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The Confessions and Advice Thread


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Confession: My (now ex)GF has just split up with me, literally half an hour ago. I've sort of been expecting it and almost sort of wanting it myself as things were a little bit boring? I can't get the right term but I've been feeling for a while that we're probably not meant to be together. The thing is, we were really good friends before we started going out 5 months ago and obviously she wants us to carry on being friends. Which I can see happening, for the last few weeks we haven't done much couply stuff and in a few weeks time I'll be seeing her in uni a few times a week and probably out and about town too...


So in short (not that it was that long), I've been thinking about if we should be going out for a few weeks now, she's obviously been thinking the same and has ended it.


Even though I was thinking of doing the same, I'm a wee bit upset/disappointed as no doubt (hopefully?) she is too.


So what should I do next? The immediate option is to go out tonight (an offer is already on the cards) and hope I'm fine with a few drinks in me. Then cram like fuck for my 2 exams on Friday. Or not go out, wallow in self-pity tonight (as I was pretty much doing last night anyway as that's when I realised pretty much it was definitely going to end). I'm thinking going out is a good bet. Have a few brewskis, get some bought for me... Chase the local talent? Hmm...


Why am I posting here? Because the few people I would want to talk to this about in real life online and I don't want to phone them right now...


Advice: Go daft.





Do I feel a bit like that?

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yeah get yourself out, trust me the wallowing in self pity ain't a good thing...




oh and the staying friends thing only lasts so long! soon falls by the way side, i've realised that twice. Although do talk to my very first girlfriend but we did split up some 8 years ago...

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yeah get yourself out, trust me the wallowing in self pity ain't a good thing...




oh and the staying friends thing only lasts so long! soon falls by the way side, i've realised that twice. Although do talk to my very first girlfriend but we did split up some 8 years ago...


Nah its totally possible, it just entirely depends on the split.

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Nah its totally possible, it just entirely depends on the split.


I dunno I guess so. Just with my last girlfriend she still had feelings for me a long time afterwards and was still seeing my sister as they were friends...and she kept saying she wanted me back. now thats stopped and from what I understand she's met someone else so not gonna be bothering keeping in touch anymore.


Like I said though my very first girlfriend and me are now in touch and talk quite often but we drifted apart as friends because she went to uni.


So what I'm saying is in my circumstances its just not really worked out that way, although I do work with the crazy psycho girl I was going out with for a few months and we get on pretty well.

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Sorry to hear about you and your ex, Charlie. Going out and cheering yourself up with mates sounds like a good option, imo. Even if you don't drink, the company will do you good I think. You can always revise for exams tomorrow, and you probably won't get much done tonight anyway with this on your mind.


Also, staying friends with her isn't a bad thing. It doesn't sound like you've had a horrible break-up, and it seems like you parted on good terms. So, staying as friends for now sounds good to me. If you'd be ok with that, that is.

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Sorry to hear about you and your ex, Charlie. Going out and cheering yourself up with mates sounds like a good option, imo. Even if you don't drink, the company will do you good I think. You can always revise for exams tomorrow, and you probably won't get much done tonight anyway with this on your mind.


Also, staying friends with her isn't a bad thing. It doesn't sound like you've had a horrible break-up, and it seems like you parted on good terms. So, staying as friends for now sounds good to me. If you'd be ok with that, that is.


Definitely was a good thing to go out last night. It was always going to happen. The seed was planted early on and once you know your friends are going out I can't resist! Feeling pretty rough just now though haha.


You know, I wouldn't be surprised if we did stay friends are we were definitely better at being friends than being a couple. She text me last night... I didn't reply. Back to the good old days of not having to reply to texts instantly!

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Definitely was a good thing to go out last night. It was always going to happen. The seed was planted early on and once you know your friends are going out I can't resist! Feeling pretty rough just now though haha.


You know, I wouldn't be surprised if we did stay friends are we were definitely better at being friends than being a couple. She text me last night... I didn't reply. Back to the good old days of not having to reply to texts instantly!


haha its bliss isn't it?!

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haha its bliss isn't it?!


Yeah, fantastic haha.


I went out on Monday night, got shteaming as did everyone else and had a good night. Text her this morning in response to her asking if I'm OK etc and said I'm happy just to be friends.


Feeling at a bit of a loss now because I don't have anyone "on the go", not texting anyone or anything. Kinda weird going back to this stage. Oh well, exams are done on Friday so will be heading out on the pull soon!

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Yeah, fantastic haha.


I went out on Monday night, got shteaming as did everyone else and had a good night. Text her this morning in response to her asking if I'm OK etc and said I'm happy just to be friends.


Feeling at a bit of a loss now because I don't have anyone "on the go", not texting anyone or anything. Kinda weird going back to this stage. Oh well, exams are done on Friday so will be heading out on the pull soon!


Theres nothing wrong with having that bit of time where you can not worry about such things.

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In My Honest Opinion To Be Honest, I wager.



Old School Sheffield United shirt, you say? I'd have thought your old man would be a Pompey fan like yerself. Anyway, how old school are you talking?


nah he was born in Sheffield! We are talking 1950's-1960's shirt,(mental if you got to historicalkits.co.uk how many years teams kept their kits for!) so technically not the sort that would have a name and number on the back...

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nah he was born in Sheffield! We are talking 1950's-1960's shirt,(mental if you got to historicalkits.co.uk how many years teams kept their kits for!) so technically not the sort that would have a name and number on the back...


That's some old school kit right there. Didn't know The Blades wore blue shirts and socks back in the early days. Interesting to nobody but me...


Didn't even know you could put printing on really old shirts. That's cool. :)

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he's getting on my wick.



Better that than getting on your dick, or are you still in that awkward bi-curious phase?


One way or the other just ignore him politely or block him or whatever. There's no need for any drama.


Unless he's a film director offering you a part. Then you should go in for some drama. However, he'll probably ask you to go for his part after your audition anyway...


...I see your quandary.

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That's some old school kit right there. Didn't know The Blades wore blue shirts and socks back in the early days. Interesting to nobody but me...


Didn't even know you could put printing on really old shirts. That's cool. :)


yeah website called toffs.com do it they are really good!

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OK, it's not really a confession but more like news in my life. I have a date...well, I think I do anyway. We just got chatting on MSN and we both discussed a little about ourselves and, don't ask me what made me do it but, I just asked if she wanted to meet up next week and she said yes then said goodnight and put three kisses after it. I feel over the moon at the moment, I didn't get rejected! I'm reading too much into her messages so I'm going to try and stop doing that, haha.



What should I do or say? We haven't met before, we met through a friend of mine. She's shown me a picture of her and she is pretty to me and her personality is nice but I feel scared she won't like me for some daft reason. I've been on a few dates and I've never felt like this before, is this normal and why do I feel like this now?

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