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Starfox 64 3D


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Do nintendo ever fucking learn? They're making the same stupid mistakes, how dense can they be? Do they look at the gaming landscape and hoe people feel about their products? Sometimes they're so fucking arrogant.


And the battle mode isn't very good anyway? Well improve it then. Make the multiplayer component worth playing, what have they. Been spending their time doing with this game as the hard work has already been done?


This is truly worrying see nintendo doing this, not a good sign for their next console or the future of the 3ds. It's going to fuck them up and it's blatantly obvious to all bar nintendo.

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Any other company would have put online play into this as an incentive for old owners to repurchase. Every time Nintendo does something awesome like remake classic games for a handheld, I need to stop forgetting they are Nintendo and they'll fuck me over in some other way.


All they need is to confirm new voices are being used in this and you can consider me genuinely pissed off at this missed opportunity of a release. I'm still day one though, the single player in this game is incredible.

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It's not as if we were expecting it... :blank:


Deep down I knew that they wouldn't include online because quite frankly, what would be the point? The battle mode for the N64 version really wasn't that great and if they aren't going to dramatically improve that component then why waste time making it online... it just doesn't make any sense.


People can complain all they want but the simple fact is that Starfox is mainly a single-player game and one of the best at that so you can't really blame Nintendo for focusing on the single-best element of the game. :p


Yes I can still understand the disappointment because Starfox multiplayer certainly has potential and I'm sure that one day that potential will be properly realised though I doubt it will happen on the 3DS as it's more likely to be a feature in the next home-console iteration.


Let us not forget that however nice this title will be - even without online multiplayer - that it's still a stop-gap until the next main entry in the series owing to it being a remake.


Its a port of a Nintendo 64 game. I'll start to worry if new 3DS games after E3 still lack any online modes, well games that need them anyway.


This is precisely the point I was trying to get across, it doesn't need it...


I get that it could be seen as a 'missed opportunity' to some but really it doesn't concern me that greatly, I'm just happy that we're at least getting two of the best N64 games ever made but this time in portable form; quite honestly what's not to love? ::shrug:


Now if they were to make an entirely new Starfox game for the 3DS and ommit the inclusion of online multiplayer in that, then it would be a real missed opportunity but in this case it would just have been an extra that would have been fun to play around with for a couple of hours at most because even with added online it would still be the same semi-interesting but never really engaging experience that it was before, so where is the sense in wasting time making it online?


However I stress that I'm all for an online component within a Starfox game but if it's to be then it really should be done properly and not half-heartedly so for now, can't we just be happy that we're getting one of the best Starfox games ever made in portable, 3D form? : peace:

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I think we can all expect new 3DS games like Mario Kart kick online multiplayer into gear on the 3DS, bt yeah it would have been a nice addition.


Having your Mii as the pilot and having thier face come in the box in the bottom corner would have been cool! :D

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What do you mean kick start? This isn't mobile gaming, this isn't 5 year ago.


I can play a fully fledged FPS on multiplayer on an iPhone, WHY do we have to wait for Nintendo to get it together to have games that support online at launch? Online is not optional it should be inherent in all games and all functions of the system.


And I know you think that this does not need online but it would push handheld sales massively. Nintendo make some of the best multiplayer games and I'm sure they could do it with this. I don't want to play a prettier version of a game i've played to death.

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This is precisely the point I was trying to get across, it doesn't need it...


I get that it could be seen as a 'missed opportunity' to some but really it doesn't concern me that greatly, I'm just happy that we're at least getting two of the best N64 games ever made but this time in portable form; quite honestly what's not to love? ::shrug:


Now if they were to make an entirely new Starfox game for the 3DS and ommit the inclusion of online multiplayer in that, then it would be a real missed opportunity but in this case it would just have been an extra that would have been fun to play around with for a couple of hours at most because even with added online it would still be the same semi-interesting but never really engaging experience that it was before, so where is the sense in wasting time making it online?


However I stress that I'm all for an online component within a Starfox game but if it's to be then it really should be done properly and not half-heartedly so for now, can't we just be happy that we're getting one of the best Starfox games ever made in portable, 3D form? : peace:


I completely agree, it doesn't need multiplayer for this remake, it would have been a good extra but its not required Lylat Wars was a predominately single player game, i think i played the multiplayer once


but i'd want an on-line co-op for any new games! or something


I hope it has some sort of Street Pass function

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Disregard my earlier comment, I forgot that Starfox 64 had atrociously poor multiplayer.


It's better Nintendo won't let me spend 20 minutes flying through fog trying to shoot at some elusive barrel-rolling 10 year old with a picture of his testicles instead of his face.

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I'm probably in the minority here, but I didn't/don't really understand why people were getting all that excited about this in the first place. Sure, I loved this game when I played it on the N64. Same goes for Ocarina of Time. But, a lot of time has passed since then. Why do we feel the need to re-buy these games anyway?


Unless its a full all out remake, on a par with the Resident Evil remake (and maybe that still isn't enough), I don't really see the point. I know we love this game, but really, it shouldn't be a game we should be hyping up this much. Same goes with Ocarina. It's...a bit embarrassing really.


I'll get my flamecoat ready.

Edited by Fierce_LiNk
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I'm probably in the minority here, but I didn't/don't really understand why people were getting all that excited about this in the first place. Sure, I loved this game when I played it on the N64. Same goes for Ocarina of Time. But, a lot of time has passed since then. Why do we feel the need to re-buy these games anyway?


Unless its a full all out remake, on a par with the Resident Evil remake (and maybe that still isn't enough), I don't really see the point. I know we love this game, but really, it shouldn't be a game we should be hyping up this much. Same goes with Ocarina. It's...a bit embarrassing really.


I'll get my flamecoat ready.



Yes it's 'embarrassing' to want to play two outstanding games again on modern systems, in 3D, with updated graphics, on the move.... right...

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Yes it's 'embarrassing' to want to play two outstanding games again on modern systems, in 3D, with updated graphics, on the move.... right...


It's embarrassing that people are jizzing over two 13 year old games that they have probably played over and over again. And, if you haven't, then shame on you.


If there were no opportunities to play these two games since 1998, then we could let it slide. But, Ocarina in particular has had quite a few releases, such as the master quest with Wind Waker. If you guys really can't wait to play Starfox, why not just do it on the VC? Or better still, dig out that N64 and play it like it was originally meant to be played. Considering there's not an awful lot that is different to this version and the one you played before, why not?


For a new system, (a new Nintendo system, I might add), the fact that you're hyping over this is just ludicrous. But, Nintendo knows that they could repackage these games in tin foil, feature an additional soundbite, and a keyring made of sardines, and they know it would still sell. Well, more fool you.


Give us what we truly want, Nintendo. A new fucking Starfox. A simple Starfox title, in the style of Starwing or Lylat Wars.

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This is the last straw! And if Ocarina of Time 3D has no online then I'm throwing the 3DS off a cliff.


If you really were interested in the game then it probably won't affect your decision to buy it.

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It's embarrassing that people are jizzing over two 13 year old games that they have probably played over and over again. And, if you haven't, then shame on you.


If there were no opportunities to play these two games since 1998, then we could let it slide. But, Ocarina in particular has had quite a few releases, such as the master quest with Wind Waker. If you guys really can't wait to play Starfox, why not just do it on the VC? Or better still, dig out that N64 and play it like it was originally meant to be played. Considering there's not an awful lot that is different to this version and the one you played before, why not?


For a new system, (a new Nintendo system, I might add), the fact that you're hyping over this is just ludicrous. But, Nintendo knows that they could repackage these games in tin foil, feature an additional soundbite, and a keyring made of sardines, and they know it would still sell. Well, more fool you.


Give us what we truly want, Nintendo. A new fucking Starfox. A simple Starfox title, in the style of Starwing or Lylat Wars.


True "remakes" are always worth it. Games like Metroid: zero mission or resident evil: the remake.. They felt like completely new games, modernized using the top state of the art graphics for the systems.


My problem with oot is that it STILL looks and sounds dated... albeit less so( sounds exact same though)..

People will want a HD remake next..... It never ends.


Fans made more of a deal with oot than Skyward sword at last years E3 too... It was quite sad really.

Edited by mcj metroid
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For a new system, (a new Nintendo system, I might add), the fact that you're hyping over this is just ludicrous. But, Nintendo knows that they could repackage these games in tin foil, feature an additional soundbite, and a keyring made of sardines, and they know it would still sell. Well, more fool you.


Give us what we truly want, Nintendo. A new fucking Starfox. A simple Starfox title, in the style of Starwing or Lylat Wars.


It's pretty evident that the 3DS was launched way too early. These remakes are just to give us something until they finish the proper games.

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As much as I hate Slippy... it's kind of been built into us that way. Slippy was always getting himself into trouble as a way to make the game more exciting/fun/difficult.


It wouldn't be the same playing lylatwars and not having to save him every 5 minutes.

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I'm probably in the minority here, but I didn't/don't really understand why people were getting all that excited about this in the first place. Sure, I loved this game when I played it on the N64. Same goes for Ocarina of Time. But, a lot of time has passed since then. Why do we feel the need to re-buy these games anyway?


Unless its a full all out remake, on a par with the Resident Evil remake (and maybe that still isn't enough), I don't really see the point. I know we love this game, but really, it shouldn't be a game we should be hyping up this much. Same goes with Ocarina. It's...a bit embarrassing really.


I'll get my flamecoat ready.


What else is there to get excited about in the next 3-6 months?

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I'm probably in the minority here, but I didn't/don't really understand why people were getting all that excited about this in the first place. Sure, I loved this game when I played it on the N64. Same goes for Ocarina of Time. But, a lot of time has passed since then. Why do we feel the need to re-buy these games anyway?


Unless its a full all out remake, on a par with the Resident Evil remake (and maybe that still isn't enough), I don't really see the point. I know we love this game, but really, it shouldn't be a game we should be hyping up this much. Same goes with Ocarina. It's...a bit embarrassing really.


I'll get my flamecoat ready.


Couldn't agree more. So far even OOT isn't going to see my money. I'm not going to start buying games to justify my handheld purchase, especially at a suggested £40.

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I can understand your point of getting excited about a 13 year old game but


i offer a counter point

Why are we ignoring new games in favour of a 13 year old ones?

I'd say that's more a reflection of recent games quality than anything else!


I mean we all know OoT and starfox were excellent games 13 years ago (and still are now IMHO) but the fact that even now they are better than some games that have recently been released who have age and hindsight on their side, just shows how developers have lost sight of what is needed to make a great game.


To much focus is put on polished graphics and online multiplayer


for example, the Max Payne games, they were great story driven games with a reasonable good game play element, which on release had above average but not the best graphics for that time

Max Payne 3, early screens show it has some gorgeous graphics, and developers have said they are focusing on delivering a multiplayer experience in the game....

Multiplayer on a single player story driven game series...


That obviously means that time is being split between the multiplayer and Singleplayer, when really time should be spent on only a single player not shoe horning in a multiplayer


it happens too often these days, developers tack on multiplayer and ignore the game they've made, or they release buggy games that require constant patches


I can understand why a 13 year old game is appealing given that

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