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I M getting quite drunk listening to Hair to Lady Gaga on repeat. I love life and Christmas. Nappy Christmas to all of you, I sincerely mean it. I love you all. Thanks for listening and for inviting me to all your parties. I am as free as my hair.


@Paj\! @chairdriver I'm gonna ignore how everyone thinks I'm trying to be you. You're great, better than the rest. A release from shite. You're as free as your hair, I'll be there soon. Keep that in mind Diageo and Magnus -- forget it all!!!

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Oh I get it.



You're an Alan Carr man aren't you?

Another good thing about Alan Carr is how he's ingeniously managed to get the work "specs" into another of his appearances. As if the massive framed pieces of shit he wears over his eyes aren't visible enough.


You're right... that's not really a good thing. The man's a twat.

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I M getting quite drunk listening to Hair to Lady Gaga on repeat. I love life and Christmas. Nappy Christmas to all of you, I sincerely mean it. I love you all. Thanks for listening and for inviting me to all your parties. I am as free as my hair.


@Paj\! @chairdriver I'm gonna ignore how everyone thinks I'm trying to be you. You're great, better than the rest. A release from shite. You're as free as your hair, I'll be there soon. Keep that in mind Diageo and Magnus -- forget it all!!!


I won't invite you again if you keep moaning about how you will get raped in the north side and won't make up your mind about what you're doing. And lastly say that you're going to message me in some form when you're leaving and then not do it at all. I'm leaving at 10 no matter where you are, and you can do what you like with your suitcases.

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Had a great Christmas party last night with my old STX class! :D I love the fact that we're keeping up that tradition. ^_^ Unfortunately I ended up with a bad stomach at the end of the night, probably due to a few too many shots of schnapps, but that was cured with a good rest. :heh:


Today my dad and I went and got our Christmas tree, then we all went on the big Christmas shopping spree, and tonight we've decorated the tree and made confections. All per tradition in the Blom Paulsen household! :D


Life is good. :smile:

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@Paj\! @chairdriver I'm gonna ignore how everyone thinks I'm trying to be you. You're great, better than the rest. A release from shite. You're as free as your hair, I'll be there soon. Keep that in mind Diageo and Magnus -- forget it all!!!


"Better to live one year as a tiger than a hundred as sheep." / "Poor is the man whose pleasures depend on the permission of another."


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I won't invite you again if you keep moaning about how you will get raped in the north side and won't make up your mind about what you're doing. And lastly say that you're going to message me in some form when you're leaving and then not do it at all. I'm leaving at 10 no matter where you are, and you can do what you like with your suitcases.





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This is like so much more than just good.


My sister had to go in hospital a few days ago because she had pre-eclampsia, it can apparently be really serious and can be dangerous to the mother and baby. It was really hard to take, as she had already had two miscarriages, which were obviously really tough for everyone. We all really feared the worst when we heard that she had gone in with that. We were told that the baby had a 70% chance of surviving if he was born in the next few days. This morning just before 10 they had to give birth, and he's fine and breathing on his own. :D


He was 13 weeks premature, and he's apparently the size of a 500ml bottle and his head is the size of a tennis ball. He's fine and everything looks to be ok. :)


Realllly can't wait to see him on the 28th. :D





So proud. :yay::heart:

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Apart from the fact I've gotten some awesome gifts and had a lovely time at my uncle's for christmas dinner.


My phone contract is until June, but I'm after a new phone, my dad doesn't really care about an upgrade and his is due next month, he's said I can have the new upgrade :D. Score!


Now to see if I could deal with an iPhone or to get something else..recommendations that won't cost me a fortune each month?

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The good stuff today is it's Christmas time! Week off work.

The year bloody FLEW! All I need now is a good movie and to slip into a Turkey coma :)


Are you the guy that left?


Who am I thinking of?


I had a decent day, but now I've had toooooooo much food. I'm looking more forward to tomorrow, going to see Chelsea v Fulham with my family :santa:

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Are you the guy that left?


Who am I thinking of?


I had a decent day, but now I've had toooooooo much food. I'm looking more forward to tomorrow, going to see Chelsea v Fulham with my family :santa:


I never really left........

but truthfully yes I was one of them.

I was on my man period which as it turned out lasted 3 months.

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we've got a mahooooosive new sofa in the house, its lovely :3 so comfortable and makes the room so much more useable. For some reason the fancy clock we had wasnt running, and its been up and running now for a few days... its amazing how the ticking/chimes etc bring back so many weird memories of the past. It's a fancy clock and relatively loud =P And it does have this ANNOYING habit of chiming right at the end of the exciting cliffhanger episode of [insert tv show]. RAWR. Now I can see why it wasn't put on.


But yeah mega awesome sofa... its more comfortable than my bed ffs. time to relocate methinks :p


bonus pic of beanie trying it out



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