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I watched the first 15 seconds featuring some rather generic-sounding violin opening , then the 'singing' started to which my reaction was 'euuuuargh!' - a negative response trust me - and I could watch no more...


Seriously... What is this I don't even...

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That's awful. I hate it even more than Fireflies.


While this thread is here and we're talking about fairly shit music, click on this video at 3.14:


Recognise anything? You should...



(sorry if I've ever pointed this out before)

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About what?


The Fucking WANTED.




Okay, so I initially posted this video because I was casually watching the music channels and discovered that these strange people had crept upto me with 12 movement w/Stealth and 4 damage Exploit Weaknesses, getting to number 1 with a song I'd literally never heard and I had no idea who the feck they were.


I have since let it mull over me and here are my general thoughts.


- The video itself is ridiculous and offensive to anyone who watches it.

- Them however intrigue me to a degree. A few of them are typical, ultra attractive, boy band fluff, but then you've got the guy who looks like a cartoon character who is a bit out of place, but then the nerdy looking science guy, who is massively out of place. They seem like an unlikely group of super heroes flung together with clashing personalities, but all love each other and have a brotherly bond.

- The song itself I find to not be entirely terrible.

- The concept of becoming "fans" of them intrigues me. I've liked them on FB, always enjoy going against the norm.


I'll have to see what happens from here, but generally speaking my interest is piqued.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Really? a lot of people seem to fawn over Gaga.


She's something a bit different to everything else popular at the moment (to a degree...it's not avant garde stuff...), thank god. Or rather, she does what's popular, a bit differently. I dunno. She's just less of a cookie cutter money machine - it seems like she has some kind of creative spark in there somewhere.


I'm sick of her now, as I'm sure most are. I appreciate what she represents though.

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