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Can anyone else share some insights into cool easter eggs in retro games?


Not really eastereggs, but mind was blown by ReDeads eating eachother in OoT, and Chain Chomps breaking free if the timer is running out in SMB3. Considered how often I played these games, but never actually seen it occur.


But unarguably, the best easteregg is still Totaka's song, the hidden tune in a bunch of Nintendo games.

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(Should I be glad not too have witnessed the horrors of the war that SEGA and NINTENDO waged? Was there a lot of suffering?)


I don't remember the Sega-Nintendo war being so bad - from my perspective it was always the school playground debate between Mario and Sonic and who would win in a fight. Then Brawl came along 20 years later and proved that both characters were ass.


And it was nowhere near as bloody as the PSone/N64 war.

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Can you jump over the flagpole in Super Mario Bros.? GT investigates...


[GT video]

Funny, because I actually did that, a long time ago, hardcore jumping skills on an actual NES :D. I didn't realize at that time (or actually untill this video) this was such a myth, and I can't rember the specifics, but I certainly wasn't aiming to jump over it. Imagine my surprise :D. I think I hesitated a moment, deciding what to do, see what happens if I grab the pole from the other side, or explore, eventhough I suspected nothing good would come of this glitch :rolleyes:. Curiosity got the better of me, the result was the same disappointment as experienced in the video. I think I also ran untill the timer ran out :D. I also think it's the same level, as I did use that scale thing to jump over the pole.





Not really eastereggs, but mind was blown by ReDeads eating eachother in OoT,






Edited by Sméagol
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I really hope that was achieved by slowing the game down, otherwise I feel super inadequate right now.


I think the secret is to have a lot of time and patience and be satisfied with 1 good run out of hundreds of failed ones.


Having said that, the player in the video is head and shoulders above other SMB players. Other SMB players get 1 good run out of thousands of failed ones. ;)


He was interviewed about his godly skills in a Nintendo mag once.

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Oh man, I just did the second robot battle in Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon - the "charge-up-your-power" bit before the actual fight was hilarious - a giant rollerskating robot with a metal pipe demolishing sea side towns, boats, flying castles (wtf?) and even taking out mountains.


It's just so stupid but so funkin' awesome at the same time! I seriously urge you ALL you play this game, it's just so damn magnificent (okay it's not the best game ever but the charm and loopiness of it is just so overwhelming!).


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I was going to post this when Eurogamer first posted it but I forgot. Anyway here is their retrospective article on the amazing DuckTales game for the NES.




I would kill for this on the VC but as they stated it is very unlikely. The game is super short when you know where to go but man is it sweet, just like Capcoms Chip N Dale game, also for the NES.

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I was going to post this when Eurogamer first posted it but I forgot. Anyway here is their retrospective article on the amazing DuckTales game for the NES.




I would kill for this on the VC but as they stated it is very unlikely. The game is super short when you know where to go but man is it sweet, just like Capcoms Chip N Dale game, also for the NES.


Thats a decent read. I don't visit Eurogamer all that often so I'm gonna have a poke around the site for other retrospectives.


I would snap DuckTales right up if they got it onto the VC. I only played it on the Gameboy (I didn't even know at the time there was a NES version!) so finally playing it in colour would be cool. :grin: I played it to death and loved it long before I knew everyone agreed with me, but I'd still like to know if we are all stuck in the past and looking back on it with rose-tinted glasses.

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Very interesting read that and i like how fair he is about reviewing each game.


It's a shame he had to start out on the N64 though, i'm only a couple of years older and i was playing duck hunt and super mario bros 3 when i was only a few years old and the snes was the first system i really got into. I was lucky though i guess.


I'll probably continue to follow this blog now and see how it gets on with other games.

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Can you jump over the flagpole in Super Mario Bros.? GT investigates...


I havent managed to do this, I have tried but never quite there.


Not the same game, but in World 3-1 of SMB2 Japan you can easily jump over the flagpole. You are "rewarded" with a warp zone that takes you back to World 1.

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