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In America, the new series starts this week or next week but for us in the UK, it starts January next year.


I know that there probably isn't a lot of Glee fans here but still, for the ones that are fans of the show and the music, what do you think will happen in the new series? Also, what do you think of the songs?


Discuss anything Glee here.

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I thought I saw the Scoop signal shining in the air, so I came running.


I kinda disliked the mega-reset Glee pulled at the end of the first season, so I'm fairly interested to see where it will go this year now that it seems to have pretty much exhausted all of the storylines it can squeeze out of the premise.


If nothing else, Glee always makes me laugh and I enjoy the musical remixes so it's going to be something I'll tune into season two for.


Also of note, the complete first season hits on Blu-Ray and GleeVD tomorrow. I don't have the cool points stored up to take the hit going instore to buy a copy would entail, so I'll likely do a covert online order once the price sinks to a Gleesonable level.



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what do you think will happen in the new series?


Going by the last series, very little.


I hope they add actual plot development that goes somewhere this time. It got a little better near the end of the first series, but yeah.


I want one of them to die. Or Sue to get a new..reason for doing stuff. At the end of 1, did she not see the light or something? I can't remember.

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I want one of them to die. Or Sue to get a new..reason for doing stuff.


I hope Jane Lynch leaves at the end of the second season (mostly because it would fuck up most of the show's appeal). She can do so much better than this show and hopefully it would have put her in the public spotlight enough (about time too). She could easily carry her own show rather than just be wasted as a one-dimensional character in this.


I expect this thread to follow a similar pattern to the smoking thread.


Yeah whenever I pass people that are discuss Glee I find myself profusely vomiting. I wish they'd stop, its bad for my health!

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I love the songs in Glee. Don't get me wrong, there were a few that weren't so good but there's loads I really like. I wouldn't say the acting is that great either but there have been some great moments from the show. I've gotten a few of my friends into Glee, even some who I thought would never like it in a million years. I just find it a great escapism and I, for one, can't wait for the second season to begin.


My favourite song from Glee so far is Dream On by Will and Neil Patrick Harris (who has a fantastic voice). In most songs, I don't like Rachel's voice at all ever since my friend pointed something out and now that he has, it bugs me a lot. She does a little high-pitched spilt second squeal (or whatever it is) at the start of every line in a song she does. Anybody else notice that?

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I really liked Glee to begin with but it started to get quite samey by the end of the first season so I'm not too enthusiastic about season 2! The same applies to the songs really, I liked most of the mixes at the start of the show but by the end the quality seemed to dip.

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Jesus...series three already?


I'll probably watch the Chenoweth if there is another one like the last two series.


This is the second, although the third has already been okayed -_-


I won't even watch for Chenoweth. The last episode she was in was so dire. I'd rather rewatch Pushing Daisies with a severed arm than watch Glee.


Although Ryan Murphey's new show he's working on with Chenoweth at the front sounds interesting, especially as he said it would be more Nip/Tuck than Glee.

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Glee lives or dies by the covers they do and they have gotten worse and worse. None of the characters are that likeable, it's poorly written (shock horror) and to say people act in it would be a gross delusion.


Everything you just said is what makes it so great, and the 10 minute Journey medley was AWESOME.

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It's so poorly done.


None of the characters are likable in the slightest, apart from Sue. The main "cool" jock guy is the worst casting decision anyone has ever made. In fact, the person who cast this should just be shot. Pretty much everyone lacks any sort of charisma.


The editing is awful. Saw an episode a while back where one second a guy in the background was on one side of the stage and the next he had disappeared to the other.


It's awfully written.



Realistically, just get Joss Whedon or someone of his caliber to redesign the whole show -- the concept has promise (not much, but a tiny little bit of promise) -- it is in sore need of a good script.

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lol, Glee.


I watched it, I felt it was highly disturbing but also funnier than I thought it would be. The story is obviously next to non existant but it's all about the songs, I guess.


I only really like Rachel though. :p


I'm probably the only person who think Sue is stupid and unfunny. :heh: She was just in need of a good slap really.

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lol, Glee.


I watched it, I felt it was highly disturbing but also funnier than I thought it would be. The story is obviously next to non existant but it's all about the songs, I guess.


I only really like Rachel though. :p


I'm probably the only person who think Sue is stupid and unfunny. :heh: She was just in need of a good slap really.


This from a man (...bearcub) who enjoys Hannah Montana!


I got so sick of Sue. Mostly because she's one dimension/Jane Lynch could do so much better.

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Hannah Montana genuinely has more of a story than Glee.


In Glee's defence - it had actual subplots that led to some characterisation and stuff, they were just badly done.. Hannah doesn't (I've seen enough of it with my sister and cousin to know that). But then it's a kid's show, so fair's fair.

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This from a man (...bearcub) who enjoys Hannah Montana!


I got so sick of Sue. Mostly because she's one dimension/Jane Lynch could do so much better.


I agree she got old, fast. :)


Plus: Hannah Moosetana. I'm easily amused.




and Glee doesn't amuse me that much and thus:


Hannah Montana > than Glee. Much funnier. :grin: and better songs! :p

Edited by Coolness Bears
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There's alot of Glee hate here :(


I really like it! looking forward to the 2nd season!



When this and flashforward were on Monday evenings that was me sorted for the night tv wise..


speaking of monday evening tv... Inbetweeners is back :)

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