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Thanks @S\.C\.G - I am not that close to taking the plunge yet.


I am thinking this will be my 'keep for posterity' version of the 3DS.


Funds wise I might not be able to do it until September or October - but you have put my mind at rest in terms of getting a new one and not thinking about getting the old one fixed somehow (if they would even have done it given the state of the thing).


I had forgotten about the micro adaptor trick as well, so that will be very useful when the time comes. : peace:

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On Gameboy VC games, is there no option to run them in Super Gameboy or GBC modes to get a bit of colour? Can't find it (or any options really).


Sadly not, Pokémon Yellow version has a colour palette but Red & Blue do not. :(

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Oh that's a shame. Just found the L+R easter egg last night though so that's pretty cool :D


Can anyone tell me, if I put a second memory card in my 3DS can I redownload a VC game and effectively have a second save on Pokemon?

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Oh that's a shame. Just found the L+R easter egg last night though so that's pretty cool :D


Can anyone tell me, if I put a second memory card in my 3DS can I redownload a VC game and effectively have a second save on Pokemon?


Oh yeah, still at least you have the option of that monochrome goodness. :)


I don't think it works like that somehow, though I've never tried, I'm going to say... possibly? I don't tend to mess with my SD card much, espeically on the New 3DS XL.

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Sooo I'm having a bit of an issue today... I can't connect to the internet in my 3DS or Wii U games (tried Pokémon Shuffle, Pokémon Rumble World, Badge Arcade, both Smash Bros. versions and Splatoon). But it shouldn't be a problem with my internet connection considering it works fine on everything else including accessing Miiverse, the internet browser and the eShop... And it's been like this for over 8 hours so I assume it's not a maintenance thing.


I've tried deleting the connection and connecting again in the system settings, restarting my router, performing a system update on my consoles... and nothing's helping.

I'm not getting any error messages beyond the "couldn't connect to the server, try again later" kind, either, and none of my friends are having problems... I just don't know what to do!


I don't suppose anyone here has ever experienced this before...? :(

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They do say after you create a connection on 3DS that the Internet might work but games might not work.


There was some maintenance today but it shouldn't have caused a problem. Don't think it was 8 hours either (plus you said it works for your friends).


Maybe try opening the ports on your router? http://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/651/~/how-to-set-up-port-forwarding


Maybe test using a friend's WIFI or tethering to your phone or something to check if it's just your connection? Otherwise contact your ISP.

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So I'm debating purchasing a new 3DS as I can't stand my original one (it's on its last legs) and there are a few games that I want to check out.


What's the best price I can get one for?


I suppose it depends on the model. Saying that, neither seem to have any great deals on at the moment and haven't for a while. I was looking to pick up a new one myself, recently. Like yours, my original model is also on it's last legs and could do with being upgraded.


The retail leak that happened at the start of the year had the 3DS down as having a price cut later in the year. The leak has been pretty spot on with a lot of stuff so it may be worth waiting a bit.

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I've considered similar if I can't fix mine myself(not attempted yet after absolutely fucking my original phat 3DS with a hinge split/case transplant) but there really just isn't any deals. It's almost as if the 3DS is already dying and at the end of its life that demand is so low and prices are staying up! I'd imagine best bet is second hand local or ebay tbh. Is there really enough in it for fully brand new, right now?


Unless by new 3DS you actually meant New Nintendo 3DS. Which absolutely fucking highlights the occasional idiocy of their naming/branding campaign.

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I've considered similar if I can't fix mine myself(not attempted yet after absolutely fucking my original phat 3DS with a hinge split/case transplant) but there really just isn't any deals. It's almost as if the 3DS is already dying and at the end of its life that demand is so low and prices are staying up!


At one time you could grab a console/handheld dirt cheap when they were ending their life, but no it seems like the total opposite. Vita, PS3, Wii U and 360's have all held their prices despite all of them being on their last legs. Very annoying.

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At one time you could grab a console/handheld dirt cheap when they were ending their life, but no it seems like the total opposite. Vita, PS3, Wii U and 360's have all held their prices despite all of them being on their last legs. Very annoying.


I've noticed similar myself. I don't know if it's just the general economy or possibly the blending/overlap of 'generations' that it isn't so prominent to have 'this one' rather than 'that one' and 'now'. Of course that could also be my age coming in to play but when I was younger I was very much on Nintendo things as soon as they happened, generally. If you don't have the money for a WiiU/New3DS/PS4/XBone atm well does it matter? There's a great back catalogue of games for all the older systems going cheap enough that the system itself almost holds its own value for it. Consider that PS+ is still giving Vita+PS3 titles and the cross-platform development that happened to support older systems(PS3+360, not so much WiiU admittedly) for new games despite new systems on the market - I'm not hugely surprised. I sometimes wonder if there's a category of essentially 'interim' gamers who might end up getting into everything a few years down the line and loving it, just because time and waned passions don't entirely warrant them to otherwise.


The current thing/trend affecting that however is online games where you almost gotta be there where all the action is, even if you aren't Tom and Jerry Kids. It's pretty interesting to see the landscape changing - but my own thoughts are always constantly are whether the landscape truly is objectively changing, or if I'm just subjectively viewing it differently. I don't, unlike yourself, have any context of it with a younger generation to consider.


(P.S I'm sorry it was just in my head as I typed)

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  • 2 weeks later...
You not getting DQVII? I thought you enjoyed DQIX back on the DS?
I did indeed enjoy DQIX, but that was way before Xenoblade Chronicles X, which has unfortunately completely killed the RPG genre for me. :heh:


Anyway, I probably will get a few more 3DS games, Rhythm Paradise Megamix, perhaps Pokémon and maybe even DQVII or MHStories. But even so, it won't really be worth upgrading to the New XL at this point.

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If only there was a proper account system. I'd be up for having multiple devices... oh well...



This the same for me. If they had an account system, I'd keep my standard 3DS to use outside and buy a 3DSLL for home.


Also, I was kind of hoping this would get a UK release:



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Speaking of which:




Bit annoyed they sent it in a jiffy bag so the box has quite a few dents in it. Nothing major but still annoying.


I swear this is my last one. I hope the NX is a hybrid so I don't do this again. :p


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  • 2 weeks later...

I was almost on the brink of going all in on a New 3DS from Tesco Direct this afternoon. They have a code to get £20 off a £150 spend on electronics so was tempted to purchase the console plus a micro SD card for about £130 after discount.. but I held out :hmm:


Maybe there'll be some better deals around Christmas or into the new year ::shrug:

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I picked up a New 3DS yesterday :hehe:


The microSD card I ordered arrived this afternoon so I've only just changed it overand tested the device out today. When I look back at the old 3DS, it iritates me how rubbish it now looks by comparison :eek: I used to think the design was OK but I love the New 3DS and wish I had upgraded a long time ago!


I'll have to wait until after work to do the system transfer tonight but hopefully this will breath new life into the 3DS for me and even reinvigorate some of the games that I wasn't so taken with first time around, such as Snake Eater 3D and Resident Evil Revelations! The C-Stick may help with that :hehe:

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