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Time to B*tch About Life


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Right, I've seen no threads for us to bitch about life so I'm going to start one as I have some rage I need to get off my chest


Some would say my life is good. I have a good amount of money and an easy job, but the rest of it just sucks. I have a moderate sized friend group but every single one of them is bloody taken. When we go out, I'm a third, fifth, seventh, ninth and even once an eleventh wheel. My friends constantly downsize plans. Tonight we were going to go out out where I might actually meet someone but nope, it's been downsized to a quiet drink. My friends have turned middle aged despite being in early 20s. We never properly go out anymore barring special occassions. The last opportunity I had to pull or anything was my birthday but my friends put that to an end by just getting me shot after shot thus ending the night for me early.


It just infuriates me to no end. It has been forever since I've been with anyone and they just keep prolonging it.


So yeah, anyone else got anything to get off their chest?

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You really cant blame friends for not being able to 'pull'.

I'm not. I'm blaming them for cutting down the opportunities on which I can. I can't exactly go out on my own to pull, that's just sad.


I could in theory, but I rely on them to give me a push. I don't know if you know this but I used to be really fat and a social recluse and suffer self esteem issues from those.

Edited by Serebii
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Going out just to "pull" is a bit sad anyway too. =P



I haven't seen my 3 friends since somewhere in June (and even then it wasn't in a fun way, just school). And seems I won't be seeing them until at least mid-way September. Maybe. It's likely I won't see them at all.


Fun times!

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Going out just to "pull" is a bit sad anyway too. =P


Exactly! Pulling some overdone cattle in a club is not fun.


And why oh why did you start this thread, now everyone's gonna have a fucking moan (like certain individuals would in HWYD). Be positive! You're gonna get that girl in the end! And if not, try your luck with men or become an objectophile.

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Exactly! Pulling some overdone cattle in a club is not fun.


And why oh why did you start this thread, now everyone's gonna have a fucking moan (like certain individuals would in HWYD). Be positive! You're gonna get that girl in the end! And if not, try your luck with men or become an objectophile.

We all have to let our rage out at times, and this is what I hope people do here


Anyway, it's not the lack of pulling that irks me, it's the lack of meeting people. It comes with my job of being a freelancer but still, my friends always just wnna stay in. Next party, October. Let's watch Grey's Anatomy

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My life is fine, I have a lovely flat, a nice car, a wonderful set of parents, a sister who is quite frankly an idiot but alive, I get good grades and apply for good jobs.


But I do have the same friends problem, all my friends are coupled up, so friend A went out with friend B etc, I'm exceptionally thrilled for them and have no desire to go out and pull, but it can make it irritating sometimes when I go out.


I have no qualms at the moment, but I cannot get over this feeling over continuous ''meh'', I don't know where it's come from and people are starting to notice..

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My main current irk is the lack of being able to find proper employment. I've got (Another) interview at Sainsbury's tonight and I'm hoping I'll actually do well this time. Even if it for the proper graveyard shift of midnight-8am four days a week. It's the new system they've suddenly devised. It's not really even based on your attitude etc during a formal interview. They make you watch a DVD and tick some boxes on a sheet. They send that to some head office and they decide. Not knowing anything about the person, their mannerism, drive to succeed and all that bollocks. They don't know I used to work there, that I know more than half of the people there, know the layout and that I am an all round swell guy.

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I'm not. I'm blaming them for cutting down the opportunities on which I can. I can't exactly go out on my own to pull, that's just sad.


Haaaaaave you met Barney?




My life is okay. Granted I hate my job and my colleagues are at best dim but nice (and at worse fucking homophobic and racist morons) but it'll be over soon. And yeah, sure, all of my friends have been married and had kids years ago (hell their kids will probably be having kids by the time I have my own) and the rest live scattered across the country but...I'm awesome so its all okay.

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Haaaaaave you met Barney?




My life is okay. Granted I hate my job and my colleagues are at best dim but nice (and at worse fucking homophobic and racist morons) but it'll be over soon. And yeah, sure, all of my friends have been married and had kids years ago (hell their kids will probably be having kids by the time I have my own) and the rest live scattered across the country but...I'm awesome so its all okay.

See, I need someone to do the "Have you met Joe?". I need a wingman but that wont happen :s

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You live in just the right place to pull on your own, lot's of random people going out, students in term time - should be a piece of cake. If you need friends to do it with then it sounds like you need some new friends...


I don't really have anything to moan about, my life is pretty damn great at the moment. Though I would like a bit more money I suppose. Also I have a pretty bad hangover at the moment.

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The thought of (if I needed to) going out on my own to find a potential relationship....absolutely terrifies me.

Same. I struggle enough with new people as it is.


You live in just the right place to pull on your own' date=' lot's of random people going out, students in term time - should be a piece of cake. If you need friends to do it with then it sounds like you need some new friends...


I don't really have anything to moan about, my life is pretty damn great at the moment. Though I would like a bit more money I suppose. Also I have a pretty bad hangover at the moment.[/quote']

My plan, once my workload has died near the end of October, is to try and get a part-time job so I can expand my social circle.


But still, that's two months away

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