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Sonic Colours

mcj metroid

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Finally got this game! :grin:


I'm up to the 4th world now and have been really enjoying it, although it does suffer from the same problems that I've found with all of the 3D sonic games that I've played... Iffy platforming and those automated parts where you're not in control of anything. :hmm:


Yeah, it looks really cool to see Sonic doing loads of mental loops and stuff, but I find it difficult to tell where and when those sections begin/end, which just makes the game-play feel segmented and much less fun.


This stage was particularly annoying in that regard:



Anyway, still enjoying the game overall, and it has already given me a bloody good laugh too:



Yes, I "reckon" I will.

Where is your new voice chip!?


Don't know why, but it had me in stitches. :laughing:

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Yup i totally agree with what you say.


I remember thinking (please dont think i am wii bashing when i say this) but i remember thinking that the lack of sharpness and blurry textures wer part of the problem in this game.


With the ps360 sonic games they look amazing even when sonic is at full speed blitzing through levels.

This game not so much, and it often led to me losing sonic on the screen when there was a hell of a lot going on. That led to a few deaths / stops in gameplay.


But overall i loved sonic colours.

And i loved how they kind of toned down the annoying voice overs from the previous games and actually made the cut scenes pretty lol worthy!

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I remember thinking (please dont think i am wii bashing when i say this) but i remember thinking that the lack of sharpness and blurry textures wer part of the problem in this game.


With the ps360 sonic games they look amazing even when sonic is at full speed blitzing through levels.

That's interesting. I think it looks pretty damn good.

Mind you, I've not played any Sonic game on the 360/PS3, so don't have those to compare it to.


I finished the aquarium world today, some nice stages in that one. :smile:

Was great fun using drill underwater, and I love that the old school running out of oxygen timer and air bubble sound effect are used. icon14.gif

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I used to love this game but got rid of it, I saw it on Play.com for a mere £11 though and couldn't resist! I can't wait to get back into this and yeah, the underwater levels were some of my favourites. I love the menu music to planet Wisp too, so calming.

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Think I still love this game for those standout levels where everything feels like the Sonic 2 bonus stages and you are pelting into the screen through all kinds of areas.


The music is also utterly sublime too. Strange that they just can't get Sonic's 2D to work as well as the 'into the screen' moments. If they nail that then I'm back in love with Sonic games.

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I've been having a great time playing through this again, I'd forgotten just how good it was and now the wait for <em>Sonic Generations</em> seems even longer.


I have to say the 'food land' (I can't remember the actual name :P) is my favorite, blistering around at crazy speeds, popcorn flying all over the place. I've just made it to Planet Wisp, the music is just so... majestic.

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  • 1 year later...
Just started playing this. Have completed the first level. I LOVE EEEEET.




And then the disc keeps giving errors on every other level you try. =P


Seems the disc is kinda broken. Anyone know if there is a way to fix problems with a game disc? It might just be from dirt/scratches as it is second hand, but I have no clue if it can be fixed.

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And then the disc keeps giving errors on every other level you try. =P


Seems the disc is kinda broken. Anyone know if there is a way to fix problems with a game disc? It might just be from dirt/scratches as it is second hand, but I have no clue if it can be fixed.

Not sure if they still do it, but you may be able to take it to GAME, they have a disc cleaning service

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And then the disc keeps giving errors on every other level you try. =P


Seems the disc is kinda broken. Anyone know if there is a way to fix problems with a game disc? It might just be from dirt/scratches as it is second hand, but I have no clue if it can be fixed.


Whatever you do, don't follow the shit load of advice you get on the internet about smearing peanut butter/toothpaste/low abrasive cleaning product/enter some random household cleaning product or food here, on your CD/DVD etc. Tried this out on an old DVD and it makes it far worse in all ways, and beyond all repair.


I did then buy a DVD cleaning device that you wind manually after adding an alcohol based cleaning liquid to the disc, and it worked a treat (except for the damaged beyond all repair DVD). Will try to find a link later.


Here; http://www.amazon.co.uk/CAPITAA-EXP-01-28-2010-DISC-RESTORER/dp/B001C1LJII/ref=tag_stp_s2_edpp_url


There is plenty of choice and some are better than others I should imagine.

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It looks like there is too much damage to the disc. The only way I can describe it is that it looks like somebody has taken a sharp object and made a "dent" into it. Very surprised that GAME allowed this to be sold or even took it in the first place.


Ordered another copy for a few quid. Hopefully this one will bring me luck. Very pissed off that this has happened when I was really, really enjoying the game. It's spectacular.

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[...]It's sublime. I really, really like it. :D


I concur. A brilliant Sonic game.




Also: my favourite music on the Wii bar Mario Galaxy is the Planet Wisp overworld menu music. It brought back so many memories of reading the 90's comics and playing the 8/16-Bit Sonic games. Theplanet wisp map is classic 90's Sonic when you see what it represents. IE: Industrialisation and the impact on the environment.

And the music twinkles with NiGHTS allure too. Beautiful. SEGA perfection and why I love games.


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Xenoblade's intro theme and the final theme song are indeed audiogasmic.

Doesn't twinkle like a 16 Bit SEGA game nor offer the pomp and circumstance of a Gusty Garden though. :heh:


There's about a dozen or so tunes in Xenoblade that are beautifully crafted. I'm also digging the music in Colours.


We are truly blessed. :D

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