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My Dad mentioned in passing about maybe getting a "big fucking shed" for the garden since it was half price. I may have convinced him to let me pay half and use my half as a photography studio.


I may soon have my own studio. Win.

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What, like a laptop with Photoshop? :heh:


*insert joke here*


I was too lazy to think of one, it always sounds so insulting.


Today I spoke to my final year project tutor, I spoke of things not necessarily to do with it and it was great, he's a really nice guy and it was good to get some perspective on things to do with uni.



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Got a 75% on my first law essay and after a nice day in Manchester playing in a Pokémon tournament (cards) I came around 15th. Not bad out of around 32 people and I should've been higher/joint higher but they have a weird percentage system how you people you beats win/loss record affects yours. Bullshit.


But other than that: Good!

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Went to a party. Kinda awful. But saved by the belles: Rudolph, the best person you'll meet from Lativa. Tiago (I think it means I love you). Yes.


Drank *a lot*. Strangely (perversely??) most eloquent I've been in a while. Trawl through my Twitter feed to see. [Oh fuck, I've just revealed myself as a self-promoting egocentrist.] [LOOK AT ME, I'M AN ATTENTION WHORE] [/insert feigned humility to balance things out]


Had a moment of enlightenment. I saw that my future lies in exploitation. But I have no talents to exploit. Therefore, logical conclusion is people. JOINTHECAPITALEXPRESS. #ActuallyNotTryingToBeALeftie #ItJustHappens I'd make a relatively OK villain. Or perhaps not, because villain reduces a complex persona into shite 1-Dimensional "story" concepts. Fuck stories. But yeah, I'd blatantly be the villain of the N-E TV series. #Ohfuck,theregoesmyegoagain [it's fine, I'm the most negative member] [such a huge ego, I love his big ego]


Should be the most hypocritical member too, {but maybe that would be asking for too much?} since all I do is spool shit, like I'm driving FTL. [Oh. My. God. That's blatantly a lyric on my rap album.] I mean, you can't really script some of the bullcrap I come out with. I don't really know where it comes from either?? A pointless self-destructive urge to be confrontation and nonconformist. I blame my SHIT parents. [Pointless rude, and *such* an obtuse conclusion to reach] {Wrong use of obtuse, all I can thing of is angles, and the opposite of acute. IDOMATHSERGOCAN'TUSETHEENGLISHLANGUAGE,SUEME} But yeah, I apologise. Sometimes it just makes no sense to be nice to shit people [/implicit self-elevation]


Yeah, I'm a massive cunt. Deal with it. I'm scared of lonely.

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Went to a party. Kinda awful. But saved by the belles: Rudolph, the best person you'll meet from Lativa. Tiago (I think it means I love you). Yes.


Drank *a lot*. Strangely (perversely??) most eloquent I've been in a while. Trawl through my Twitter feed to see. [Oh fuck, I've just revealed myself as a self-promoting egocentrist.] [LOOK AT ME, I'M AN ATTENTION WHORE] [/insert feigned humility to balance things out]


Had a moment of enlightenment. I saw that my future lies in exploitation. But I have no talents to exploit. Therefore, logical conclusion is people. JOINTHECAPITALEXPRESS. #ActuallyNotTryingToBeALeftie #ItJustHappens I'd make a relatively OK villain. Or perhaps not, because villain reduces a complex persona into shite 1-Dimensional "story" concepts. Fuck stories. But yeah, I'd blatantly be the villain of the N-E TV series. #Ohfuck,theregoesmyegoagain [it's fine, I'm the most negative member] [such a huge ego, I love his big ego]


Should be the most hypocritical member too, {but maybe that would be asking for too much?} since all I do is spool shit, like I'm driving FTL. [Oh. My. God. That's blatantly a lyric on my rap album.] I mean, you can't really script some of the bullcrap I come out with. I don't really know where it comes from either?? A pointless self-destructive urge to be confrontation and nonconformist. I blame my SHIT parents. [Pointless rude, and *such* an obtuse conclusion to reach] {Wrong use of obtuse, all I can thing of is angles, and the opposite of acute. IDOMATHSERGOCAN'TUSETHEENGLISHLANGUAGE,SUEME} But yeah, I apologise. Sometimes it just makes no sense to be nice to shit people [/implicit self-elevation]


Yeah, I'm a massive cunt. Deal with it. I'm scared of lonely.


I love you for your utter self-awareness and direct attitude.

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George Maciver has finally finished his second book, titled The Way of Life and The Way of Death in the 21st Century (catchy title) - and best of all, you can download it online!


George is actually a pretty mediocre writer, but I'm a huge fan of him as a person, as I have a fascination with nutjobs. I've had some run-ins with him in the past in another community, where he eventually revealed himself to be a huge homophobe. After that it was homosexuality this and homosexuality that, to the point where he eventually went off and started his own forum where "homosexual pedophiles" weren't allowed to join. Clearly he has some... issues.


But yeah, awesome. This book shows that there are other things that worry George, though - fluoride in toothpaste and the Illuminati, among other things. But mostly, this book is just an excuse to hark on about homosexuality.


Also, fifty percent of it is made up of Bible quotes, so that's always fun.


George's thoughts on...


... The thesis of his book:

There is a way of life and there is a way of death. Whether you believe that or not is immaterial. There is a way of life and there is a way of death.


... The United Nations:

The United Nations promotes witchcraft.


... Jewish people:

You thought it was the Jews [who are ruling the world]? Don’t be silly, they’re not a threat to anyone. They’re usually the first to go in any major conflict.


... Muslims:

Everyone today is getting really mad at the Muslims in our countries. They build big mosques, block our streets as they stick their backsides in the air and bow to their god, and we get mad at them.


... Global warming:

A recent hot topic has been global warming. You know, recycle your plastic milk bottles or the polar bears get it.
The shields of the earth were put in place by God, that’s it, end of story. The earth is not in any danger from anything. That is the testimony of God’s Word.
There is nothing that man can do to mess up the earth.


... Women and feminism:

n God’s eyes, the most noble, courageous, commendable, praiseworthy vocation a young woman could possibly have, would be to get married, have children and stay home and raise them properly in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, look after the home and take care of their men. And I don’t give a damn what the slimy lesbians may scream at me for my views.


By the way, married men should be paid more than anyone else anyway because they are the true backbone of any nation and should be rewarded accordingly.
Basically, feminism teaches women to hate men, practice witchcraft, and become lesbians. And I don’t care if I make you mad. I have the Word of God backing me up. I’m telling you the truth. Who do you have backing up your beliefs to the contrary? The United Nations? Hollywood? The homos?
Just as God designed Christ to be the head of the church, He also designed man to be the leader in the marriage relationship. He designed the wife to be a companion, a helper, an assistant for her husband. That’s her job description in the marriage relationship.


... The Vietnam War:

America won the war in Vietnam. That’s right, and I don’t care what the newspapers and televisions say to the contrary.


... Gun Control:

And guess what? It’s Christians who are targeted. Statistically, gun control has been responsible for the murders of over 56 million people in the 20th Century, mostly Christians or followers of the Bible.
It is a well documented fact that gun control does not reduce violent crime, it increases it. [...] As to statistics, well, you can make statistics say anything you like.


... Astronomy:

Ever wondered what the stars are up there for? Sure for signs and seasons, but they also keep us protected from all that cold up there.


... And, of course, homosexuality:

Homosexuality is a terminal disease.
Look, homosexuals are not nice people. They are quite happy to rape and murder our young boys to satisfy their own lusts and then go on their way laughing and joking while looking for their next victim. They can and do brutally rape and sodomise babies and children. They enjoy orgasm while the child is dying and convulsing. They like to put small animals up their backsides and orgasm as these animals suffocate and die. They even murder each other by knowingly infecting their partners with fatal diseases.
Alcohol is very much in the senses realm but it is often an open door to major spiritual problems. For example, most homos and lesbians are recruited when they are drunk. How many normal, healthy young men and women have woken up in bed with a homo or a slimy lesbian after getting blind drunk the night before?
Does the United Nations really believe that homosexual monsters who rape and murder six year old boys should be protected from justice and not executed for their horrific monstrous crimes? Obviously they do. Everyone has a right to life, they say, and they go out of their way to stop us from executing such depraved animals.
In other words, what the Word says about homosexuality is what God thinks about homosexuality, and the death penalty for homosexuality is the duty we as Christians should be administering through the courts and legal systems of our countries. God instituted the death penalty for homosexuality, not me.
Homosexuality is not normal behaviour, it is a disease. It is abhorrent and those who become so depraved they indulge in such practices, according to the Word of God, should be executed. Homosexuals are not born, they are recruited. It is not genetic. Homosexuals and lesbians are now being groomed in our state run schools.
Instead of executing homosexuals and lesbians we allow them to adopt young children so they can rape and abuse them in the privacy of their own homes without fear of prosecution. Homosexual men brutally rape and murder young boys and children and we stand back and do nothing, afraid of infringing their human rights.
Now all this may come as a bit of shock if you’ve grown up conditioned by the world regarding homosexuality. If this is the case it’s likely your mind may have a great deal of difficulty grasping the enormity of just how serious a crime homosexuality is. According to God’s Word homosexuality warrants the death penalty. It doesn’t get much more serious than that.
It says the men of the city, both young and old, from every walk of life, surrounded Lot’s house and demanded that he hand over the two men that they may know them, or have homosexual relations with them. This is unrestrained homosexual gang rape. Sound familiar? It’s happening all around us in the 21st Century.
These last few decades have seen an increase in sexual violence around the world that is staggering. It is due entirely to the legalising of homosexuality – granting homosexuals protection by law – and by censoring news reports so as not to expose their brutality and vicious sexual predations.
Just a few decades ago, homosexuality was a criminal offence both in the United States and in the United Kingdom. What happened to those excellent godly laws that kept us protected from them?
Did you know that wilfully injecting a fatal disease into someone knowing that it will kill them is murder? That’s what homosexual men do to each other. They murder each other to satiate their own selfish lusts and they call it love.
Ejaculating into ten year old boys while they quiver and die is a fantasy among hard core homosexuals.


If you want another example of George's writing, he wrote this short story about me and a girl he apparently holds a grudge against a few years ago. :indeed:

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By any chance was it ReZ asking "What are you wearing?"


I'm still waiting for my money.


Thank fuck no :p


I got a call about going on this forum a few hours for a week and answering questions. It was meant to run from Wednesday to Friday, with new questions added each day. I came right at the last minute... Well, Saturday. And answered all the questions (Altogether round about 45-50) in little over 30 minutes.


A job well done.

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