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Drunken thread ftw!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Am drunk, in ebed, went to a pub hen CLUB THE N/ sut up.


I love no bckspace.


Needed to see old friends from last year tonight. Saw them,


Went to club I actively sdislike but then in one room they oplayed every song i wanted to hear.


LADY MARMALADE. / crazy i just can't sleep / 5, 6, 7, 8 / STOP by Spice Girls. It was done. It was great.

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I don't think I mentioned I'm working again so I'll be getting drunk less often now. Not that I always posted everytime.


I figure Friedays nad Saturdays are most likely really.

I'm notw a t a different refinery (oil) and it's....well it's quite different from BP. Just,,,.... everyting about it is different,.



On the plus side it's only 7-3:30 I'd rather satrt earlier if it emans leaving at 3:30 isntead o 4. LEaving at 4 sucked hard at BP sicne I oculdn't even hit thebank until Dfriday.


Ha Fidrday....such a terrible song. Oh so tired I'm going to bed I've closed m eyes and I;m readiy to fall aseep right now. Yeaaaa.

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No better time than drunk time to post in the drunk thread which is now. I drank apporx. this much: photofie.jpg


All at once about 1 hour 45 minutes ago.



NEVER drink that uch 151 at once because goddamn it doesn not want to stay down no matter how much you chatse it. It wants back out of the stomach for the first 30 seconds.


I'm good though feeling nice and sobering up for 5"30 when I have to leave.

Wel I don't have to.

I can leave at 5:40 and get to work abotu 6:20 but work doesn't start until 7:00///

I jsut get there fuck all early and take a nap till 5:35-5:40 then go in and jsut wait tlll the day starts. Dunno why I do that I just do. Better to arrive early than late though. Looks good I suppose.


Iv'e been wathcing FMA Brothherhood again leately and...it's still amazing just how much better it is that FMA. FMA was emerely alright, watch it once nad...basically forget about it. FMA Brotherhood is abosultely fantastic and not terible and make FMA lok like shit the writers crapped out after binging on charlie sheen shows.


Whelp...that's all folks.


Oh I gots an iod tough touchi[pod

I wonder if I can get looney tunes on it. That'd be great, I also ordered some Seenheiser 438's to go with it so the music doesn't sound l shit.

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Went to Alchemy and the bounver protested I was too young. I vehemently disargreed but there was no reasoning with him. I asked his mate if he could reason with him and hthen he asays the vlub is 20's today. wqll hw could have told me sooner beoere I mafe a fool of myseldf. Anyone I aoipologised and then we went to Purty Kithchen, Gucking 10 euro it was. Go in and what do you know, it;s a gau night. I would have liked it edxcept forth the fact the mustics was absolutely terrible. so shti.


Highlight of ghthhe day was going to Subway, twcice. Fuckin g waseome.


Night night.

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I'm fucking mortal, been to a foam party. Decided to pick a girl up as a laugh slipped on the floor and power slammed her to the floor. Was nearly in tears in the club felt so bad...

That's fucking hilarious/1!

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I'm fucking mortal, been to a foam party. Decided to pick a girl up as a laugh slipped on the floor and power slammed her to the floor. Was nearly in tears in the club felt so bad...


you are scum, sub human scum :heh:

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Once I picked up my friend once after getting out of the taxi back to halls (while REALLY drunk) and because the weight was off-balance/whatever, instead of just repositioning her, I just kinda ran foward with the momentum, and then tumbled to the ground SMACK ON MY FACE. The first thing I thought was I'd killed her but she was actually ok, just bumped her head mildly. I had a painful scratch just under my nose - so lucky I didn't break my nose!


[/mildly relevant story]

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I'm fucking mortal, been to a foam party. Decided to pick a girl up as a laugh slipped on the floor and power slammed her to the floor. Was nearly in tears in the club felt so bad...


How did I miss this o_O Dafty.

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Once I tried to carry my friend a bit up the road, but I had too much forward momentum so I had to put her down, but when I did she slipped and fell and I fell on top of her. Except apparently, to any onlookers, including my other friends, it looked like I picked her up and tackled her to the ground.


Great fun.

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My best friend is stronger than me (doesn't say much, though :heh:), and the whole gay joke we have going on leads to me jumping into his arms quite regularly. Once, while drunk, I decided: "Nay, no longer shall I be the female of this relationship!" and I stretched out my arms and told him to jump into them. He asked if I was sure, and my drunken self confirmed. He jumped. I almost fell over. No one was hurt except my perceived masculinity. :p

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Played pub gold while in Torquay over the bank holidays, only 9 holes, but was the first time I played it since college outings.


I figure it'd be a walk in the park, but turns out I am shit at downing beer, I drink alot of it, but can't down it for the life of me,


Pint of cider went fine before the beer, and pint of Guiness after was fine, but the Pint of Stella was tough,


My girlfriend finished it in 2 goes, took me 4.


good night though!

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Mother's day is so depressing...I usually manage not to think about it, but one of my best friends died the day after Mothers day, coincedntally the day after my sisters wedding. I still remember the class I was sitting in and where that monday morning when the school announced it on the speakers. I didn't know how to feel, but I called my sister and the tears started flowing when I tried to tell her. Can hardly stop them now, 6 years later and I still miss the fucker.



I'm going to cross pos this in the drunk thread so please excuse any random mistakes that are horrid. whelp Crtl-V time.


fuck chathas me thinking about my Jehova's witness frined now, also depressing fucker use to be almost norma and anow he barely talks to me and is happy visiting us heathens 70 hours a week trying to converty us and working part time the rest of his life so he can marry his jehova GF anbd I'm not even in vited to the fucking weeding and neigther is his fucking sister! WTF is uip with that shit fucking Religion ist's bullshit it's fucking crazy. I use to be his best friend and now he doesn't takk to me except rearely and I can't go to his fucking weeddding becase oug f a FUCKING RELIGON! WAHAT THE FUCK!





On the other hand, I'm listening to some Violent Fmemm Femmes the best worst band of the 80's I reccomend., Seriously stoners will fcuking LOVE. LOVE I statsay. They're the best. AhahahaAhahahahahaaahhahaha glad I didn't hit post thist isn't the drunk thread it's the nintend consol thread! ahahahha

oh god that'd be....wow.


OK~! on the right thread now lol Villent fucking Feems!

Violent Femmes!

Best Worst band of the 80's I fucking love, but theyr'ye so bad the are teh best. I shoud go lock up the dogs since they're lose and it's nearly pass out time. I'mve drank tlike ....a 3rd of a 5th (7650ml) (750ml) of 151 since.....6pm I think. So,,, it's about time to hav yea.


My eyes don't default to double vision but they take a minute to focus, so. I'm at a good level. Drunk is always funner with fridnds though, it's why I love using chat they perpetuate my habit.



PRASE PARSE!Parse isn't used enough! tomoorwwow you're goals shall be to use Pasre in a sentence!CORRECTLY in context.! Parse should be used more! I like it as a word.

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