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The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3DS


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People think that the older Temple Of Time pic of the N64 look better than the 3DS version....really? :hmm:


Yeah the dodgy, don't know whether it's night or day lighting, radioactive green water, horrible mud/grass contrast really makes the new version look gorgeous doesn't it. This has nothing to do with nostalgia, it's about recognising how fugly 2 or 3 new screenshots look.

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It's not quite as black and white as that. It's more a case of, they've improved it but they've not improved it the way they should have. They've sharpened and brightened it up, but in doing so have lost some of the intentionally grey, serene atmosphere that area had.


Yeah the dodgy, don't know whether it's night or day lighting, radioactive green water, horrible mud/grass contrast really makes the new version look gorgeous doesn't it. This has nothing to do with nostalgia, it's about recognising how fugly 2 or 3 new screenshots look.
This. That's it.
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Yes, the N64 version was so much better, just had nothing in the pic, flower beds with no flowers or grass just dirt. the dull grass which has no visible appearance, oh and lets not forgot grey water...eww. Too me the older version looks like the Hyrule family didn't give 2 fucks about the sacred realm since they never gave the gardeners enough money to do the landscape around the Temple Of Time, like they forgot all about the temple.


At least the 3DS version the place looks well respected, clear grass, flowers in the flower bed. In before the durr hurp it has no atmosphere I should know!

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^ But that's exactly how I liked to picture the Temple of Time!... a place that had been forgotten about!


The Royal Family and the people of Hyrule had moved on, and now this quite temple lay in the corner of the castle grounds. And it was now up to you to uncover the secrets of this sacred place that Time had forgotten.

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They've sharpened and brightened it up, but in doing so have lost some of the intentionally grey, serene atmosphere that area had.

That's a funny thing. I'm absolutely unsure, if that "serene gray atmosphere" is a product of the original developers intention at all. It seems much more likely to me, that they were required to have a cathedral and the court. So they modeled it, rendered it under absolutely generic "daylight" and were done. If you ask me, it's one more of those cases where fans are interpreting all kind of things into something the developers themselves never gave more thought to, than "Shit, we're late. Finish that rendering of the scene until tomorrow!".


The dramatization here is just painful. What's all the: "Oh my god, they've used yellowish warm lightning and the water has a distinct greenish tint. How dare they!", good for anyway? It's not like it makes even the slightest functional difference or someone new to the game will even notice it. It's quiet disrespectful towards the developers and artists, too. It's their interpretation and it's approved by Nintendo. Why shouldn't they change such small things?


And tastes are different. I love all the screenshots of the new game so far.

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That's a funny thing. I'm absolutely unsure, if that "serene gray atmosphere" is a product of the original developers intention at all. It seems much more likely to me, that they were required to have a cathedral and the court. So they modeled the it, rendered it under absolutely generic "daylight" and were done.


Whether it's intentional or not, that's still the feeling I got from that area and it's a shame to lose it. I do like the new look of the temple now though... hard to say if I prefer it or not. The water definitely looks weird but hopefully it won't look quite so toxic when viewed in-game.

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They've sharpened and brightened it up, but in doing so have lost some of the intentionally grey, serene atmosphere that area had.


Not exactly. The N64 is just one low-quality 2D texture (plus the 3D gossip stones).


The 3DS one is entirely in 3D. The lighting is actually lighting, the water is actually a water effect (the colour will probably look fine if you get a better look), the grass/mud looks like grass and mud (I can't even tell what the original is supposed to be) and has some nice extra details added. And it's clearly a cloudy day in the screenshot.

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Maybe they wanted the water to have an eerie off-colour glow to it? This isn't your every day church, after all. Has it not been repeatedly stated that this version of the game is supposed to represent the original artistic vision of the adventure and present a look they claim they weren't quite able to attain in the original?


If you're going to discuss the temple in this much detail, discuss the interior, which looks very plain and boring compared to the orig--- oh God, you guys have made me start questioning the updated visuals too. I have to get out of here. -Plays Ocarina and warps off.-

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The 3DS one is entirely in 3D. The lighting is actually lighting, the water is actually a water effect (the colour will probably look fine if you get a better look), the grass/mud looks like grass and mud (I can't even tell what the original is supposed to be) and has some nice extra details added.

Never mind the environment! Where the heck is Link? ;)


And it's clearly a cloudy day in the screenshot.

Nah, you don't get that warm light or the distinct shadows for trees and houses on cloudy days. If anything, I'd say it's approaching dusk on a sunny day, because the lightning is similar to this:



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At the end of the day it's not a big deal, the game will be fantastic and the improvements will by far outweigh the shortcomings. Personally I'm just miffed they've ruined one of the most beautiful and serene settings from the original and slapped on gharish colours and horrendous lighting. And I suspect both will be a recurring theme throughout the game every so often, given 2 or 3 of the other screenshots. I wonder if that's Grezzo's influence because I can't see Nintendo making something so fugly to the eyes.


Grazza you mentioned liking bright coloured Zeldas, I'm the same, but the colour pallettes of Wind Waker and Skyward Sword are a lot more pleasing to the eyes than what we've seen of the OOT 3D so far IMO. To be fair, the Some of the improvements look really gorgeous like the shop and the exterior shot of the Castle.

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I'm just miffed they've ruined one of the most beautiful and serene settings from the original and slapped on gharish colours and horrendous lighting. And I suspect both will be a recurring theme throughout the game every so often, given 2 or 3 of the other screenshots.


Frankly, they could wrap the cathedral in pink textures and would still keep most of the original's atmosphere as long as this remained intact (go to 2:35):


Broadcast Yourself


The atmosphere created by the use of sound effects and music is one of the most powerful things about the game, I believe. Even to a point, where I'd say that well orchestrated music could do more damage to the game than any visual changes (which really don't :p).

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Not exactly. The N64 is just one low-quality 2D texture (plus the 3D gossip stones).


The 3DS one is entirely in 3D. The lighting is actually lighting, the water is actually a water effect .

I'm aware of this. I know what they have done to update it, I just don't think it was necessary to change the lighting so much, or adjust the colours to bold ones. Even if the lighting has gone from simulated lighting in a painted rendered background, to actual light sources in a 3D engine, there have still been some odd decisions made.

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Grazza you mentioned liking bright coloured Zeldas, I'm the same, but the colour pallettes of Wind Waker and Skyward Sword are a lot more pleasing to the eyes than what we've seen of the OOT 3D so far IMO. To be fair, the Some of the improvements look really gorgeous like the shop and the exterior shot of the Castle.


Yep, I'm in favour of the brighter colours, it's just that in two of the screenshots (Temple of Time and Hyrule Market Square), they seem to clash. The green water is an obvious one. The other (to me), is the Shop (I won't say what type it is, for spoilers). The colours are fine out of context, but in the context of the square, they clash loudly. You can have bright, non-dull versions of naturalistic colours like greens, browns and greys, but here they just seem to have chucked in all the colours available to them.

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Being a PS1 era Final Fantasy fan I'm predisposed to favouring pre-rendered backgrounds. There was just something incredibly nice about them, they were pretty much like paintings that your character tracked over.


I do think that it's a nice 3D attempt at reconstructing the area though, apart from that peculiar green water.

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I'm pretty sure that the decision to change some pre-rendered backgrounds to 3D backgrounds was motivated by the 3D capabilities of the 3DS. A pre-rendered background would still look flat even when the 3D is turned on.

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I'm pretty sure that the decision to change some pre-rendered backgrounds to 3D backgrounds was motivated by the 3D capabilities of the 3DS. A pre-rendered background would still look flat even when the 3D is turned on.


That goes without saying, but they still could have done a better job with it.


Another example of dodgy lighting?



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Ronnie seems to share my opinions on all these screenshots. The Temple of Time is not a glorified shed and the area where its situated is not some trippy rainbow land thats been coloured by Crayola. :blank:


The best thing I've seen about this remake is probably the boxart. :heh:


Looks pretty nice, might pick it up.


Pick what up, the Temple of Time? Go ahead if you fink you're 'ard enough!

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