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Charles Darwin Film Too Controversial For America


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Ok, what I'm going to say is widely off-topic, but the more I think about what I'm thinking, the more I think that I must be missing something:


Why are so many Americans against the Health Care reforms planned by Obama?


Now, I have never been to America, and I have met very few people who have or who come from there. My current knowledge of the system is that America is one of the only developed countries without a universal health care system. I also understand that, unless you can afford it, you just do not great treated. I've heard horror stories of where people who have needed treatment have decided against, because they do not want to impose any kind of debt on their family. I find that shocking.


Can anyone elaborate on this a bit more? Is there a particular reason why they're against a service like the one we have here? In my head, I think I understand it all perfectly, but I'm just baffled why they're so against it. Which makes me believe that I'm missing something.

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I don't know why people are writing off America based on this. Sure it's pretty silly, but whilst it's inevitable that loud-mouthed idiots will band together under a banner of ignorance it's far less likely that those in opposition, or who simply don't care, will make themselves heard. It's tiring work having to go toe-to-toe with such cretins over every little thing, so it's no great shock that the vast majority of reasonable people will get on with their lives rather than becoming embroiled in yet another pointless argument with the bloody minded.


The American population's idiot percentile is probably no greater than that of any other country, theirs just seem more likely to have a sense of entitlement due to self-congratulatory attitudes of America being the best thing since Smith met Wesson. To ascribe such views to the entirety of the population is ridiculous.

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I don't know why people are writing off America based on this. Sure it's pretty silly, but whilst it's inevitable that loud-mouthed idiots will band together under a banner of ignorance it's far less likely that those in opposition, or who simply don't care, will make themselves heard. It's tiring work having to go toe-to-toe with such cretins over every little thing, so it's no great shock that the vast majority of reasonable people will get on with their lives rather than becoming embroiled in yet another pointless argument with the bloody minded.


The American population's idiot percentile is probably no greater than that of any other country, theirs just seem more likely to have a sense of entitlement due to self-congratulatory attitudes of America being the best thing since Smith met Wesson. To ascribe such views to the entirety of the population is ridiculous.


We understand that this idiots don't represent every American, but the fact that Obama's popularity has been lowering despite doing what over here would be considered populist action (ending war on Iraq, closing Guantanamo, creating a national healthcare system), just shows that something is seriously wrong here, either their education system failed, Obama failed to pass his message, or the media controlled by the opposition is brainwashing the population. Probably a combination of all 3.

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My comments were made in relation to the story in the original post and people's reactions to it. If you want to have this thread be a general repository of "Problems With America" then I'm out; I've neither the time nor the inclination to wade through that shipping container of worms.

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Ok, what I'm going to say is widely off-topic, but the more I think about what I'm thinking, the more I think that I must be missing something:


Why are so many Americans against the Health Care reforms planned by Obama?


Now, I have never been to America, and I have met very few people who have or who come from there. My current knowledge of the system is that America is one of the only developed countries without a universal health care system. I also understand that, unless you can afford it, you just do not great treated. I've heard horror stories of where people who have needed treatment have decided against, because they do not want to impose any kind of debt on their family. I find that shocking.


Can anyone elaborate on this a bit more? Is there a particular reason why they're against a service like the one we have here? In my head, I think I understand it all perfectly, but I'm just baffled why they're so against it. Which makes me believe that I'm missing something.

Many Americans are very, VERY focused on their capitalistic ideals of economic freedom. They are proud of their hard work and do NOT want to have to give money through taxes to the sick and poor, who - in some Americans' opinions - only have themselves to blame for their problems (a very narrow-minded and naïve opinion, if you ask me).


I am just as baffled as you are, especially since Denmark is pretty socialistic, even with the "liberalist" party in government (though not socialistic enough, if you ask me :heh:).

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I want you guys to watch this without vomiting.





Yeah, I thought it was pretty obvious too.

Is that a zombie apocalypse?


Why are so many Americans against the Health Care reforms planned by Obama?


Now, I have never been to America, and I have met very few people who have or who come from there. My current knowledge of the system is that America is one of the only developed countries without a universal health care system. I also understand that, unless you can afford it, you just do not great treated. I've heard horror stories of where people who have needed treatment have decided against, because they do not want to impose any kind of debt on their family. I find that shocking.

1. They're ignorant.

2. Pretty much correct unless their is a free clinic around.


I'd say as a country geographically it's pretty incredible, unfortunately some of the people who live there let it down. I'd say American society is, on the whole, shit. A place where anything less than hard-right economics and full corporate control is seen as anti-american socialism by many.


It seems as though actual reality and facts seem to have no affect on some of the population who just make up their own reality and call it fact. You don't like the president? Fine, he's Kenyan born and not American. You don't like climate change? Fine, it's all an elaborate politically motivated plot devised by Gore. You don't like national health care? Fine, it's an atheistic plan run by communist death squads.

Spot-on people believe these things, I've heard my mom say multiple times that Obama is the Anti-Christ, Not an American (only when he wasn't producing a birth certificate), and a Socialist.


The great thing about Obama is how he's not buckling to all this nonsense. He knows he has four years to make his mark, whether the idiots like it or not, and eventually history will remember him as one of the greatest presidents.


Obama is safe for 4 years unless the masses of ignorant citizens are enough to influence Congress and the Senate, at which point they could try to impeach him for something.


As to the original topic, I'm not entirely surprised creationism/evolution is quite the topic here, and unfortunately the most insane people are the ones who make themselves heard. Just look at user videos on youtube, or even better there is one particular guy who said on national television that a bananananana fits perfectly in a human hand ergo god (or a wizard) did it.:indeed:


I'll just try and find the movie off of amazon from Canada or something then.

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Many Americans are very, VERY focused on their capitalistic ideals of economic freedom. They are proud of their hard work and do NOT want to have to give money through taxes to the sick and poor, who - in some Americans' opinions - only have themselves to blame for their problems (a very narrow-minded and naïve opinion, if you ask me).


I am just as baffled as you are, especially since Denmark is pretty socialistic, even with the "liberalist" party in government (though not socialistic enough, if you ask me :heh:).


1. They're ignorant.

2. Pretty much correct unless their is a free clinic around.


So I did have it right, in my head.

Damn, I really don't understand some people. Surely they should be welcoming such a system. Any system where anybody, regardless of age, wealth or background can receive medical treatment when they need it should be encouraged.


Danny, I was looking at some Youtube videos earlier, and some of the comments that people were making were exactly as you said: A few comments I read said that if people can't afford the treatment, then they should work and then pay for it, and to basically stop relying on the rich. Thankfully, some comments replied back with "Well, there's many reasons why people may not be working. Old age or a disability, for example."


Also, how frequent are these free clinics? I'm guessing it would vary on city to city.

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The irony is that I believe that the people at these protests (low/middle class white factory workers without higher education, and enough money to have a good living not caring for health issues) will probably be the ones to benefit most, and there's another part of the population willing to pay the taxes for them to have a benefit they claim they don't want.

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I don't get what the big deal is... this article seems to kick up more of a fuss than the distributors themselves. I honestly think it's more the case of the distributors passing because no one will bother going to see it and they'll lose money; less that they hate it or fear it due to their own religious beliefs.


This. Theres WAY too much spin in the opening post of this thread. As always, its a money thing here.


Ok, what I'm going to say is widely off-topic, but the more I think about what I'm thinking, the more I think that I must be missing something:


Why are so many Americans against the Health Care reforms planned by Obama?


Can anyone elaborate on this a bit more? Is there a particular reason why they're against a service like the one we have here? In my head, I think I understand it all perfectly, but I'm just baffled why they're so against it. Which makes me believe that I'm missing something.


Our health care system has been a broken piece of shit for years, but if they really want reform they need to take insurance companies completely out of the equation. Theres too much money changing hands between people who have absolutely nothing to do with your health




The American population's idiot percentile is probably no greater than that of any other country, theirs just seem more likely to have a sense of entitlement due to self-congratulatory attitudes of America being the best thing since Smith met Wesson. To ascribe such views to the entirety of the population is ridiculous.


Please run for office someday <3

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That video is so painfully ridiculous to watch - to the point where it's almost funny. In a very tragicomical way.


I think the thing that truly bothers the shit out of me is that these people aren't arguing with any form of sense. If at least they actually knew something about politics and had formed their political opinions based on reasoning, I could perhaps accept their capitalistic views, even if I'd never agree with them. But they don't! They don't know a flying fuck about anything, and they don't even use common sense or logic. I'm not even asking for political knowledge here, I'm asking for them to use their friggin' brains! But they don't. Instead, they come up with contradictory, far-out arguments that anybody with half a brain could shoot down. I wonder how they even formed an opinion in the first place. Racism? Roll of a dice? My mind cannot comprehend it.

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I remember when studying American Politics we focused a lot on the health system in the US. One of the biggest reasons why a lot of people are against a government health system is simply money. The current health system in the US is worth billions in profit. From the top (insurance companies) to the bottom (actual health workers).

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It's a shame mainstream Protestantism dominates the States. The Roman Catholic Church has never conflicted the theory of evolution, which is obviously important to me as a keen scientist.

According to Wikipedia, they didn't exactly embrace, either. I don't think you can just claim that Protestants don't accept the theory and Catholics do. I think it's a highly personal question whether Christians and other religious people choose to accept the theory or not.

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