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Rumor: Devs already working on 'new Nintendo platform'


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Different scenario really as the DS is cheaper/quicker to develop for and that's only 1 game compared to 3.


Also the fact that the DS user base is massive and Pokemon isn't a graphic intensive game pretty much shuts that down.

Edited by Caris
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Maybe by that time "the core" will have grown up and will be ready to embrace the fun side of gaming.


I'm not talking about the mainstream that some people refer to as "the core", I'm talking about the real core gamer. Go on any multiplatform gaming forums, there are tons of real core gamers who are bored with the console. There are some great games on the Wii, but there really hasn't been much for the core over the last few years. Sure there have been a few games from 3rd parties, but for the most part, there are much better options on other consoles. While there are some truly unique games, they tend to be overpriced for what they are. I mean, why would I buy Lets-tap or something like that, when I can get tons of games for the same price on other consoles, that will give me a much. The 1st party titles are some of the few games on the console that can actually compare to the constant flood of A, AA, and AAA games seen on other consoles.


You also seem to think that games on other consoles aren't fun for some reason? You're being just as closed minded as the people you're talking down. Have you ever played the likes of Battlefield, or Fallout 3, ect. Just because some people have different tastes in gaming doesn't mean the games they play aren't fun.


In all honesty, if you only own a Wii this generation, you are missing out. There are tons of great games that are out for every other machine that just aren't going to come to the Wii. I'm not saying it doesn't work the other way around as well, anyone who doesn't own a Wii is missing out a lot too. Once again, I'm not talking about people who only play the likes of CoD, and Halo, I'm talking about the people who are dedicated to the medium, the people who read forums every day, the people who read reviews and make conscious decisions about what games they buy. People who love games. Thats what core means, the most dedicated. To say these people are immature because they're not into the sort of games you like is just ridiculous.

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Want a way to force the Nintendo media summit hype train into overdrive? Take a look at what the NGamer staff told ibbsters (via Twitter) when he asked if they could dish any details on the news to come.


it threatens to be better than their last two E3s glued together. - NGamer Twitter


Oh man, NGamer has some big explaining to do if they are over-hyping this event. I was excited before...now I've almost wet my pants.


All aboard the hype train!

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Haha thats a good one. Two Wiis ducktaped toghether. Oh my, but if N-gamer hyping it so much, then it must be something BIG.


Reminds me of the guy who taped a PS1 and PS2 together and sold it as a PS3 on eBay. Got quite a bit of money from it as well I think!

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Not Going To Happen.


Not only have Nintendo said they're not going to release a Wii with more features (like the DSi), but it just wouldn't make sense right now. They've most likely got an all new console coming next year or the year after, there wouldn't be any point in attempting to re-brand the wii with just a few extras like that. The core have already abandoned the console for the most part, a HDD and a few other things, heck, even upscaling, aren't going to bring a significant amount of people over.


Well, it wouldn't really make sense for the company selling the most consoles to release a new one and cannibalise the sales of a system which is selling extremely well. Plus, all this 'core' bullshit is quite pointless, as every gamer I know owns a Wii, they may also play games on the 360, PS3 or PC, but they've all got a Wii!


but here's the thing, would YOU buy that wii?

All the things you're naming are not essential upgrades. Nintendo are aiming at the casual, who don't give a toss about a hardrive and that's the biggest thing you listed.


Even if nintendo had the exact same add-ons and on-line quality as 360 I don't believe it would make a difference.


Considering they released a black Wii and sales went through the roof just because of a colour change, I'm guessing that these add-ons would lead to a sales spike!


Maybe by that time "the core" will have grown up and will be ready to embrace the fun side of gaming.


NO! Gaming is not meant to be fun - it's all about achievements so you can show off to spotty teenage boys who live in their bedrooms and divide their time equally between masturbation and Halo.


Good points.


I still don't think there'll be anything revealed mind.


Most likely. So far only hints have been dropped, and the US and European press conferences could well just hail the launch of the bigger DSi.

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I'm amazed nobody uttered the word 'MEGATON!!i!!' yet.




I'm keeping expectations low to avoid disappointment, but my curiousity has been picked... If it's a new console, more likely a handheld. But please, no Vitality + games. A HD Wii seems unlikely. Why call a special event to announce a feature the competition already had 5 years ago? That's not really something you want to stress.


Perhaps the mystery Mario game Charles Martinet hinted at a while ago? Though that seems more suited to an E3.



Edited by Strange Cookie
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I'm not talking about the mainstream that some people refer to as "the core", I'm talking about the real core gamer. Go on any multiplatform gaming forums, there are tons of real core gamers who are bored with the console. There are some great games on the Wii, but there really hasn't been much for the core over the last few years. Sure there have been a few games from 3rd parties, but for the most part, there are much better options on other consoles.


Well then they're not "real core gamers" are they? It's like saying someone is a "real film fan" but refusing to watch any independent cinema, r art house etc. Only watching Transformers 2, Avatar and the like. "Real Fans" will play anything, not just the mainstream bullshit. The Wii "over the past" few years has had some absolutely incredible games you won't find on the other consoles; is there loads of huge blockbusters? Maybe not. But some amazing games all the same. In my opinion; if you have a Wii and don't buy any games for it, then you're not a "real core gamer" in the slightest, you're a mainstream monkey who plays the mainstream games, with the occasional "indie" that you can download digitally...but only if everyone else does... You prefer the other consoles, fine, but to say there's nothing for a "real core gamer" is ridiculous; they should like anything of quality.


While there are some truly unique games, they tend to be overpriced for what they are. I mean, why would I buy Lets-tap or something like that, when I can get tons of games for the same price on other consoles, that will give me a much.


Yeah, you could buy so many games for the £6 I paid for Lets Tap, or the £10 I paid for Little King's Story, or the £10 for okami, or the... you get my point.


The 1st party titles are some of the few games on the console that can actually compare to the constant flood of A, AA, and AAA games seen on other consoles.


Constant flood? Is this a joke? But anyways, this is subjective. HD consoles have more blockbusters I agree, but I prefer the software generally on the Wii. But it's subjective. What isn't is saying there's nothing on the Wii for real core gamers.


In all honesty, if you only own a Wii this generation, you are missing out. There are tons of great games that are out for every other machine that just aren't going to come to the Wii. I'm not saying it doesn't work the other way around as well, anyone who doesn't own a Wii is missing out a lot too. Once again, I'm not talking about people who only play the likes of CoD, and Halo, I'm talking about the people who are dedicated to the medium, the people who read forums every day, the people who read reviews and make conscious decisions about what games they buy. People who love games. Thats what core means, the most dedicated. To say these people are immature because they're not into the sort of games you like is just ridiculous.


I'm sorry. But anyone who thinks Dead Space extraction, little kings story, punch out, madworld, NSMB, Wario Land, Resort, Tiger Woods and the hundred fantastic games released over the past few years (which actually is its whole life span) IS NOT A CORE GAMER. I don't care about anything else they may do. They're simply not. No disputing it.


I'm a huge film fan, it's like me saying I won't watch Pi because it looks like shit. And film is a visual medium, it's more important. If all you do is play the biggest and brightest games -- oh I can't be bothered...

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