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Drunken thread ftw!!!!!!!!!!!!


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lol wtf brandy?! I honestly don't know anyone who likes the stuff :P
Went to a Brandy Bar in Amsterdam a few years back and had such a great time trying all different flavours.


Came back with a bottle of Orange Brandy and a bottle of Sloe Brandy. :D

Edited by Retro_Link
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Unfortunately that is mostly true, however Brandy would not be the first I'd reach for. Mead, cider, port, rum, gin, martini, jager, sambuca, wine, vodka, beer, pimms, brandy then whiskey. That'd be the order of preference, off the top of my head.


EDIT: Ah! Sloe anything is a winner :)

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Everyone knows Vodka and Red Bull is the best drink.


Eurgh. That's like an utterly fresher's/newbs drink. A slow down plus a caffeine drink put together is just begging for trouble.


I've finally moved from cider to beer. Goodbye weird alien after-morning cider belly, hello darker hangover.

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Eurgh. That's like an utterly fresher's/newbs drink. A slow down plus a caffeine drink put together is just begging for trouble.


I've finally moved from cider to beer. Goodbye weird alien after-morning cider belly, hello darker hangover.

That is strange, I've never had that problem.

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I had a four loco already, and am having some vodka and mt dew wooo


I really don't like mt dew.


Also, I'm playing Super Metroid on my SNES.


I need to get past this part with the lava stuff and I need to get up out of the lava but I DON'T KNOW HOW!


It's dumb.


I had a four loco already, and am having some vodka and mt dew wooo


I really don't like mt dew.


Also, I'm playing Super Metroid on my SNES.


I need to get past this part with the lava stuff and I need to get up out of the lava but I DON'T KNOW HOW!


It's dumb.


Also, I dislike the 30 seconds between posts thing. If it takes me less tahn 30 seconds to find a different thread, type out a post and hit the reply button WHILE DRUNK then it's a broken system.

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I think death would put a damper on your night.


My roommate and I have been talking about getting DJ Hero for the 360 lately after playing a demo at Best Buy... and I was at a mall and saw DJ Hero 1 on sale for $65 with a turntable bundled in there. I didn't feel like spending the cash so I texted him and he drove out to the mall and bought it haha.


This is relevant because I'm drinking.


There's this amazing drink, "Four Loko" that they sell here. Tomorrow is the last day they sell them in the state of washington, apparently too many people have been overdosing on them or something.


They're only $2.73 for a 23.5 oz can... and that one can will get me drunk so... yar haha.


I will miss thee.

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Have you ever played Beeropoly?


Whenever you spend money, take a drink for every $100 you spend.


If you land on someone's property and you don't have houses up or anything yet, for every $10 you spend, take a drink.


It's great.


I invented one once. Drunk chess... something like 1 shot per pawn, 2 for knights and bishops, 3 for rooks, 4 for the queen and 5 for the king...


The game didn't last long :D I think I won.......but we'll never know

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  • 2 weeks later...

Very fun night out. Even though I've come away with a fat lip and ripped jeans (both occuring after getting a taxi back home...so between leaving the taxi and reaching my door. :p).


My new thing is encouraging sex. I just tell people to have sex these days. It's so boring waiting to see if they will, if they won't. Just decide then and there, or ruin my night, why don't you?


Maybe it's cause I just await the inevitable gossip after the fact.


I find sex so rub' mostly. I think I prefer knowing other people have sex, I just find it such a hassle after a night out when I'm usually completely wasted. Just...blow me, or don't. I don't even care.

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