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Experimental thread lock


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I think it's a good idea. Better than when someone decided to compile all news topics into one, anyway... :p


This forum had become a sort of diary for many people and post quality had really taken a dive. Variety is the spice of life.

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But isn't this something we tried last summer, and it kinda failed?


I don't get the argument that there's not enough threads. If you feel there aren't, just make some new ones yourself? Just feels pointless to lock every big thread simply because a few people think they bring the "quality" of posts/topics down. When honestly, on a message board, I don't feel quality is what it's all about.


But whatever. I'll get over it.

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I stand by the news thread! i always said big news stories could have their own thread when needed anyway.


And yes, I agree it's a good move; though as has been made clear a few of the specialist threads (comics, anime) probably need to be reopened so that the forum doesn't become clogged up. For now, though, we're kind of proving a point. This is by no means the final cut, so to speak.

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I can understand locking HWYD...sort of. But the Music/Film/Comic and especially the User Image Gallery seem like very odd choices. Ideally you'd have HWYD be better moderated or, to word it better, have the posting rules be stricter. Don't let it turn in to a PYMPOTD thread sort of thing.


Still..I'm up for seeing what happens. I just don't think it's the best choice.

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Ignoring my last sarcy post in this thread I actually do think it's a really good idea. Of course certain threads don't recieve enough attention for this to apply, like the music and comic threads, and threads like arab freaks picture thread don't really have a viable alternative (apart from Facebook).


That said, when I look at threads like "Awesome-O-5000" and HWYD and I want to make a thread about something I cower out for fear of being assimilated by the behemoths.


I still won't be making threads though, most things I say are bullshit. Unless it's a thread about bullshit.

Edited by Tyson
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This has been up in the air for a while now -- mostly with HWYD which is generally seen as a thread that ticks all the boxes that odwin lists in the first post. The tv/film/music threads have, in some way or another, led to a very linear type of discussion, with the threads boiling down to the same 4/5 members posting the same, nobody-cares stuff over and over again.


We want to encourage new threads. Make a thread about the show or the film or the album or the artist you want to discuss, then you'll see a more concentrated response, rather than your opinion being drowned in the detritus and being completely ignored.


The majority of HWYD posts are completely ignored, and the rest are repetitions (as my A Day In The Life Of HWYD thread pointed out).


I think what Odwin said in the first post is important to remember -- if a thread makes it to two pages, then it's good. In the old days a 5-page thread was amazing.


Just give it a chance. Go new-thread-crazy. It's not like we're banning discussion of these topics.

hahaha thats not what I meant, but yes =P


I just think there could be a middle ground, no need to get rid of EVERYTHING, things like Anime/Comics/User Image Gallery/Purchases/hwyd are a bit more obscure or don't warrant their own thread.


And having some of the [general category] threads means a bit less work for yourself and the other mods/admins.


For the love of god don't get rid of hwyd, i need to moan every now and then! :grin:

I think there is room for debate for new sub-forums if it is proven that there is enough attention to demand one be made, be it music, films, tv, comics, radios, elements or whatever.

Blame Odwin!


I'll reopen some tomorrow. Others you'll never see again, most likely. Like I say though, consider tonight a kind of test bed atmosphere.


Please don't! Let's see how this goes for a bit.

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The worst offence is closing the Comic Book Discussion Thread. It's so niche anyway that it's the same 10 people posting in it. It worse for everyone involved if we have to open a new thread everytime we want to talk about something comic-related. Please reopen it.


Also, I'll be upset if you close the Sexuality Thread.

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The worst offence is closing the Comic Book Discussion Thread. It's so niche anyway that it's the same 10 people posting in it. It worse for everyone involved if we have to open a new thread everytime we want to talk about something comic-related. Please reopen it.


I disagree. Scott Pilgrim for example. I felt dwarfed when going in to the generic thread to make a post about it and it nearly got left out. Stuff will come along that more people will want to talk about...thread it up.

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The comic book thread isn't so much cliquey, its just that its a really specific interest than only a minority care about.


Why? Now you can have a thread a thread for each letter of the LGBT thread.


Because non-LGBT people won't read or contribute to "The Gay Thread". "Sexuality Thread" is a catch-all term, which brings people together. I'm very interested in hearing people's opinion re: LGBT, and having a thread for each letter makes things pointlessly more exclusive, which is the worst possible outcome.


Closeted people will feel unable to contribute for fear of being labeled, and straight people will avoid for fear of being "accused" of being whatever. At the moment it being called "Sexuality thread" is less reflective on the reader in question, which is a positive thing in this situation.

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He was trying to be funny.


Anyway -- the comic book thread/anime being 'a specific interest' was precisely why I found it hard to penetrate. Again, get over it and see how it goes.


As for sexuality thread -- it's survived -- it's basically a thread for "help my relationship sucks" and "omg gay", and that's.... well I don't care either way. But if all relationship threads were amalgamated we'd've missed out on a lot of classic threads. Which is what the de-merge is about! Sure, we'll get the wave of people

trying to be rebellious, then we'll just settle into forum life, and then we'll see. I still don't see what the big deal is.

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He was trying to be funny.


Still, I'd prefer to address the problem.


[Could go on a tangent about how its really annoying how its OK to say stuff without consequence if you construe it as a joke]




I understand locking HWYD, and certain others, but for some it just feels as though you're doing for the sake of doing it; fixing that what isn't broken.


I don't understand locking the User Image Gallery? I'd prefer to have that rather than random threads which are like "Look at me!".

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Still, I'd prefer to address the problem.


[Could go on a tangent about how its really annoying how its OK to say stuff without consequence if you construe it as a joke]

Maybe you should go on this tangent? We're not stopping you!


I understand locking HWYD, and certain others, but for some it just feels as though you're doing for the sake of doing it; fixing that what isn't broken.


I don't understand locking the User Image Gallery? I'd prefer to have that rather than random threads which are like "Look at me!".


The UIG is the most questionable topic, but if you just let time pass, then the world will correct itself. Honestly, it should only show you people just how sad your lives are if you're so affected by a forum change. Just get on with your own lives, stop giving a shit how the internet feels about it.

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The UIG is the most questionable topic, but if you just let time pass, then the world will correct itself. Honestly, it should only show you people just how sad your lives are if you're so affected by a forum change. Just get on with your own lives, stop giving a shit how the internet feels about it.


I dealt with the fact I'm sad a long time ago :p


In the context of UIG, its hardly a case of letting time pass, because what will happen is:


- Person wants to post a picture of themselves, for whatever reason.

- Goes to post it, finds UIG locked.

- Goes to start new thread, but thinks "Oh, I'll look like a massive narcissist if I start a thread dedicated to myself."

- Doesn't post it.

- Then does, but by starting "User Image Gallery 2".

- Mods either a) close it, or b) keep it open.


If a), repeat steps. If b), what's the point in closing the thread in the first place?

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If you really want to show people what you look like on here, there is an option to upload a profile picture.


Either that or you could just put a link to your Facebook page or something like that in your signature? Or even post the pictures in your visitor messages page.

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Seeing as how this is a forum of a gaming site, where people can come to nerd out, I don't see the relevance of threads pertaining to peoples daily lives or random photos. This isn't another Social Networking site.


That isn't meant to be against getting to know people outside of their nerd-dom, just that daily happenings aren't the point. Something exciting or big happens (have an accident, win a contest) that'd make for a better thread than HWYD. I look at pictures in a similar way, go to a tourist location and take pics? Keen. Posting pics of a random party? (likely like a dozen other random parties) bleh.


For the other conglomerated threads, I think some sort of middle ground is needed. They were hard to jump into without the feel that your post would just be washed away in a sea of prattle. Which certainly seemed like the case most of the time. I think the Anime and Film threads were easiest to jump into though, at least easier than Music. On the other hand, there are so many various films, musics, and anime (ok nvm that one, the only talk was about naruto bleach and anime vs. manga) that clutter seems inevitable.


We'll have to wait and see. To be honest though, I already like the forums more now with the more...segregated approach to finding a topic in any given medium relevant to ones interests. Ala, Scott Pilgrim and Tron Legacy threads.

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If you really want to show people what you look like on here, there is an option to upload a profile picture.


Either that or you could just put a link to your Facebook page or something like that in your signature? Or even post the pictures in your visitor messages page.


This response is like saying "There's food in the fridge, but you can't have it. There is a supermarket 2 minutes down the road though -- plenty of food there!".


It's an alternative when no alternative is called for.

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Personally that's the main reason I support this decision is that I feel I can learn more about topics I'm not familiar with, such as films and comics, if they aren't all crammed into one big confusing thread. That and I still bear a small grudge against the locking of the "Meaning post of the day thread" just to have it replaced a few months later by the "HWYD thread", although to be honest, it reached a point were I would just go there and post the LOST number combination.

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Seeing as how this is a forum of a gaming site, where people can come to nerd out, I don't see the relevance of threads pertaining to peoples daily lives or random photos. This isn't another Social Networking site.


I don't buy this either. Why actively make it such that there's less of a community atmosphere? Seeing someone's image adds that extra bit which makes them less faceless, and makes the whole site less like 4chan.

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... and anime (ok nvm that one, the only talk was about naruto bleach and anime vs. manga)...


That's a good example. Barely anything was talked about besides Naruto and Bleach. Now, if someone wants to talk about some other Anime/Manga, or just want something to be recommended to them, no doubt there'll be more feedback than before.

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