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Experimental thread lock


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I disagree. Scott Pilgrim for example. I felt dwarfed when going in to the generic thread to make a post about it and it nearly got left out. Stuff will come along that more people will want to talk about...thread it up.


Thats only one example, and with the system theres probably bound to be a thread for stuff like Scott Pilgrim (why did you hear about? - rhetorical question obviously) but there is literally no point in opening a thread for every single comic. Between the....10 or under, like 5 or so regular posters in that thread we probably read about 20 a week, not all deserve a topic, and it would be completely pointless to anyway if you just wanted to say "Oh it was pants don't bother reading"




I am happy with some of the locks, but like I say above the really specific ones seem silly. Specific films make sense, etc.


Also I wouldn't say the majority of posts in HWYD get ignored, just simply every member can't reply to every post, and I personally like reading how everyone is. It appears to be at the top of the list of "Definitely not re-opening" which I think is a mistake.


But I guess we'll see.

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The comic book thread isn't so much cliquey, its just that its a really specific interest than only a minority care about.




Because non-LGBT people won't read or contribute to "The Gay Thread". "Sexuality Thread" is a catch-all term, which brings people together.


Well, firstly I don't see why you think non-LGBT folk like myself wouldn't contribute. I may not be directly associated with it but I'd find the discussion interesting and it'd be a good way of a) giving the main LGBT issues of the day the attention you feel they deserve (rather than getting mixed up and likely ignored within all the other sexuality thread stuff) and b) might help non-LGBTs with their understanding (that makes it sound like I think people are ignorant but to a certain extent it's true - I don't know what it's like to be gay or bisexual).


Plus, it'd be a great place for people to go if they want advice or just wanna read opinions/thoughts from LGBT people - given how crap society still is, it'd be a great support tool for those who are afraid or alone in real life.


Just my two cents.

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I dealt with the fact I'm sad a long time ago :p


In the context of UIG, its hardly a case of letting time pass, because what will happen is:


- Person wants to post a picture of themselves, for whatever reason.

- Goes to post it, finds UIG locked.

- Goes to start new thread, but thinks "Oh, I'll look like a massive narcissist if I start a thread dedicated to myself."

- Doesn't post it.

- Then does, but by starting "User Image Gallery 2".

- Mods either a) close it, or b) keep it open.


If a), repeat steps. If b), what's the point in closing the thread in the first place?

Viva la future.

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Sorry if this has been suggested, Not gunna lie... i havent read all 3 pages of this thread. so sorry to sound like a broken record....




Why dont you split the general discussion board into sections?



Movies Section where new threads can be created for Movie News / Discussions


Music Section (see description above but replace Movie With Music)


TV / Anime Section (see 1st description but replace movie with TV)


Books / Comics (See 1st desctiption but replace movie with Books / Comics)




and then the main general discussion board is there for people to make the birthday threads and the "Well today i kicked a duck" threads.



Disclaimer... i dont kick ducks.. thats just mean

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The UIG is the most questionable topic, but if you just let time pass, then the world will correct itself. Honestly, it should only show you people just how sad your lives are if you're so affected by a forum change. Just get on with your own lives, stop giving a shit how the internet feels about it.


Truefacs, I totally already said this first. Well, basically just the first sentence of that post, the rest I think I kind of agree with? I'm not sure.


I DO think N-E has changed somewhat since I was first aroudn, and possibly it's why I'm around less now. Big ol' threads, less time on my hands, I can't really 'jump in' like I can when I see a specific thread title what catches my interest. I used to post and kind of follow Meaningless Post of the Day/whatever, and when it closed I was kind of not really bothered. Then HWYD appeared and basically just did what it used to do, that was silly!


As I see the forums continue after this decision, I find myself agreeing with it more and more. Except the UIG decision. UIG is in itself rather limited in its criteria, and the sort of thread that does not take place anywhere else, really. How active was that thread, compared to all the other big ones? Nobody needs activity to keep a thread alive when you've got narcissism fuelling it!

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The worst offence is closing the Comic Book Discussion Thread. It's so niche anyway that it's the same 10 people posting in it. It worse for everyone involved if we have to open a new thread everytime we want to talk about something comic-related. Please reopen it.


Also, I'll be upset if you close the Sexuality Thread.

To be fair, 10 people is possibly a third of users posting in general any one night. It also feels like there's quite a lot of comic lovers around here.


I can see why they have closed all this - it's to get people to think of new ideas rather than follow continuous patterns and constantly spend lots of time in the same topics.

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I can see why they have closed all this - it's to get people to think of new ideas rather than follow continuous patterns and constantly spend lots of time in the same topics.


Once again i'll start by saying that I do agree with some of the shake up so people dont think im just argueing for the sake of it.


Why do we need to think of new ideas on this general section of the forum? If I wanted to rate a movie I just watched id post it in the relevant thread. I dont come here to read exciting new threads, most of the time its just to chat about something and its nice to know exactly where I need to go for that.


I dont think a lot of the threads needed closing at all, we just needed the rules updating a bit so they were so strict on thread creation. I mean if people want to rate a movie then let there be a thread specifically for that, but if they want to talk more indepth about it then let them create a thread specific to that movie. It doesnt have to be one or the other.


Yes new ideas are obviously good but you dont have to remove the more mundane stuff to get them.

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Once again i'll start by saying that I do agree with some of the shake up so people dont think im just argueing for the sake of it.


Why do we need to think of new ideas on this general section of the forum? If I wanted to rate a movie I just watched id post it in the relevant thread. I dont come here to read exciting new threads, most of the time its just to chat about something and its nice to know exactly where I need to go for that.


I dont think a lot of the threads needed closing at all, we just needed the rules updating a bit so they were so strict on thread creation. I mean if people want to rate a movie then let there be a thread specifically for that, but if they want to talk more indepth about it then let them create a thread specific to that movie. It doesnt have to be one or the other.


Yes new ideas are obviously good but you dont have to remove the more mundane stuff to get them.


Eventually we might have the problem of overactivity, too many threads popping up and the paradigm shifting back to the old.


But here's the thing. You just watched say...The Godfather, or one of its sequels, you post in the movie thread but half the forumers don't see it or discuss it because they do not go in that thread. You post a thread on General instead, entitled 'Godfather', people see it and more than average discussion ensues, as well as following tangent conversations about the mafia, crime, history and organisation etcetc, inspires someone to maybe make a NEW thread on crime or something, more activity henceforth.



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I've been through this thread post by post and tried to classify posters as "for" and "against" this move. Currently:








or else you will DIE



















dwarf gourami


Debug Mode


Paj Meen Ah




I've tried to be as objective as I can, and erred on the side of against. Some posts were what I saw as neutral so I've left them out.


An exact 50/50 split so far, so a decent proportion of the forum think it could be an improvement.

If you think you are fighting a righteous battle on behalf of the forum to get it back to the way it was from the evil moderators who have cruelly changed your forum, the stats say you're not representing everyone.

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Eventually we might have the problem of overactivity, too many threads popping up and the paradigm shifting back to the old.


But here's the thing. You just watched say...The Godfather, or one of its sequels, you post in the movie thread but half the forumers don't see it or discuss it because they do not go in that thread. You post a thread on General instead, entitled 'Godfather', people see it and more than average discussion ensues, as well as following tangent conversations about the mafia, crime, history and organisation etcetc, inspires someone to maybe make a NEW thread on crime or something, more activity henceforth.




Yeah but this also limits what we post. People used to just rate and movie they'd watched, sometimes people would talk about it and sometimes people wouldnt. This way we have to post a new thread for every single movie, regardless of whether we wanted an indepth discussion about it or not. Sometimes people just want to rate a movie, thats why I think both should be allowed.

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I've been through this thread post by post and tried to classify posters as "for" and "against" this move. Currently:








or else you will DIE



















dwarf gourami


Debug Mode


Paj Meen Ah




I've tried to be as objective as I can, and erred on the side of against. Some posts were what I saw as neutral so I've left them out.


An exact 50/50 split so far, so a decent proportion of the forum think it could be an improvement.

If you think you are fighting a righteous battle on behalf of the forum to get it back to the way it was from the evil moderators who have cruelly changed your forum, the stats say you're not representing everyone.


A lot of those people have said there are some things they are for and some they are against. I don't think its as clear cut (well ...its not) as "for and against".


Wheres the Marvel and DC threads gone?!

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A lot of those people have said there are some things they are for and some they are against. I don't think its as clear cut (well ...its not) as "for and against".


Wheres the Marvel and DC threads gone?!


Was about to mention this myself, a lot of the against people are only against certain aspects of the change.


I guess the Marvel and DC threads were to "general"


To be honest for the moment until this is all sorted ive taken my comic/movie/tv etc chat to another forum.

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I can agree with some threads being closed (movie news threads, tv shows etc) as they just take away discussion. But the UIG for example is something you can't really replace. I liked seeing photos from other members (and their faces), it makes this place not just another faceless community.


Other threads like the Rate a film thread could still be around (mostly the first one), but like Happenstance said with some specific rules. You could still create a topic for a film you'd like to discuss more in-depth, but if you just want to rate it, it would go in the Rate a film thread.

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Wheres the Marvel and DC threads gone?


They are the type of threads we are moving away from in this experiment. A thread that encompasses comics, videogames and movies is even worse than what we had before. Marvel thread has become the Thor thread.

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In fairness Daft, Paj and Debug Mode are against most things :heh:


I can agree with some threads being closed (movie news threads, tv shows etc) as they just take away discussion. But the UIG for example is something you can't really replace. I liked seeing photos from other members (and their faces), it makes this place not just another faceless community.


Other threads like the Rate a film thread could still be around (mostly the first one), but like Happenstance said with some specific rules. You could still create a topic for a film you'd like to discuss more in-depth, but if you just want to rate it, it would go in the Rate a film thread.


Yeah. The UIG is nice to have a face to associate with the member.


And coincidentally as I was out yesterday (while Odwin was apparently injecting sugar into himself) I was thinking that the Rate...Film could be useful for old films but new stuff should have its own thread.


Also if we're sticking with this thinking of upping the default threads per page number.

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i still say split the general chit chat and have sub forums for each type of entertainment (Movies / TV,Anime / Music / Comics,Books)



for example...





then general chitchat is your average everyday threads of old.


That's easier to do when you have more than 50 times the number of members.

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I don't buy this either. Why actively make it such that there's less of a community atmosphere? Seeing someone's image adds that extra bit which makes them less faceless, and makes the whole site less like 4chan.


Isn't the Community feel why some of us stick around, if it turned gaming then some of us would disperse.


And all this change is already creating a buzz around for members of all ages, heck it does give us all more choice to post into. All i did was post in the HWYD, Rate Film and maybe one or two more topics. Now there is a whole forum filled with topics. Last night for the first time in a long time, there was a full page of freashly posted material all with "Today" as the last post entered. I nearly fainted.

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That's easier to do when you have more than 50 times the number of members.


so you think the general chit chat looks better with all these random threads scattered everywere? no disrespect guys it looks messy.


You make a thread at 10:30am about some movie news, by 1pm its on page 2 due to other people making new threads.


at 4pm someone else makes a thread about the same movie news because lets say on this occasion they DIDNT Search...


and thus you have the multiple threads of the same topic farce.

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so you think the general chit chat looks better with all these random threads scattered everywere? no disrespect guys it looks messy.


You make a thread at 10:30am about some movie news, by 1pm its on page 2 due to other people making new threads.


at 4pm someone else makes a thread about the same movie news because lets say on this occasion they DIDNT Search...


and thus you have the multiple threads of the same topic farce.


No but the change has only just happened. After a while people will settle into it. Besides I think a lot of people are creating silly threads in a sort of demonstrative protest.

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Of course the ones whining about the General Chit-Chat mix up could go and experience other boards for a while. It's a Nintendo forum, yet very few people on here regularly contribute to Nintendo discussion. I swear some people on here have never even visited the Wii Discussion.


And as much as it comforts me to know that everyone else's life is as shite as mine, I'd much rather we had bigger and better Nintendo-related discussion. That's the reason why I and I imagine most other people joined.


Sure, I like the community aspect, but HWYD and other trivial "life" posts dominate this forum.

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