captain of mr fate, I am the master of my soul.

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@Murr I'm very jealous of your vegetable growing skills! Bet you can't wait to eat them all. I'd love to have a little vegetable patch in my garden, maybe I should get one sorted for next year.



So @Dan Dare and I had a great holiday in Sorrento, Italy. We visited Pompeii, Mt Vesuvius and Herculanuem.


At the top of Positano



At the top of the town is where we took the previous photo!



Pompeii- can't believe how HUGE the place is!



At the top of Vesuvius ( an active Volcano that destroyed Pompeii and Herculanuem).



At Herculaneum (much more preserved than Pompeii) sitting on a mosaic over 2,000 years old.



Dan jumping into the pool (which was very cold!)



One of the many pizzas we made at a cooking school in Sorrento.



The view from our hotel, with Vesuvius in the background.


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