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3DS Console Discussion


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Yeah, those lucky core games, that routinely sell more than 20 mil. units should really be launch titles instead. All three of them.


It would appear, that this evil casual game has found itself a niche larger than most of the core game's market.


That niche may be bigger than the core market, but it's the core market that would be prepared to go out and drop £230 on a new piece of hardware.


No "soccer mom" or "geriatric gamer" is going to go out and pay £230/$250 to play another version of Nintendogs. They will pay £120 for a DS that already comes bundled with the software though as it's a much easier pill to swallow given it's less than half the price.

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Again it all sounds awesome except the price. If the price translates from the American price directly it would be fine.

250.00 USD = 184.489 EUR


but the fact is no... We are totally getting charged €250 for this and it's complete suicide.


The core audience here are kids and casual gamers... sorry but no. Nintendo is REALLY banking on the 3d wowing people and I gotta admit I haven't seen it yet, but it would want to be mind-blowing. All the features would want to be top-notch too which... let's face it ...isn't usually nintendo's strong point.

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Again it all sounds awesome except the price. If the price translates from the American price directly it would be fine.

250.00 USD = 184.489 EUR


but the fact is no... We are totally getting charged €250 for this and it's complete suicide.


€250 is a better than £230 as that works out as €270 at the moment.


Apparently the unit cost to retail is £173 so factor in VAT and they are still making almost £20 on each. I'm sure the margins are much tighter over in the US.

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Gutted about the price. Will now wait a while before even considering the 3DS. A first for me as Ive always bought Nintendo products out of the gate. IMO, a lack of original software, 'killer app' and no GBA on the store means I've lost interest.


I'm all for 3D remakes of classic games but a new Nintendo console just doesn't feel right without a very fresh (or new) 3D-game world starring Mario or Zelda. I got my DS with Mario64 3DS as having that game in my pocket was mind-blowing. The same appeal is lost on me now.


I'm not sure what game could entice me to the 3DS. I'm under the impression that 3rd parties will initially show interest then wane off with shovelware like they did with the Wii and, to an extent, the DS. Ubi Soft's initial games are shocking for instance. Stinks of cashing in.


Tbh, western developers just don't seem to be interested in Nintendo and it's finally got to me when I think about the products I want.


Early days so I'll sit back and hope everything works out. The potential is perhaps there.

Edited by tapedeck
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Mcj Metroid, it's never going to be a direct conversion over from the dollar. It was the same with the Wii and its games, and I assume most other consoles too.


If it's $250, then it will cost €250 here in Ireland. Nintendo are not at fault for that, unless you don't like the $250 price. To expect the whole price difference from America to Ireland to change for one handheld console is just silly.

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Tbh I'm struggling with the launch line-up, even the ones I'm interested in.


- Street Fighter looks great, but I'm not a massive fan of arcade fighters, I haven't really played any I don't think since MK3... which I LOVED! But I'm undecided on this.

- Pilotwings looks great to! But having spent so much time on Sports Resort I'm worried I've seen most of it before, unless it's substantially more than new ways to flay around the same island, I'm not sure.

- Ocarina of Time, if it makes it, I'll most likely get it, but I was kinda hoping for more from it and I'm not sure how the new look will sit with my nostalgia.


That's it tbh.

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At the moment only Nintencats is a definite purchase. Because cats are awesome. I'm not sure about SSFIV, but the easy touch-screen controls sound like I may be able to enjoy this one (I can never pull off the quarter-circle/half-circle stuff) and Pilotwings if it's out at launch.

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I know for a fact that Ubisoft will launch 4 out of their 8 games at launch; one of which is RAYMAN 3D


So I'm good.


Yeah, lets get excited for a port of a game which was already released at the DS' launch :blank: Granted, it's a good game but it's just incredibly lazy to re-re-release it on the 3DS.


I'll probably play all of the launch titles at some point but i think when it comes to actually buying on launch day, I'm struggling to think of things to get. Nintendogs + Cats isn't really what I'm looking for. I'll wait and see what we're actually getting but I reckon I'll probably be playing DS games on it more than anything else.


And people shouldn't forget: Okamiden is released for the DS on March 18th in Europe. Want something to play on your 3DS but don't like the look of any launch titles, buy that. If you're not picking up a 3DS, still pick the game up anyway!

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Yeah, lets get excited for a port of a game which was already released at the DS' launch :blank: Granted, it's a good game but it's just incredibly lazy to re-re-release it on the 3DS.


I wasn't referring to 'us' as a community, I was referring to myself.

Hence the phrase: 'so I'm good.'



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