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3DS Console Discussion


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I cannot wait for this to come out only 20 Days left


I had a quick go on one yesterday in GAME I love the look/feel of the console, Fits proper snug in my hands I had a little bit of trouble with the 3D but I was playing an AR shooting game with the card on the counter and only had a quick 5 minute play i'm sure it will be alot better when I get longer with it at home


Game wise i've gone for Pilotwings and Monkey Ball i've not been this excited for a console launch since the Gamecube

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Went into HMV with Herojan to see the new 3DS in person. Herojan takes a picture with the 3DS, and then looks through more of the pictures. There was one of a man's face. So Herojan starts turning the DS from left to right to try and see the sides of the man's face.


"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Trying to see the sides of his face." He replies.

"It doesn't do that." I said.

"That's what 3D is." He responds.



Well I thought it was funny.

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Saw my first 3DS today, literally for about a minute in GAME.

Impressed with how it looks, the blue/black combo was very nice and I like the stick.

Quickly shot my mum's face, then she shot mine and then we moved on. 3D was pretty cool, not entirely how I expected it but awesome nonetheless, need to see more games/have more time to make a real judgement.

Wish I had enough money to pre-order but I guess I'll get one some time in the summer.

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Game wise i've gone for Pilotwings and Monkey Ball i've not been this excited for a console launch since the Gamecube


Yep, I'm getting a "best since the GameCube" vibe too. I think it's because the graphics and controls seem really good.


Went into HMV with Herojan to see the new 3DS in person. Herojan takes a picture with the 3DS, and then looks through more of the pictures. There was one of a man's face. So Herojan starts turning the DS from left to right to try and see the sides of the man's face.


"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Trying to see the sides of his face." He replies.

"It doesn't do that." I said.

"That's what 3D is." He responds.



Well I thought it was funny.


He's right, isn't he? Real 3D should be captured with a twin lens, so you would be able to see the sides of things. Apparently the 3DS's camera is not like this, but shows layers of 2D. Not a deal-breaker, but a tad disappointing.

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Found this interesting rumour on GoNintendo and thought I'd post it as it'd definitely be interesting if true:


Here's an interesting bunch of rumors for you guys. While we already know that various flash carts work on the 3DS when playing DS games, it seems like that might have been planned from the beginning. Rumor has it that the 3DS can actually keep a log of activity that will make note of whether a flash cart was used or not. Furthermore, retailers will be able to check this log, and if they see pirate activity they will not be able to do a trade-in.


That's not even the worst part. We're also hearing that the 3DS will see an update that will block the system from booting up if you've used a flash cart. In other words, if you're playing a pirated game, Nintendo could send out an update that kills your system! Finding a workaround for that might be a bit tough, and quite bothersome as well.


Finally, the last rumored update is one that pertains to curse words on the 3DS. As you know, the system currently accepts curse words and other dirty language when it comes to naming things on the 3DS. It seems that an update is on the way to squash that kind of activity.


If true, definitely seems like they're serious about sorting out piracy. If they went the update blocking your system route, I'd presume they'd have something in the instruction manual for the console stating what could happen if you use flash carts, thus getting round the possibility of legal issues.


Still, it's rumour for the time being but thoughts people.

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He's right, isn't he? Real 3D should be captured with a twin lens, so you would be able to see the sides of things. Apparently the 3DS's camera is not like this, but shows layers of 2D. Not a deal-breaker, but a tad disappointing.


Yes and no. Yes, as in that our perception of depth doesn't just come from the two different static images our eyes see, but also from the way our perspective on things change when we move around.


No, in that there is no way to capture anything else than two separate static images with two camera lenses from a static viewpoint. After all, digitally "taking images" means having sensors, that measure the color of light in separate points of a matrix and writing these informations into files. If light cannot "fall" directly into the cam's lenses after breaking on an object (because something is blocking it from doing so), there is no way to capture it. That would be like taking photos around a corner... (Actually there might be ways, but that's not the realm of digital cameras)

Edited by Burny
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I took my nephew shopping to the Metro Centre this morning and as we were walking around we found that the 3DS event was up and running. We jumped at the chance to have a go as neither of us had tried it yet.


I went to the Metro Centre event today.


Tried out Pilotwings, the camera, a AR game, Zelda, Steel Diver and Kid Icarus.


Pilotwings is fun, bit worried about the amount of content. The AR games work really well, possibly on the best things about the system. Looking forward to playing more of these. Zelda is Zelda, but looks great. Had a quick go of Steel Diver while waiting for the Kid Icarus 3DS to free up, but I don't think I got past the tutorial before I jumped on Kid Icarus. Did play it enough to reconsider buying it launch. Kid Icarus is great, very Sin and Punishment.


Aqua Blue does look better in person, it's hard to tell from screenshots sometimes it looks good sometimes it doesn't, but overall I still prefer the Cosmic Black. Didn't suffer any eye strain or anything and had no problems going between the top screen and the bottom, my sister did say she got a headache from it.. Couldn't really tell the difference in 3D from about half to full 3D though, probably need more time with the system. The slide pad feels great as well, very comfy.


Basically, can't wait until the 25th.


I found it quite insulting they hired blonde, tanned bimbos who had obviously memorized all of the lines that they had to spew out and had zero interest in being there. It was annoying the hell out of me, I just wanted to play the games in peace. Some of them didn't seem to know what they were doing either.


They weren't that bad for me, in fact they pretty much left me alone which was nice. Except when I was messing around with the AR game, I put the card in my hand and one of the "reps" rushed over and took the card and put it back on the table.

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Found this interesting rumour on GoNintendo and thought I'd post it as it'd definitely be interesting if true:




If true, definitely seems like they're serious about sorting out piracy. If they went the update blocking your system route, I'd presume they'd have something in the instruction manual for the console stating what could happen if you use flash carts, thus getting round the possibility of legal issues.


Still, it's rumour for the time being but thoughts people.


I'm totally against piracy, so support these moves very much. The other day I did a search for "Shantae: Risky's Revenge" because I enjoyed the game so much and wanted to find out more about it. I was dismayed that the "auto-complete" function of the search engine revealed most people had been searching for the ROM. WayForward poured their heart and soul into making this beautiful game, only for people to steal it. Thieves have to realise: developers do not owe you anything. They only make these things if there's a chance they'll make money on it.


As for the censorship of words, I'm against it. I always feel insulted when a game tells me I can't type something.

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As for the censorship of words, I'm against it. I always feel insulted when a game tells me I can't type something.


I think it's mainly for things like your username and note you have for your profile (that can be seen by others).

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Plus didn't both the Gamecube and Wii launch without a Mario game?

(not counting Luigi's Mansion)


I think the original GBA did too... least I don't remember a Mario game at launch and I know I got a Castlevana game with it on day one.

Yeah poor direction for my argument there, but Wii came with Zelda (and SM64 on VC), Gamecube had Luigi's mansion and Smash Bros in the first year. GBA had Super Mario Advance. The 3DS has launched with neither Mario brother even having any set announcement dates, with Paper Mario and Mario Kart being in the distance and a Super Mario game which is currently no more than a logo.

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Asphalt Urban GT (Ubisoft)

Mr. Driller: Drill Spirits (Namco)

Ping Pals (THQ)

Pokémon Dash (Nintendo)

Polarium (Nintendo)

Project Rub (aka Feel the Magic: XY/XX) (Sega)

Rayman DS (Ubisoft)

Robots (VU Games)

Spider-Man 2 (Activision)

Sprung (Ubisoft)

Super Mario 64 DS (Nintendo)

Tiger Woods PGA Tour (Electronic Arts)

The Urbz: Sims in the City (Electronic Arts)

WarioWare: Touched! (Nintendo)

Zoo Keeper (Ignition)



If anything, it was worse than the 3DS launch.

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Asphalt Urban GT (Ubisoft)

Mr. Driller: Drill Spirits (Namco)

Ping Pals (THQ)

Pokémon Dash (Nintendo)

Polarium (Nintendo)

Project Rub (aka Feel the Magic: XY/XX) (Sega)

Rayman DS (Ubisoft)

Robots (VU Games)

Spider-Man 2 (Activision)

Sprung (Ubisoft)

Super Mario 64 DS (Nintendo)

Tiger Woods PGA Tour (Electronic Arts)

The Urbz: Sims in the City (Electronic Arts)

WarioWare: Touched! (Nintendo)

Zoo Keeper (Ignition)



If anything, it was worse than the 3DS launch.


It had Mario 64DS though at least as a "killer ap" (well I and many other people I know had a great time with the game, using touch screen control methods anyway). It's also only really "bad" in retrospect, because at the time many of those games felt near because we weren't used to touch screens and it was a novelty still. For example, Polarium, Project Rub and Warioware: Touched.


The big problem with the 3DS launch is there's literally not one launch day hardcore Nintendo title. Nintendo's lineup is Nintendogs (casual), Pilotwings (heavily casual looking now) and Steel Diver (like the most niche game ever).


People knocked the Gamecube launch back in the day for only having Luigi's Mansion instead of a big Mario title. The 3DS doesn't really have anything that compares well to Luigi's Mansion for hardcore gamers.

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Yes and no. Yes, as in that our perception of depth doesn't just come from the two different static images our eyes see, but also from the way our perspective on things change when we move around.


No, in that there is no way to capture anything else than two separate static images with two camera lenses from a static viewpoint. After all, digitally "taking images" means having sensors, that measure the color of light in separate points of a matrix and writing these informations into files. If light cannot "fall" directly into the cam's lenses after breaking on an object (because something is blocking it from doing so), there is no way to capture it. That would be like taking photos around a corner... (Actually there might be ways, but that's not the realm of digital cameras)


Well 3D is meant to show some depth , so I thought looking at the screen from a different angle would allow me to see the side of his nose or something. I wasn't impressed with the picture really so I thought there must be more to it. The AR thing was good, but doesn't use the 3D screen much. It's basically your first case in point.

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When we really think about it, most of Nintendo's console launches in the last few years have lacked seriously hard hitting software. Twilight Princess is a GameCube game so it doesn't really count for the Wii launch.


All the top stuff turns up a month or two later. I think the fact we've been teased with all these great Ocarina pictures lead us to wanting for something we were never gonna get.

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The biggest problem is that everyone was expecting Kid Icarus to be a launch title, as that's the first game Nintendo showed off.


Can't say I ever suspected that of being a launch title at all. But Zelda on the otherhand, I was pretty sure it would make it.

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