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What Do You Do When You Go For A Poo?


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I remember that thread. How/why would you fold it?


That's me.


See peeps. You'd think these guys are normal then they say stuff like this.



You fold it to get more wipes out of a couple of sheets.

1. Take two sheets.

2. Fold in half to form a double strength sheet at single sheet size.

3. Wipe

4. Fold in half.

5. Wipe.

6. Fold in half.

7. Wipe.


Each fold must be evaluated though - consider the harshness of the previous wipe, the amount wiped, the consistency of the previous wipes, the remaining strength in the sheets. You don't want fingers to go through.

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See peeps. You'd think these guys are normal then they say stuff like this.



You fold it to get more wipes out of a couple of sheets.

1. Take two sheets.

2. Fold in half to form a double strength sheet at single sheet size.

3. Wipe

4. Fold in half.

5. Wipe.

6. Fold in half.

7. Wipe.


Each fold must be evaluated though - consider the harshness of the previous wipe, the amount wiped, the consistency of the previous wipes, the remaining strength in the sheets. You don't want fingers to go through.


You get 3 wipes out of 2 sheets?


What's wrong with you?

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DS til my legs go numb.


Same here but with an iPhone - at this point I think, "Ah... ok... too long sat here now."


Also I'm glad Mr_Odwin explained the folding thing.


I just assumed everyone did it.


It's practical and saves toilet roll.


Also, don't some people shit standing up or something crazy?


I've never under that at all.

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I can't say I spend that much time on the toilet when I need to go, well not enough time to take part in reading/gaming activities anyway. I do read the back of bathroom products when I'm there, just because I can.


Also: I can happily say I'm a sitter and a folder :) It's a toilet seat, sit on it.

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I don't fold, i scrunch it up. I mean whats the point in folding it? its going through my ass, not on a dinner table! It all looks the same when its in the sewer anyway.


When you scrunch you use tonnes loads. I remember trying out a scrunch when the thread came up last time and I had to use loads of squares to make a decent scrunch.

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I scrunch, I don't see how you can fold it properly, you'd probably use just as much paper. When I scrunch, I fold it as well to use it multiple times. It just feels more satisfying to scrunch it up.

Folding is for sissies and perfectionists. Or sissy perfectionists.

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I meant, I don't see how you're saving any paper by folding it. Probably use just as much as when you scrunch it.


Surely the whole reason it comes in sheets, is for these sheets to be folded together.


If toilet paper was designed to be scrunched, then it might aswell come as 1 long single sheet which you rip... because you're going to scrunch it up anyway!


You could still fold it if it came in one long sheet, I don't see your point. The individual sheets thing is simply there so it's easier to rip it off, not so you can fold them, pfff.

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Multiple topics about pooing ACTUALLY!


Wait, so when people are talking about standing up and pooing they're talking about... hovering?


Why hover when you can sit?


Is this at home as well?


Why are these people afraid of their toilets seats?


Toilet seats (if cleaned) are generally hled to be cleaner than kitchen surfaces.


Also, Eenuh is a dirty scruncher!

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Thank God someone explained what folding and scrunching was. When I first read it, I thought it had something to do with how your poo comes out using different techniques (i.e. scrunching and folding).


It's just the toilet paper, phew!


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So what ?


Was that a reply from my Eenuh was a dirty scruncher comment?


Well... it was just a comment as to how this thread is bringing out funny comments from people who either fold or scrunch.


And it's become an almost two camps situation.


I thought it was funny.


So I decided to make a comment to that effect.


But this went over your head.


And you took it serious.


A comment made in a thread about pooing.

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How do you do it standing up?


Are we talking standing up... straight?




The standing up bit, is it not hovering? not actualy putting the buttock on the toilet seat due to the fear.....but far enough over so you can poo in bowl without it rolling down the leg




Wait, so when people are talking about standing up and pooing they're talking about... hovering?


Why hover when you can sit?


Is this at home as well?


Why are these people afraid of their toilets seats?


Toilet seats (if cleaned) are generally hled to be cleaner than kitchen surfaces.


I just don't want my bare arse to touch a place where other people's bare arses have been. I've done it for as long as I remember.

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