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The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3DS


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It just dawned on me; we're getting The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time in 3D in the palm of our hands.


I had anticipated such a marvelous way of rereleasing a great game; that's why I never bought the original in the first place:laughing:


Nah, I kid. 'T was never my favourite Zelda (Would've loved Minish Cap in 3D and with Windwaker graphics) but am still quite interested in the renewal of an entire world.

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Not played. Can't wait to download for the 3DS!


Missed out on a lot of Gameboy games, have you? Thank God for the VC and the 3DS.

Super Mario Galaxy is our middle ground, then. No buts!


As for the screenshot comparison... Link always looked different, ever since the first screenshot was unveiled. They certainly seem to have taken after his SSBM design.


The only thing I'm bothered by is the fact that Link stands out like a sore thumb from the background. Maybe it'll look better in motion, or in a different screenshot, but I'm not too sure...

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So...what's the big buzz around this then? I mean, it's good and all, but it's...the same old game, is it not? Don't get me wrong, OoT was awesome, but I've done alot of playing it to death(I wouldn't mind doing it again on the 3DS mind, but I'd have to use someone else's DS and game for a week).


Also, shutup whoever has a problem with the star names of SM64, that game is amazing and better than pretty much any other shitty excuse for a mario that's been released since, SM64 is one of the best marios of all time, simply for the fact(as someone said) it rewarded exploration, and didn't hold your goddamn hand every goddamn step of the way. As for whoever preferred SMW, did they find all 96 exits on SMW? Did they find all 120 stars on SM64?


As far as Zeldas go, WW is disliked because of it being viewed through the nostalgia glasses instilled by OoT. Even MM suffers from this sometimes. MM and WW are actually amazing games, they had to try something to keep things fresh and they both did an excellent job of it. The thing that annoys about WW is its endless trekking and the triforce hunt which felt dragged out, and also the real lack of dungeons and bosses etc. MM was also lacking in dungeons somewhat, but added so much other content that it was amazing because, like my and someone else's previous point of SM64, it rewarded the exploration.


the single best reason to buy this game is the reworked water temple lol


What have they done to it?

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As for the screenshot comparison... Link always looked different, ever since the first screenshot was unveiled. They certainly seem to have taken after his SSBM design.
They haven't though, because that I'd be happy with... that's how I picture a more detailed young link looking. They nailed both Adult and Young Links updated OOT design in Melee...



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Regarding the graphics, I must admit I always hoped the next time I played Ocarina of Time it'd be in 1080p and dual analogue. Oh well.


Missed out on a lot of Gameboy games, have you?


I suppose so, yeah, mainly Super Mario Land 2 and Metroid II. I put it down to not having as much money when I was a teenager, didn't really go for the later GB games over console games.


Super Mario Galaxy is our middle ground, then. No buts!


OK, but it's not like I dislike Mario 64! I'd say the three slides are highlights of the Mario series. Great fun!


As for whoever preferred SMW, did they find all 96 exits on SMW? Did they find all 120 stars on SM64?


Yes and yes. What's that got to do with anything?

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Yes and yes. What's that got to do with anything?


Having found all 120 stars, would it still have been so fun if the descriptions and locations were so much more obvious, and thus no puzzle in finding them? How did you not have a problem with the 96 exits on SMW, given that the only clue you have is a red stage?


Quicker access to the Heavy Boots for a start, you won't have to wait for ages for the start screen to load up.


In what sense? They're cutting/changing the ice dungeon before the temple?

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In what sense? They're cutting/changing the ice dungeon before the temple?


No, I meant every time you needed to equip/unequip the heavy boots you had to go into the pause screen which takes a few seconds to load which got really annoying during the water temple since you needed to switch a lot, but now it'll be accessible from the touch screen.

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Having found all 120 stars, would it still have been so fun if the descriptions and locations were so much more obvious, and thus no puzzle in finding them? How did you not have a problem with the 96 exits on SMW, given that the only clue you have is a red stage?


It's not like I have a massive problem with Mario 64, I just find it a bit tedious to go back to. Yes, I'd say finding exits is a bit better than finding Stars, but I don't want to split hairs about that. What I will say is that the exits in Super Mario World were found through exploration, whereas the objectives in Super Mario 64 were that much more irritating and obscure.


As I say, though, it's not like I have a problem with it. I've loved every Mario since SMW, as long as we pretend Galaxy 1 & 2 only have 120 Stars, that is...

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Don't understand the hate for the Water Temple.


Am I the only one who found it enjoyable? It felt like a great achievement to figure it all out.


And who cares about the character model, really?? You'll be spending the majority of the game staring at his arse.

Edited by Dog-amoto
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They haven't though, because that I'd be happy with... that's how I picture a more detailed young link looking. They nailed both Adult and Young Links updated OOT design in Melee...


Huh, I was under the impression that SSBM Young Link had more prominent, bigger eyes. Still, I need to see the game in fluidity.


I suppose so, yeah, mainly Super Mario Land 2 and Metroid II. I put it down to not having as much money when I was a teenager, didn't really go for the later GB games over console games.


Well, the 3DS should correct that.

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No, I meant every time you needed to equip/unequip the heavy boots you had to go into the pause screen which takes a few seconds to load which got really annoying during the water temple since you needed to switch a lot, but now it'll be accessible from the touch screen.


Totally get you now, I'm an idiot.


They're not changing any of the actual content though, are they?

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Totally get you now, I'm an idiot.


They're not changing any of the actual content though, are they?


From E3 2010 interview:


Aonuma: We've talked about remixing Ocarina of Time for a long time, saying "should we remake Ocarina of Time for Wii?" And, to be honest, I said no. I didn't want to just re-release it on a different platform -- I wanted to have a specific reason to remake Ocarina of Time. I didn't want to just make a port. And so I was waiting for something to come along that would not only help us to retell the story, but improve upon it. Making it different, more unique in its own way. Now, with 3D, we're able to take the environments of Hyrule and add depth -- giving them a more expansive feeling, a more immersive feeling. In addition to that, now that we have the 3D we can looking forward to new ways to implement 3D into the gameplay and make it fresh and new. And we also have the motion sensors that are built-in to the Nintendo 3DS. So we're looking at quite a few ways to make the gameplay more immersive, more natural, more accessible. So again, not just a port -- but a retelling of the tale using new technologies to reinvent it.
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I don't remember Links attack animations being that bad.


IN fairness a lot of people don't remember the bad stuff of OOT.


this ain't looking at that much better. A lot of comparisons seem to be taking the most compressed screenshots of oot as well. The only noticeable thing is the appearance of link and fans are complaining about him looking feminine at this point already..

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Don't understand the hate for the Water Temple.


Am I the only one who found it enjoyable? It felt like a great achievement to figure it all out.


No, it's very well designed. I would say, however, that one of the puzzles was almost impossible to figure out, so if you got stuck at that it would have been very frustrating. The overall "3-level" design, though, was much better than TP's Lakebed Temple.


The floor you have to bomb



As for OOT 3D, I'd say from IGN's screenshots it actually looks a bit crisper than the N64. From Dante's GIFs, though, the N64 version looks sharper. I'd actually say I prefer the new character model of Young Link, as he looks a bit more like a young version of Adult Link.


At the end of the day, the cleaned-up, 1080p port of the original for the Wii 2 will probably be the definitive version. In the meantime, whether the 3DS remake is slightly better or slightly worse, I can't wait to play it.

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I don't think that puzzle ever caused me trouble, it's just the keys. AND THEY MANAGE TO DO IT EVERY SINGLE TIME. I swear, whenever I replay the game I'm sure that I can do the temple in one clean sweep, but BAM! All of a sudden there's a locked door and I don't have a key or remember quite where to get it. Still amazing fun though, and I still love the game. I don't really remember that much 'bad' about it, either. I do agree Link well looks rather girly in the 3DS tho...

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