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Dunno what it is...I keep playing the odd flash game here or there and enjoyed bomberman the other night with fellow N-Eers but I simply don't feel motivated to game at all. I've got Borderlands on the go and the other day went to play it and simply wasn't feeling it and couldn't get into it. Likewise last few games of MW2 I've played online simply have not done it for me either. I'm up the ocean area in Spirit Tracks and simply cannot be bothered to go any further... It's odd...even sit with football manager on whilst I'm watching TV etc... and don't really get into it that much...


What can I do?!! This happened once before and I didn't game properly for years! Here is my backloggery page:




if anyone can be bothered to sift through it and find a game that I own but havn't finished thats gonna fill me with joy from beginning to end and make me wanna game again and not frustrate the hell out of me then please help! It's a bloody odd feeling I tell you.

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Legend of Zelda Minish Cap. It's an utterly joyous and brilliant game.


Edit: And Banjo-Kazooie is one of the best platformers ever.

Legend of Zelda Minish Cap. It's an utterly joyous and brilliant game.


Edit: And Banjo-Kazooie is one of the best platformers ever.


lol I'm actually pretty much done with minish cap, only stopped playing it cos went to africa...means getting my old school DS back off a friend.


Hmmm banjo yeah that might be worth a try, I didn't like it as a kid because didn't think it was as good as Mario 64.


I've been feeling quite the opposite. I haven't played seriously for a very long time - and when I did, it'd be half an hour of Guitar Hero - but I truly miss it! In autumn I bought Metroid Prime Trilogy and played it for hours, yet I haven't touched it since - I simply don't have the time to really sit down and play for hours on end, at least not without feeling bad because I should be doing something constructive, and then I end up not playing at all. I got around to play a deal in the Christmas holidays, getting both New Super Mario Bros., Guitar Hero 5 and The Conduit as presents, but now I'm back in the same busy routine again. Hopefully I'll really get into gaming again when I finish STX this summer.


Hmm...I JUST got back into playing games loads of the time, but then I di just get 3 new Wii games, and got a total of 1 new Wii game since last Xmas. :p


Apart from occasional games of Brawl/MK with friends every so often, I was/am not an overly hardcore gamer.


Im gonna go ahead write you a prescription to import Demon's Souls, stat. If that doesnt work , theres nothing wrong with taking a break from videogames. I do it frequently myself.

Stop playing games.


You'll get the hunger back. Or get a life.


^ This is the best advice of the page.


So you won't play games for a while, pushing yourself may end up making you miserable. Like forcing yourself to write a book when you've got writersblock. It'll be crappy.

^ This is the best advice of the page.


So you won't play games for a while, pushing yourself may end up making you miserable. Like forcing yourself to write a book when you've got writersblock. It'll be crappy.


yeah I guess so...I am actually doing quite a bit of writing at the moment which can't be a bad thing and seem to be reading more...it's just bizarre not being motivated to game when I clearly have the time to do so. Other times I've not played has been because I've not had as much spare time.


Cheers Daft! I'll try and get a life...:weep:


I've got no time to game so I'm constantly itching to go and play batman or play wow, wouldn't worry wait til your busy and then you'll want to go and laze about infront of your consoles!


I often find I have no desire to play games, and so I don't. Unfortunately I really should be playing them a bit more, just to keep my finger on the pulse of what's going on.


At the end of the day it's no bad thing going off them, try your hand at something else and wait to get your hunger for it back.

Cheers Daft! I'll try and get a life...:weep:


You and me both. :heh:


Ever since I worked at Square I haven't been able to even look at my DS without wondering why anyone would want to play such an evil machine. Yeah, I was traumatised. That's what happens when you play too much, it stops being something fun and begins to be a routine and routines aren't natural when they aren't necessary.


For the record, I still can't play a DS no matter how hard I've tried.


I've been feeling like that lately so I stopped playing them for a while. It's good to have a break and then when you come back to the games, you'll stop feeling like this.


So yeah, take a break for a while :D


i find that i do get a bit fed up of certain games, so i just switch genra, i dusted off motorstorm after a few months and love it again, whilst the idea of playing batman, a game i adore, isnt appealing right now.


that said, if theres a chance to go out and do somthing else, i opt for that.


Yeah I get at time that I don't have motivation to play a game,I feel like I am coming back into it. There are days where I just don't want to even look at the console, yet there are days for me where I have the biggest urge to spend hours straight on a game...you will have the urge when something you really really want to play comes out.


While your not playing games on a console, play games outside, still as fun IMO, at times just for random I just hire out a court and play squash, tennis or whatever I feel like with friends :heh:

Yeah I get at time that I don't have motivation to play a game,I feel like I am coming back into it. There are days where I just don't want to even look at the console, yet there are days for me where I have the biggest urge to spend hours straight on a game...you will have the urge when something you really really want to play comes out.


While your not playing games on a console, play games outside, still as fun IMO, at times just for random I just hire out a court and play squash, tennis or whatever I feel like with friends :heh:


imagine how I feel got 5 of the fuckers next my TV! I have to admit cube suggested Banjo and something in my head is really appealing about a fun woodland romp with a bear and his favourite bird type friend.


Leaving gaming for a while probably is a good idea but if you do still want something to play then I suggest going a bit retro and revisiting some of the games you loved as a kid. I always love going back to Super Mario Bros or Sonic 2 sometimes.


Sounds like overdose to me. When I feel like that I go to the games that are fun but don't require much concentration or atmosphere and can be played in short burst, such as TF2, Osu! or Super Mario Bros.

Stop playing games.


You'll get the hunger back. Or get a life.




I stopped classing myself as a gamer about 2004ish. I had no drive to play. I might rarely play the odd game for a week or so, but it wasn't something I did every other day anymore More like every other 6/12 months. 5 years later and recently i've bought a 360 and a new PC to play games on.

However, In those 5 years i've learnt to play two instruments, seen over 200 bands, been to festivals across Europe, started a successful local band myself, met my girlfriend, went back to college and learnt new things/qualifications, got a part time job, had one of my bands release a cd on a label, met new friends, and probably other cool stuff besides.

Now i'm gonna be doing all this cool shit as well as playing some games.

Win Win.


Take a break and focus on other aspects of your life.


I'm the opposite right now. For the last year or so I've been playing less and less, but I'm getting right back into it now. Got a big backlog to clear, and by the looks of the Q1 schedule, I'll still have it for awhile yet!


I get the same feeling most of the time and I think the problem is that most games are just absolute timehogs. More so nowadays but also because I'm growing up and have a lot of other things to do. Give me more frequent, shorter, sweeter experiences like Portal or Shadow Complex at a nice price point and I'm interested. I know it's a massive investment to create the huge 3D worlds in sandbox games, so they need the game length so people will make the purchase and so they can charge £40 for it but... The GTA episodes for example were perfectly lengthed. Give the massive game world away with a shortish main mission for £20, then charge the same or less for new downloadable story episodes.


Really can't be bothered with these massive 20 - 30 hour adventures any more. Also, the longer the games are, the more samey filler missions they have and such until I really can't be fucked with them and forget half the plotlines by the time I next time I revisit. Plotlines also get stretched in the massive games. Compare the quality of the GTA IV main plot to the two downloadable stories and it really doesn't come close to them. Assassin's Creed is another example. I love the overall mysterious plot but the actual in game stories bore me to death. Ezio wanders between the various parties so much that I'm finding it hard to give a shit or even know exactly why I'm killing all these people. The story is way too stretched out, purely to lengthen the game and it all leads to a huge feeling of CBA.


Lately I've been getting much more gaming joy from short, sweet iPhone games at a killer price point. That's not to say I've turned into a casual gamer. You can do short, deep, hardcore gaming experiences. There just aren't many around.


Maybe you've been playing a bit too much. Playing a host of games you expect to like, or someone has told you that you will like, instead of enjoying one or two awesome experiences. Give yourself a break then pick up a triple-A title, old or new, and that might provide the enjoyment you need :)


Another suggestion, dont have a backlog. Buy 1 game at a time and ignore everything else until your done with it


Im usually good about this but i made the mistake of getting God of War Collection, Demon's Souls, Uncharted 2 and Modern Warfare 2 in the same time frame.


Result? I rushed through Uncharted 2, i stopped playing Collection somewhere in the middle of GoW1 with no urge to go back, and ive not even bothered to start MW2 yet

Maybe you've been playing a bit too much. Playing a host of games you expect to like, or someone has told you that you will like, instead of enjoying one or two awesome experiences. Give yourself a break then pick up a triple-A title, old or new, and that might provide the enjoyment you need :)


I dunno because am loving Borderlands and yet can't be arsed to play through it. I didn't buy a shit ton of games this xmas as I didn't wanna play too much so I've missed titles like Assassing Creed 2, The Saboteur, Mario and Luigi: Bowsers Inside Story the list goes on of great games I've not played from this Q4. I decided I just wanted my Q4 to be about Spirit Tracks, Borderlands and MW2 multiplayer.

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