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The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3DS


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Much prefer the idea of sunrise rather than night-time. I'm not overtly fussed but it seems to set the correct tone that you want -- which is hope.


Fookin' music makes my fookin' ears cry for more!! It's one of the most pleasing sounds to have ever...yeah...

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Ya... it doesn't look like any music will be changed does it?


But I don't blame them.... If fans are complaining about the colour of water, boxart and the logo in the Intro then they most certainly will shit on the music, even if rachmaninoff played the opening theme himself :)


or.... Nintendo are just lazy.....Bit of column A and B there i'd say.

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Nintendo Plans Small Shipment for Japan


A warning from the Sinobi blog, a trusted source for retail leaks. If you want Zelda: Ocarina of Time on 3DS at launch, you'd better pre-order.


According to the blog, the first shipment for Zelda will be "extremely small." Nintendo is not allowing retailers to place orders for the game and allotments are going to be small for all retailers, small and large.


Why is Nintendo being so strict with shipments for what could be the system's biggest game yet? The blog writer suspects that it could be an attempt at avoiding the bargain bin sales that took place for Zelda: Spirit Tracks. Large quantities of the DS title were found in bargain bins in the months after its release.

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Ya... it doesn't look like any music will be changed does it?


But I don't blame them.... If fans are complaining about the colour of water, boxart and the logo in the Intro then they most certainly will shit on the music, even if rachmaninoff played the opening theme himself :)


or.... Nintendo are just lazy.....Bit of column A and B there i'd say.


The ideal option would have been to have a full, re-orchestrated soundtrack as default, with the original music accessible to apply in game from an options menu (hidden if necessary).

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Ya... it doesn't look like any music will be changed does it?


But I don't blame them.... If fans are complaining about the colour of water, boxart and the logo in the Intro then they most certainly will shit on the music, even if rachmaninoff played the opening theme himself :)


or.... Nintendo are just lazy.....Bit of column A and B there i'd say.


I think even the most ardent of fans would consider the original Midi files a bit lacking - the composition is as good(or bad) as it was but the quality wasn't great then (well, it was good for N64 at least) and it's only worse by today's standards.


But you are right that changing the music would be a big deal for a lot of people. I think people remember the music more accurately than the graphics (which always seem better in our minds) and so changes become more obvious.


Personally, I never really thought the soundtrack was anything special though outside of a couple of tracks (Temple of Time and Forest Temple). Most of it was just it doing it's job and little more. I thought MM featured an much improved, and varied, score.


I'm guessing they won't be using the original Fire Temple music.

Edited by Captain Falcon
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I've never understood the fuss about the Water Temple. After a couple of playthroughs it isn't that challenging, it's just a case of changing the water to a few different levels in the right order. One of the quickest temples to finish if you know how to approach it.

Yes, but it's the first playthrough when you don't know how to approach it which is what caused all the tears. I hated that Temple.


Spirit was the best!


Dark Link can be breezed past if you used the hammer or Biggoron's sword

Nah, ten megatons of Din's Fire fisted right up his ass sorts him out nicely.

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That trailer was immensely unexciting.


Fixed. ;)


I really like what I see, but having watched Nintendo's promotional video tape I-don't-know-how-many-times with the following trailer at the age of 11, the new one is not a trailer I would get excited about, if I didn't know the game. ;)


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I like the trailer....:D


So excited for this tbh! :) It's looking amazing :)


Ended up winning a copy of super monkey ball from gamestop...played once..70 minutes in hit credits..and promptly traded in towards this :D so it's only gonna cost me 10 euro as well :)


The graphics look pretty damn good for a remake...some people were complaining...but if you see comparision screens they're miles ahead of the n64 version :)

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Forgotten how.. "MIDI" the music was.. I now think they REALLY should have remastered a few.


I did say...


But jeez did that seem dull. I don't think slapping the overworld theme on there helped mind. Needed the good old Battle of the Mounds track to really generate that Zelda feel ;)


And despite improving the poly count and textures, areas still do a look a bit barren - something that sharpening everything else up only serves to highlight.

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I quite like that new trailer for Ocarina 3DS - it shows the gameplay and gets across the appeal of the game quite well. Of course, it's American. Over here we'll get a celebrity going "Cor, I love Zelda, he's got such a big sword!"

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Greece's Ocarina of Time pre-order bonuses are the best bonuses ever




Nintendo Greece has apparently decided that selling its customers a renovated, three-dimensional version of the best game ever made isn't a sweet enough treat. The official Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D page on Nintendo.gr has revealed that folks who pre-order the game through Nintendo will receive a plethora of bonuses, including a keychain, baseball cap, 3DS cover, an actual ocarina and -- get this -- a canister of Deku tree seeds. (We hear that if you plant them, actual sentient shrubs come out of the ground.)


No pre-order bonuses for the U.S. have been announced, but needless to say, the bar's been set pretty high. If we don't get a pouch of replica rupees, or at the very least, a remote-controlled Bombchu, we're going to be extremely disappointed.



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