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good stuff thread.


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Finished my mocks today. Wahh-hoo!


I only had 1 exam -- English, which went fairly well :) Wrote about 15 or so pages about Hamlet as a hero/villain, a comparitive question, and why I like Robert Frost.


Happy out.

Now, I'm going to sleep for the a few days...



Btw...Danny! :o ...I'm impressed

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Pssh, hell no, my mum made it from scratch for me, she always does when I come home.




Home made chilli is great, but I fucking love the Schwhaaerzz stuff. I find home made chilli has a softer, more mellow flavour but the Shchwhhwahaa is packed with flavour/thicker/amazing.


I love both though.





Good stuff for me is I'm starting to be comedy king at work. Well I made a few great jokes/gags this week.



(I kinda work in two departments) and the first department (older folks, smaller department) were loving life earlier. I read a question I had out loud -


"Ermmm.....not sure what kind of trick that Blackledge are trying to pull here, but on the system Vital Colours is 5.66 and on their order sheet (I glance down at this moment and immediately realised I was looking at the incorrect product) they have 5.66 and I've misread it.....so that is fine"


Obviously not an original gag by any means but raucous laughter was had.



Settling in nicely/having more work soon.





Technically bad stuff, but I don't know what happened but a chick who started two months ago....about two weeks ago I overheard a convo she was having with her mum on the phone, she said that she was getting a bonus because she was doing so well - I was thinking "Wow thats cool/good for her/I hope I can stun too"


Then this week she got fired. Havn't caught the gossip yet because the office is small and the manager(s) are rarely not in ear shot, but I gather that some (goody goody/work is everything/annoying attitude/thinks shes more older and more mature than she is/has too many cats) person had something to do with it. Just so fucked up, because also she seemed like one of the better people on the phone.




I don't really want to bitch but one ish of the people who's conversations I've listened to with clients is a bit ".......". The person (colleague) kind of is....not amazing at customer service and thinks the customer is being difficult when they're not really. The person really would have hated working for Halifax through a recession. :/





Home made chili is so much nicer than using those packets. And it's pretty much the only meal I can cook well.


I'd just like to clarify that in pretty much all circumstances I agree. Any other packet chilli is flavourless fucking fail in comparison to home made, but the Schwarz one is well up my alley/delicious if you ask me. I don't think it should be snuffed before proper taste testing.

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Good stuff today:


My cousin popped in for a few minutes and gave me a late birthday present. Well two. Two books. One is a lovely illustrated story, the other is poems in comic form. Which incidentally I was going to use in class tomorrow (she knew). =)

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N-Europe forums. You've been so welcoming and stuff and I've been really sad recently so it's always awesome to see people supporting me. And it's rare to be on a forum when people seem to talk to each other as mates despite never meeting them in this way. There was a thread down there about someone taking part in a Gay Blind Date. I couldn't believe there was an internet forum thread about homosexuality which didn't mention hell.

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N-Europe forums. You've been so welcoming and stuff and I've been really sad recently so it's always awesome to see people supporting me. And it's rare to be on a forum when people seem to talk to each other as mates despite never meeting them in this way. There was a thread down there about someone taking part in a Gay Blind Date. I couldn't believe there was an internet forum thread about homosexuality which didn't mention hell.


That's Why You're Beautiful.


I love reading happy posts. I'm so happy right now too.

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You've clearly been visiting the wrong forums. :( / :)


Spune, you stun, it's fine. One day I'll find you in a corner of Knights Park/Oceana/Hippodrome/Do you go there at all?


I thought my Fake Pokemon thread would be all the evidence you would need on whether I go out to Oceana or Hippodrome or not, to be honest.


On an unrelated note, I'd like to change my username to Hamishmash. Is that doable?

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I thought my Fake Pokemon thread would be all the evidence you would need on whether I go out to Oceana or Hippodrome or not, to be honest.


Come join tha parteh, yeeeeaaaah



I'd say you were missing out, but I'd be lying/telling half-truths. It just depends who you're there with. :grin:

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Namechanges aren't impossible... But of course you need to suggest a decent name first :P (spoon is a good name as it is)


I don't dislike it but I'm just calling myself Hamishmash everywhere online now cos it's sorta, kinda going to be my artist's name (I'm sticking it at the start of my animated films). It's like Herge or Banksy. Although I'd prefer the Herge comparison. Banksy is shit.

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I survived my first teaching day, whoooo!


It went a bit better than I expected. Some kids were a bit annoying, and I really need to work on my voice/volume, but overall it was okay. The second class had problems with the assignment though, measuring and drawing squares is not their strong point it seems. =P


But yay, glad that's over. Now to prepare for the next ones tomorrow and Wednesday. Tomorrow = Chinese dragon making. Fuck yeah!

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I survived my first teaching day, whoooo!


It went a bit better than I expected. Some kids were a bit annoying, and I really need to work on my voice/volume, but overall it was okay. The second class had problems with the assignment though, measuring and drawing squares is not their strong point it seems. =P


But yay, glad that's over. Now to prepare for the next ones tomorrow and Wednesday. Tomorrow = Chinese dragon making. Fuck yeah!


Grats! :yay:


Today it's going to be the kebab heading my way and watching Supernatural. Oh yes. :awesome:

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I loved art history today. Postmodernism just tells me so many jokes. I love Jeff Koons and his life. (we watched a documentary about him)


How his wife was a celebrity pornstar turned politcal party leader. I love.


I missed today cos I was in Somerset (just woke up there! mental!). When do you have yours? We can't seriously have been going to the same lectures all this time now can we?

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