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Nightclubs are sucky


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Spent £6.50 tonight getting bus into town, and going to a club the friends that know me said I'd hate (I did), to see people from my alma mater for about 25 minutes, before I just left.


Fucking full of themselves club...fair enough, it was "nice" inside, but making their customers QUEUE TO GET OUTSIDE?! Um.


Kinda nice reconnecting with people, but then I realised I suddenly lose all my/have no chat with most of these people. Whereas I do with my best friends, and the friends I've made in art college since then. I just can't deal with the Edinburgh private school shit...I knew everyone in that little courtyard, and cared about seeing 5% of them ever again.


I also feel really uncomfortable in places where the only ugly person in the entire place is you (well, all the others carry themselves with confidence).




I question how deserving this is of a thread, whoever Rrrriped it. Since I considered making a nightclubs thread in the first place, but decided I didn't ACTUALLY think "nightclubs are sucky" - just that one I went to last night.

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Fucking full of themselves club...fair enough, it was "nice" inside, but making their customers QUEUE TO GET OUTSIDE?! Um.

I know what you mean. I too miss the days where you all gang towards the door and push everyone out of your way to get in. Maybe trampling some along the way.

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i went to town / clubbing last friday for my girlfriends birthday,


first time this year, and i can genuinly say i dont really miss going out to town much any more,



1 - Yay lets queue for 10 to 20 minutes at the bar to get a drink


2 - Yay while the bar bloke says who's next, some fucktard next to you who literally just arrived says "yeah me mate.. i'll have a blah blah blah"


3 - Yay again at the bar, the fuck tard next to you has made his order, the bar bloke says "okay thats £25" the fuck tard then goes... "oh actually mate can i also get another 90 pints (exaduration)... blah blah"



okay so after the first 3 steps, you get served, by which point you've been waiting so long you genuinly think your starting to soba up, so you order alot of moneys worth to get you drunk again....


success... you've been served, you've got a lot of drinks to make sure you dont need to visit the bar again, it gets you drunk...


you need more drink, you check your wallet, its empty cause you bought a stupid amount of drinks last time so what do you do... go to one of them portable cash machines in the club that cost £2.50 per transaction, and due to being hammered decide to take another £60 (on top of the £40 you've spent at the bar)



the night proceeds, the £60 is spent... time to get food and go home... Check wallet, no money - repeat cash machine process again but just enough for food and taxi



then next morning - feel like shit, check bank balance to see you've spent £120 which later on you'll either piss out, shit out or on extreme circumstances throw back up!



that ladies and gents is why i dont miss town any more.




oh and not to mention the complete fucking tools that are out and about now a days looking for trouble...


i mean i've been called racist things before and just ignore, but some people are so stupid... i actually got called a 'chink'..... really.... I'm English, with a tan (Mauritian father). There isnt anything remotley Chinese looking about me.



sigh, such is life i guess.




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thinking about it...


despite that rant above from me... one club in particular i am very fond of is the Bierkeller.


it's an alternative club, so all night just blasting out metal new and old, and the people there are all friendly and dont look for trouble.


plus you get a free shot with every drink ;)


it tends to be more so the (i hope no one takes this offensively) chavvy clubs i dislike.... Oceana, The Waterfront bars in general, Syndicate....


yeah get a lot of idiots from there.

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Yeah I'm not a big nightclub fan. A while ago (i.e. a few years ago) we were in my hometown celebrating me leaving Game and some people wanted to go to this crappy club but they wouldn't let me in because I didn't have the right kind of ID. I pointed out my NUS card has a photo and my date of birth which is what they require, nevermind the fact you have to be 18 to go to bloody uni in the first place. So I just said something like "guess we won't have to get stabbed or syphilis tonight". Dunno what it is about the bouncers/clubs in my hometown being so far up their own arse, the places are shit!


In my uni town there were two main ones. Everyone seemed to prefer one though even though they're essentially the same, just the one everyone preferred was smaller. Not sure what the advantage of having even less room to move around in is...


You know the night life is just not for me

Cause all you really need are a few good friends

I don't want to go out and be on my own

You know they started something I can't stand

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Apparently Oceana is the only club in Kingston, where I'm going to uni. :D


Heard it's shite/chavvy from various sources...



Bristol one is thats for sure!!!


only saving grace is the size of it, there's like 7 or 8 different rooms / dancefloors (it's fucking huge place) and there's one room called the New York Room which is more like retro 80's music.... when drunk 80's cheese is awesome!


When soba... not so much :p

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Oceana is so lame- though I did have an amusing encounter there in Leeds: Some randomo tried to kind of...lure me in for her friend by proxy. It was fuckin retarded like some kind of lame ass school disco nightmare. To top it off, I was so pissed I barely even registered that this girl was even trying to pull me so It went along the lines of:


"You're really fit"

"uhh..you too? yeah, thanks. Hey my friends are over there I should go"


Mate's 23rd...It was messy...


Also, Murr: £120? really? What the fuck are you drinking, well aged Port!? A night out for me is unlikely to pass £30 tops.

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Also, Murr: £120? really? What the fuck are you drinking, well aged Port!? A night out for me is unlikely to pass £30 tops.




I dunno man, i just lose track of it... a normal night out i could spend £70 Easily!!! Shots, Cocktails, Pitchers, club admition, taxi, food... adds up.

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best pre drinks in the universe to be found at The Brown Bear in Sheffield. £1.40 a pint and it's a good pint too. None of this mass produced piss water lager that, somehow, the world has been conned in to calling a drink but a proper, well made drought pint from a local brewery. It's such a good pub.

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then next morning - feel like shit, check bank balance to see you've spent £120 which later on you'll either piss out, shit out or on extreme circumstances throw back up!




I rarely spend more than 20 quid on a night out and that includes predrinking, getting into the place (we generally get free entry from either the PRs, guestlist, or knowing people) and then getting home afterwards (40 minute walk sobers you up nicely and makes you feel better the next day).


I know Glasgow is a cheaper than most places, weeknights most places will do a vodka mix for a pound, weekends it's closer to £2 but even then you can actually spend less than a tenner in the place and have a good time.


I really like going to clubs in big groups of friends. It's a 2 day event... Before we go we congregate in one place for some drinking, banter, FIFA and music. Then we head out around 11/11:30 to our chosen destination. Generally stroll in front of the queue because we've planned ahead and got ourselves on the guestlist. As we're already pretty drunk we only need to be a few drinks in their to keep ourselves topped up. In the club is really good fun because we all just 'fanny about'. Do stupid stuff, try and get with girls etc.


Afterwards we stumble home together missing out the chippies (they really are not necessary at all) and instead head into the 24 hour shop at the bottom of my road and get a 20p bag of space raiders and a Pot noodle or something.


The next day we all wake up, hungover and it's a team effort to make it through the day. Drive up to the McDonalds Drive Thru (even though it's a 5 minute walk), hope there's a football match on Sky Sports etc. Then you start it all again that evening.




If you want a good pre-drinking drink. Go for Buckfast - £6 or so. It's got an awful reputation but a bottle of buck and then one pint in a club will be literally all you need for the night. The amount of caffeine in that stuff will keep you bouncing for hours.

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I have hundreds of really, really bad memories of a nighclub called Corp. I'm sure there are also some good memories, but I can't remember then.


I personally hate nightclubs. If I don't get absolutely shitfaced, then I find the noise and lights nauseous. Also, I absolutely hate dancing and if I don't get horribly drunk then they bug me and tell me to dance.

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I'm not a fan of night-clubs, in all honesty i try my hardest to avoid going into one. If i happen to be out in an area where there is one.


You queue to get into the club, with most bouncers letting the "fit" girls in without letting them queue like the rest of us, a bit sexist i think. Costs £5+ to get into the club, but thats after you've passed the I'D check at the door. Then it costs £3 or something for them to store your coat, they give you a ticket which you need to get the coat back (most of the time, people lose it anyway). So before you even get in the club, you've spent £10 or more.


Drinks prices are extortionate, i mean it is near £3 for a bottle of VK or something which is smaller than the ones you get in a pub. Rounds can be cheaper, but not by much. I would have thought that drinks would be cheap being that many people coming in. But i see they need to make as much money as possible, and quickly.


Taxi's cost twice as much, and food as well on the way home costs more. (because they rip you off your change, thinking you are drunk).


Everytime i did go into one, it took 30+ minutes to get served (reasonings similar to Murr's). Except 1 or two additions being that because it is so busy, you order and don't get your drinks for another 5 minutes because they are dealing with Mr or Mrs "i'm the world, listen to me". Then it takes you a further 10 minutes to get back to where you left your friends, by then the drinks would have evaporated because it is so flippin hot inside from the sheer number of people inside. Then it takes 20 minutes to get to the bar to get more drinks.


Music is complete turd, all clubby, very loud and bassey (so you can't hear yourself) which i hate. Makes no sense at all, all beaty and very very repetitive. It is basically crap.


I could go into a story where i walked home because i was that annoyed with the peeps i went with, because they abandoned me in the club and did their own thing.


Think my firiend left me one time i went out clubbing and decided to go and meet new guys for one night stands. I went to meet new females, and they said "your girlfriend won't be happy". It seemed she told them i was going out with her, so preventing me from "pulling" that night. And any night i went clubbing really, she really p***ed me off, as i wasn't enjoying my nights at all. I wonder why people go clubbing, it is crap. And i don't see why you have to go clubbing to "pull" either.


I'd rather find a pub, stay there all night and have a good night with reasonably priced drinks and see how the night goes.


Rant over.

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You queue to get into the club, with most bouncers letting the "fit" girls in without letting them queue like the rest of us, a bit sexist i think. Costs £5+ to get into the club, but thats after you've passed the I'D check at the door.




Taxi's cost twice as much, and food as well on the way home costs more. (because they rip you off your change, thinking you are drunk).


Maybe it's just me but other than on TV I've never experience that happening at all.



And if you get ripped off by a taxi driver or food place then you should bloody well tell them so. They're essentially stealing from you. If it's a taxi driver get his taxi number and report him if he doesn't give you your change. The Strathclyde Union used to have a night where all drinks were 99p, however they never gave you your 1p change. This annoyed me, not because 1p is a lot of money as it obviously it isn't, but if they're advertising 99p drinks they should be 99p and not £1. We made a point of always asking for our change and every single time the bartender looked pissed off. It may seem stingy but to me if you advertise something for a price that's the price it should be, even if its only 1p and would save time not to. If they had advertised them as a quid I'd be absolutely fine paying that.

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I know Glasgow is a cheaper than most places, weeknights most places will do a vodka mix for a pound, weekends it's closer to £2 but even then you can actually spend less than a tenner in the place and have a good time.



I was in Glasgow 2 weeks ago funnily enough, didnt go to any Clubs but did visit Waxy O Connors and then to a Commercial Rooms round the corner on St Georges square (cant remember the name of the actual place).



also on Buchananon Street me and my girlfriends brother got interviewed by some girls regarding Binge drinking in Glasgow... we have no idea what it's like there, so all they got was us talking about Bristols Binge drinking culture heh!

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I was in Glasgow 2 weeks ago funnily enough, didnt go to any Clubs but did visit Waxy O Connors and then to a Commercial Rooms round the corner on St Georges square (cant remember the name of the actual place).



also on Buchananon Street me and my girlfriends brother got interviewed by some girls regarding Binge drinking in Glasgow... we have no idea what it's like there, so all they got was us talking about Bristols Binge drinking culture heh!


I haven't been to Waxy's in ages but I remember it being expensive. :heh:

Was it The Counting House on George Square? Nice place in there, decent prices for its location too.

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I haven't been to Waxy's in ages but I remember it being expensive. :heh:

Was it The Counting House on George Square? Nice place in there, decent prices for its location too.


That sounds familiar yes! and yeah very cheap. Mucho's Pitchers were bought ;)



was there for 4 days meeting my girlfriends family and i dont think there was one moment in the day i didnt have some form of alcholic drink in my hand :p

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Night Clubs are fun.


If you enjoy sitting down by yourself talking to any random drunk stranger who comes up to you who spills their world knowledge/nonsensical ramblings/secrets to you. It's highly amusing to me. :p


I've been to a club like 3/4 times now because of Uni, all it really offers me is a different location for sitting. My friend goes off and has fun with her friends and I'm left with my own thoughts. peaceful.


I try and guess what song is playing and people watch.


I definitely do not dance. Clubs are not my thing I do not like crowded, large places but I do like pleasing my friend who is always happy when I go. :D


Takeaway afterwards is delicious.


It'll cost me £30 for a night out, I guess.

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I don't go to straight clubs anymore, because:


  • They're really expensive.
  • They rarely play good music, or even shit music I like.
  • In general, I hate drunk straight men.
  • You can't go to the toilet without being harassed / forced to tip the toilet attendant.
  • There's not that same "dancing spirit" that there is in gay bars.

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