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  darksnowman said:
Didn't realise you could watch em. People posted music before didn't they. :(


People can just quote your post and see the links of the youtube clips, copy and paste that into youtube and bang. Ya got that song :heh:

  killer kirby said:
People can just quote your post and see the links of the youtube clips, copy and paste that into youtube and bang. Ya got that song :heh:


Yeah its already been pointed out. People have done music rounds before and its worked out so I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt. However if you guess the answer to the first one you aren't getting the point, cheat. :heh:

  killer kirby said:
People can just quote your post and see the links of the youtube clips, copy and paste that into youtube and bang. Ya got that song :heh:


Or you could just click somewhere (I forget where) on the clip when it's paused and it takes you to the video. I only know that because I checked when I did an audio round.


The unsolved tune is from Navy Seals on the Gameboy. I'll do a picture round later this weekend when I get some ideas together.



Coolness Bears: 13

Epic fail: 9

Cube: 9

darksnowman: 8

D_prOdigy: 6

MoogleViper: 7

Happenstance: 5

Shino: 4

mcj metroid: 4


deathborn: 3

Patch: 3

Captain Falcon: 5

dwarf gourami: 2

Fused King: 1

Mundi: 1

Goafer: 1

/ nando /: 1

SPAMBOT4000: 1

Jonnas: 2

  • 1 month later...

Okay, just one question from me, you have to tell me which game this is from. Bonus point on offer if you can fill in the blanks (the first 4 words are pretty much the same word):


A) Get down!

B) What?!... Whoa! What the Hell was that?

A) ____

B) ____? But how do you see them?

A) ____ goggles .... (B looks down) ____ gun

B) Does it work on ______?

A) No, that's you job, c'mon, this way


Please don't use google. I'm not sure if you can find this excerpt online anyway. Good luck.


Ghosts. Ghosts. Ghost. Ghost.


I believe the last one is Zombies.


And A and B are the game guy but one is from slightly in the future.


Yes it was Timesplitters: Future Perfect. Ghost is correct, but the 5th word is something else.


Cube is correct. I think a point for each of you. Well done!

  • 2 months later...

Hey, nice take on the game :grin:


1. Crash Man's theme sounds surprisingly well on a guitar;

2. The Duck Tales theme is not exactly a videogame theme, but it's awesome so I'll let it slide :heh:


I have no idea about the 3rd one, though. Sounds Earthbound-ish, though.


Hey Ville, that's awesome and definitely a first for this thread! I'll have a listen when I get to a computer that has sound.

  • 2 weeks later...

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