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The Expendables


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Is anybody else looking forward to this?



The idea behind it is just so absurd, but probably in the best possible way.


Stallone, Jet Li, Lundgren, Statham, Rourke...not to mention cameos from Willis and Schwarzenegger. They've basically just taken action film stars from the last 20/30 years and put them together in one film.


I can't wait. :D

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I actually doubt that it will be good but I'm definitely going to watch this in the cinema regardless. There have been far too few action films with overly muscular heroes who have a disregard for human life and kill in unnecessarily brutal ways while commenting on it with one-liners.

Also we get punished by our Kaiser if we don't watch every movie Schwarzenegger is in.

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There have been far too few action films with overly muscular heroes who have a disregard for human life and kill in unnecessarily brutal ways while commenting on it with one-liners.

It's true. Many films try to go with some clever angle for whatever reason, which is fine in some cases. We can't forget the old school style of good honest clean killing fun.


Hopefully the killing won't be too clean, otherwise it wouldn't be that fun.

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Can't wait for this!


From what I've heard the plot is shit, the script is shit, and as a 'movie' it is rubbish.


As an action film though it's apparently bloody brilliant :D Give me Rambo 2 or Commando over Bourne anyday ;)

On the contrary, I've heard it's got a great plot. Not necessarily intricate or advanced, but people seem to forget that not all films need to be Inception.

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Can't wait for this!


From what I've heard the plot is shit, the script is shit, and as a 'movie' it is rubbish.


As an action film though it's apparently bloody brilliant :D Give me Rambo 2 or Commando over Bourne anyday ;)


Haha, that's pretty much what I'm expecting. I'm not expecting it to make much sense, or have the best acting. If it's anything like Rambo 2, I'll die a happy man.

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I tried to book tickets to this earlier and the site made me list 10 of my manly accomplishments from the past day in order to successfully process the booking. I lied comprehensively.


I just hope they don't ask me to wrestle another grizzly bear as proof.




Seriously now, I think everyone should see this. It doesn't matter how bad it is, what matters is it exists and we acknowledge this ensemble accomplishment.


As John Rambo once said of those that oppose him: Fuck 'em.

Edited by Guy
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Is anybody else looking forward to this?


The idea behind it is just so absurd, but probably in the best possible way.


Stallone, Jet Li, Lundgren, Statham, Rourke...not to mention cameos from Willis and Schwarzenegger. They've basically just taken action film stars from the last 20/30 years and put them together in one film.


I can't wait. :D


Nor can I :D. Seeing it tonight, been looking forward to it for months. All I hope is that it is just a throwback to mindless action films of the 80's. When I heard that it was a group of mercenaries taking on a Caribbean dictator I laughed. Awesome! I also think that after all these years it's the first time Arnie and Sly have been in the same film? Albeit for only a minute or two but it's still great. I don't think it's trying to be anything else other than fights, gun battles and explosions. Wouldn't want it any other way to be honest.

Edited by ViPeR
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I must say this film is absolutely AMAZING! It surpassed my expectations by a long shot. It was just hilarious Commando, Rambo, etc style, compound destroying action from start to finish. Me and my friends weren't the only people wetting ourselves with laughter at every death and explosion either, which makes a change. Think Rambo 2 battle scene but 10 times better, bloody awesome.

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Better than I expected it to be. Loads of neat kills and funny moments. Definitely recommend seeing it in the cinema with friends for maximum enjoyment. That said it's still nothing remarkable.


I'd gladly watch these characters in a sequel, so I guess we can consider this movie a mission accomplished with me.

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I thought this was pretty good, but the scene with...


Stallone, Willis and Schwarzenegger in it together fell really flat for me. It seemed very forced and cliched. Yes, I know the calibre of the actors involved, but some of the lines were terrible, like Arnie saying they should have dinner in 1000 years, and why did he even show up to the meeting just to turn the job down? It was like they filmed it in one take and just thought sod it, that'll do



And also the...


scene with Mickey Rourke talking about the girl he could have saved from the bridge was a bit weird. I mean, here was actual acting in the middle of a film like this! What the...?



Still a great film though, I went expecting to have fun and giggle at all the over the top deaths and that's exactly what happened!

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I saw this a couple of days ago...


Fucking hell, the last 20 minutes were just incredible! And that guy that plays the dad in Everybody Hates Chris (Terry something?!) was an absolutely legend, his epic scene in the underground area reminded me on Cole 'Train''s entrance in Gears of War 2. <3

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I saw this a couple of days ago...


Fucking hell, the last 20 minutes were just incredible! And that guy that plays the dad in Everybody Hates Chris (Terry something?!) was an absolutely legend, his epic scene in the underground area reminded me on Cole 'Train''s entrance in Gears of War 2. <3


Terry Crews, he's a legend in everything he does




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