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Portal 2


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Finished it! My only quirk/complaint about the game is how there seems to be less portalable surface than in the first game. In the first game there was more surface available than non-surface, so the rooms felt more open and gave you more options. However the increased difficulty in this game means that having limited portal space does help a little when working out a puzzle :heh:


Merchant was, indeed, brilliant. I have a feeling the next time I see a Barclays ad all I'll be thinking is "Wheatley!!"

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Picked it up yesterday afternoon and I'm really enjoying it. Think I've put 4 and a half hours into it, maybe a little more, and I'm up to Chapter 8 so I think I'm pacing myself well.


Definitely noticed a nice little increase in difficulty over the original which has been good and some of the new 'toys' they've included are brilliant. The Aerial Faith Plate is definitely my favourite.


Also liking the gels they've put in. They've definitely been the cause of some head scratching on my part on a few instances. Although I will admit, it took me about 10 minutes to figure out what the Conversion Gel did. Was stuck in a large room and could see the exit high up but for the life of me I couldn't see how to get there. Only by randomly firing portals did I realise what the Conversion Gel did so I could get passed :laughing:


So yes, really good game so far. Don't know if or when I'll get a chance to try the co-op (bought the 360 version and have people to play with but I've got exams and revision) so I'll see.

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Got it yesterday. It's still very good, but I preferred the first one (even though I only aided Happenstance instead of actually playing it). The first one just had more stand out moments. It was like there was too much going on in this one. The first one felt unique, whereas this one felt a bit more like a "normal" game. Probably due to the story and extra characters. What I liked about the first was that it seemed like it was just a bunch of puzzle levels, which made the end part (the escape) come as a nice surprise.


The second is still a great game, but I don't think it's as good as the original.



Easily my favourite bit (not really spoilers, but might be better waiting till it comes up in game):


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Im in the middle of playing the game through again with the commentary on, its a bit annoying that you cant have a seperate saved game for that. Just had trouble remembering where I left off last time and if you finish in the middle of a chapter then you have to do the levels again to get to where you were.

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*not reading anything**not reading anything**not reading anything**not reading anything**not reading anything*


I've only just played Portal tonight (I've actually had it for ages but just haven't felt compelled to play it until now) and although it was short (I've already completed it), it was great. I can see what all the fuss is about now. I couldn't have stopped if I'd wanted to :D


So yeah going to get Portal 2 some time this week :)

Hoping it's as funny as the first but with harder puzzles

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I got this at the weekend. So addictive - I haven't played a game for 5 hours straight for a long time now. But it only runs on my dad's computer, which I can't use again until the summer, so it'll be a while before I finish. I'm up to

the first test chamber in gamma, with the white portal goo. I'm loving the historical stuff so far.


It'll be a long wait...

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I actually think Valve, considering how long they take to bring out sequels to anything as it is, are one of the companies that's most likely to cut a franchise's life short as soon as they feel it's reached its natural conclusion.


Portal could get increasingly more complex and go crazy im sure but I think DLC can basically cover that, it would be weird to have a new story now that had any relation to the first 2 games.

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I just finished the game. Loved the ending, although, its going to be interesting to see what they do with Portal 3.


Depends on if the Co-Op story is set before or after Portal 2. I'm not sure which comes first. If it's the campaign first, then there's an obvious story link at the end of the co-op game.

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Depends on if the Co-Op story is set before or after Portal 2. I'm not sure which comes first. If it's the campaign first, then there's an obvious story link at the end of the co-op game.


Co-op is set after single-player.

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I got for PS3 this on release day, and completed it a few days ago. My verdict? Awesome game, deffinitely in the running for GOTY!


I certainly didn't expect it when...


Wheatley betrayed you and turned glaDOS into a patato. That was an amazing plot twist. Did anyone else find it a bit disturbing as glaDOS was taken appart in that scene? I actually felt sorry for her.




Split-screen co-op is hilarious, especially when you dick about and drop your partner into traps. :grin:

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Split-screen co-op is hilarious, especially when you dick about and drop your partner into traps. :grin:


Never a truer word said. Hilarious stuff. I basically threw my girlfriend on to spikes/ fire/ pits of doom / acid lakes whenever possible. This could, if you want it to, say a lot about our relationship.

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