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Hardest games you've played

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What are the most difficult games you've ever played?

Did you beat them, or did you give up?


My hardest games I've ever beaten:

Zelda 2 (The Adventure of Link) on the NES.

The Turtles (1?), which I had on the Commodore 64, but was also released on the NES at one point or another.


Hardest games I have not beaten completely:

Perfect Dark (N64) - the extra perfect agent level with the Skedar after beating the story.... I didn't find the right tactics or something. That was the only thing in the game I didn't complete. I even beat all the challenges, but this I couldn't do.


Pac World on Commodore 64, I broke three joysticks on level 7, where you had to keep jumping very fast to clear the water with the trampoline. Then I quit.


Hero (also C64), I made it to level 164 once... How far did it go anyway?


And lots, and lots of (crappy) Commodore games.... The character was 5 pixels high, the gap to jump through were 5 or 7 pixels large..... But I don't really count these.


I problably forgot quite a few in this section. Except Zelda games and a few Mario games, I usually don't collect everything in the game.

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Youve presented me with the opportunity to boast about my Wipeout platinum trophy. The game is bloomin solid to complete, tackling super fast lap times, racing through zone mode at mind boggling speeds and beating the campaign on elite mode... Sometimes I wonder why I put myself through the pain.

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A number of Amiga 500 games as a kid.


The two that really stand out are Turtles as you mentioned, oh how I hated this bit:



and Rick Dangerous! The number of time I heard 'Whaaaaaaaaa' as a died!



Also yeah Zelda 2,


The harder difficulties on Goldeneye, but then I hadn't/don't really play FPS,


The hardest difficulties on F-Zero GX to unlock the secret tracks.

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And lots, and lots of (crappy) Commodore games.... The character was 5 pixels high, the gap to jump through were 5 or 7 pixels large..... But I don't really count these.


Haha, I could name loads of Speccy games that fit into this category. One of them was SpinDizzy. It took ages to finish and when I finally got the last diamond, there was a bug in the congratulations screen that meant it was shown for about a sixteenth of a second before disappearing. Beyond annoying.


Let's see:


F-Zero GX's Story Mode on Very Hard. Ouch.


Getting to the Master levels in the original Super Monkey Ball (GC) was pant-wettingly nerve-racking.


Goldeneye and Perfect Dark were challenging on the hardest difficulty.


Completing Brawl's Boss Battle mode without losing a life was tricky.


Mario Sunshine's blue coins without a guide!


I remember spending ages playing through Turok 2; that was tough.


Super Mario Brothers 2 (Jp). Seriously, did they recruit the world's elite arcade gamers to design that game?

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Oh and Wonderboy in Mosterland (on Commodore 64 cassettedeck), one of the most difficult games I've played.


The legendary Turtles water level, that's terrific! When you finally beat it, you have no real clue where to go next. You'll die and have to start all over again.


The Rick Dangerous game look quite good, but it seems like one of those games with a try and error gameplay. Do you think people should try it? Or was it one of the few games you had available to play, so you just kept at it?


When I was a kid, I tried to beat everything on my gamers path, now, I simply avoid many games...


Tetris was a good shot too, it's quite difficult to keep going, just like Wetrix or other puzzle games. Another one that came to mind was Harvest Moon. How could you tell you were doing right?


Recently I played Zelda 2. It was still awesome! And, because I know this game pretty well and played it for years to beat it as a kid, I somehow got pretty far and I have hopes of beating it in a few tries.


Beating the first palace and getting the hammer took me weeks to months, just like the turles water level and beyond. Both final bosses took me countless tries to beat. Now I got the upstab and reflect magic in Zelda2 within one continue.... Yay!


I think I might give the Turtles another go one of these days. See if I can beat that.


At least Goldeneye's enemies were stupid. Perfect dark was harder, but some cheap tricks still worked. Anybody played Timesplitters 2? Damn! And that's still arcade.... People who can play and beat warfare simulation games like Rainbow six or something are too skilled for computergames.

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Blue coins?... really! I didn't use a guide and don't remember finding it difficult.

The legendary Turtles water level, that's terrific! When you finally beat it, you have no real clue where to go next. You'll die and have to start all over again.
haha, so true!
The Rick Dangerous game look quite good, but it seems like one of those games with a try and error gameplay. Do you think people should try it? Or was it one of the few games you had available to play, so you just kept at it?


I think I might give the Turtles another go one of these days. See if I can beat that.

Definately give it a go!


Rick Dangerous was a bitch because you couldn't look down, so there were many leaps of faith only to land on a pair of spikes or be shot by a dart etc...

It was a lot of trial and error, but it had a great deal of charm to it and it was fun, so I did keep at it, but I was young at the time don't think I ever made it all the way through the first level.


Though like you said with Turtles, I returned to it years later to see if I could do it... but it was still really difficult... but then that's what games were like back then and I love it for that!

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Mario 64, one of those stars too me ages to find...

It was soo easy once you knew. Just turn the camera around and do wall jumps.


Somehow the camera wouldn't rotate unless you walked all the way to the end of a small path and then give it a try. I always though it was a dead-end.

I believe one of my friends found it for me.


Oh, I got another hard game:

Zelda 1 from the NES was difficult, but palace 6 was hellish.

Wizzrobes, Like Likes AND the bubbles that prevent you from using a sword.....Oh man...

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Blue coins?... really! I didn't use a guide and don't remember finding it difficult.


There's always one, isn't there? One legendary gamer among the rest of us mere mortals. ;)


I meant to add Ikaruga too. In fact, the Gamecube had some rock hard games.

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Oh, I got another hard game:

Zelda 1 from the NES was difficult, but palace 6 was hellish.

Wizzrobes, Like Likes AND the bubbles that prevent you from using a sword.....Oh man...

I completed Zelda 1 on the collectors edition without too much trouble I think, the most difficult part was knowing where to go at times. I spent ages just wondering around at one point, not knowing I could cross over a small river (or something along those lines) to get to the next area, it didn;t even cross my mind for ages because I just thought that wasn't a way you could go!


I remember in Ocarina of Time, there was one Golden Skulltula that alluded me for possibly years!

In the end I literally put it down to a fault with my game (haha, as we all do when we can't do something).


Then who knows how many months later, I thought 'oh well it can't hurt to put some bugs down that hole outside Dondongo's Cavern once again' and there it was! I couldn't believe it!! How had I not done that before! :grin:

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I don't know that game, but I took a look at the screenshots..

It sure looks complicated...


Most games like this are virtually impossible.


Anybody played REZ? That was kinda cool too. A railroad shooter based on music and wireframes. Pretty Awesome, but I never completed it (I didn't own it either).

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Earth defense force 2017.

On inferno that game just does not allow you to win and is impossible if your not playing co-op.

I got a few stages left (maybey 6-7) and just recently it took us hours to beat one stage that we had been stuck on for ages.

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Tetris! That damn game is too hard.


That it is! its on my telly at home and i often try play it while the ad's are on, you can never win, just delay the failure!


also Tomb Raider 1 i found tough, 2 was a little easier, but it was a mix of awkward jumps and levers which went missing cos the camera angle would keep going into the wall that made it frustrating! :weep:


Actually nearly any 3rd person adventure game i find hard, cos of the camera mainly

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Once you got your route planned well, you could barely make it without getting hit.

It'll leave you 3 or 4 seconds on the clock.... But it was only level 2 and the game got harder later on.


The horror of this game was that I didn't own in on a NES, I had it on tape on the Commodere 64. This means that restarting the game all over didn't take 10-15 seconds, it actually took at least 30 minutes to rewind the tape to the right position and then play the tape again. Some games took more than an hour to load.


When you got further in games, you would turn the tape and play side B. When game over, start on side A again. Playing the last bit of Wonderboy in Mosterland took at least 5 hours straight to get to the point where you were before.... then the tape jams.


Gameconsoles are a good thing.

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tmnt on the nes, i gotta say isn't as bad as people think it is sometimes though. Water level isnt hard it just sucks all your health and theres no avoiding it...


Its more annoying than difficult, the added "3rd" dimension of going up and down is to me what makes it difficult, if it was a normal side scroller then it would be easy

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Super Mario Land on the Gameboy was pretty difficult, given the fact you had to play through the entire game in one go, without continues or level selects!


I was SO pleased when I managed to complete that!!


Nah was a piece of piss compared to some of the console mario games!

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I'm finding it difficult to think of tough games- though I'm sure there are tons I've played. I think my mind has tried to forget them. :grin:


The original Castlevania on the Nes was pretty deadly I thought! Then, as I mentioned the other day in another thread: I've never to this day got past the second level of Cybernator. :(


F-Zero GX is deadly and I'd agree with ExciteTruck too.


What about Viewtiful Joe? Thats another one to add to the Gamecubes list.

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