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My favourite consoles were the Dreamcast and original Xbox. The Dreamcast since it was the first console to really use online games and the Xbox because of the hombrew scene. Plus I think they both were when I did the majority of my gaming.

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Okay. The NES was revolutionary for it's time, and I can accept that.


But the Atari 2600 coming that high is a joke. I mean, they list E.T. as one of the "memorable" games :heh: Surely it should be a list featuring good memories, no?


PS2 had a great library of games, so I think it deserves that spot. The Xbox coming higher that the Cube is baffling, though.

  Grazza said:
That's the opposite of the truth, in my opinion! The PlayStation and Saturn were basically like the older consoles with extra polygon-pushing power and more storage space. Nothing wrong with that, but that's how it was.


The N64, on the other hand, had a complete rethink of how 3D games could work, and the other companies have taken years to catch up (if at all). Just compare Mario and Zelda 64 to the "3D" games on the PlayStation, designed for a d-pad, where you had to turn on the spot before moving.


how many "new" franchises appeared on n64 though? most were from rare and at the end of the day were unimportant like perfect dark.(great game but as a series it sucks)


playstation had metal gear solid which absolutely changed story in videogames forever.. At the end of the day gaming went the playstation route. things got more mature.

I would think that if nintendo won the 64/32bit era then gaming would still be considered a childrens hobby.

  mcj metroid said:
how many "new" franchises appeared on n64 though? most were from rare and at the end of the day were unimportant like perfect dark.(great game but as a series it sucks)


playstation had metal gear solid which absolutely changed story in videogames forever.. At the end of the day gaming went the playstation route. things got more mature.

I would think that if nintendo won the 64/32bit era then gaming would still be considered a childrens hobby.


I would argue that new IPs aren't what make a console great - the N64 didn't really need any new franchises as it perfectly reinvented the old in glorious 3D for the very first time. Perfect Dark was far from not important - its impact was minimal due to it being released late in the life of the 64 but neverthless it did show what the N64 was capable of when truly pushed to the limits. Even today the multiplayer mode stands out for its amount of choice and options.


As for the bolded bit, I don't really think MGS played THAT big a role in changing story-driven gameplay. Sure it was good but hardly revolutionary. I mean, Lylat Wars proved that voice acting and cinematics (in a literal sense too!) were suited to gaming and that was hardly the most popular game of the 64/32bit era. I think the first time games truly took a step in the direction of what you're suggesting MGS did, is when GTA III was released. Even Ocarina of Time, despite it being the most awesome game ever, didn't have that much of a fleshed out storyline. I think it's the technology that truly stood out in that era, and more how gameplay and game build changed dramatically to what is considered standard today.


Hmm, instead of having the "videogames are childish" comments, we just have the "videogames are violent and pointless" ones. Sometimes "videogames are violent, pointless and childish." One mindset replaced with another! Damn.


I must say, I'm a much, much bigger fan of the SNES than I was the NES. And, I'm a much bigger fan of the N64 than I was the SNES. It's so very hard to escape nostalgia with these sorts of things. I mean, imagine if you've never played games before, and you're given a 360 and a NES. One is decades old, with simple gameplay mechanics and very dated visuals. The other boasts the latest technology, online gaming, and so forth. However, it's very hard to actually judge something that is so old without having an experience of it yourself. To new gamers, the N64 features clunky, block-like graphics, but to many of us seeing Hyrule Field for the first time in 3D is one of the most beautiful experiences we can remember. You've got to think back to the context and to the time when these systems were at the top, and I guess on the impact that they've had on many.


For those reasons, that's probably why the NES and Playstation 2 were rated so highly in that list.


In the end the DS outranks them all. But I forgot, everyone hates comparing handhelds when handhelds are kicking consoles ass left right and center.


But since this HAS to be a console list exclusing handhelds, here are my list.








Reason why I pick NES was pretty simple that has nothing to do with nostalgia and I have already pointed out my reason on another post in this thread.

SNES well thats obvious :heh:

Gamecube overcame the PS2 for one reason...Gamecube ass raped PS2 in the RPG section, Yes you heard me right, a system that had less then 10 RPG's and the other with 10000000000 beat it for one reason, the games on the Gamecube were BETTER, Paper Mario 2 and Baten Kaitos Origins were truly the life savers for the RPG genre, too bad those 2 don't get as much praise as other shitty ass games on the PS2 >_> Plus Gamecube kept me happy the whole last gen.



everyone has one, I have one, and I have some awesome games, not as memorable as the GC lineup but still a very good list of games.


Dreamcast was awesome, what more is there to say :heh:


N64 is IMO the best console - I still remember running outside Princess Peach's Castle for the first time and how blown away I was. It had the best games I have ever played like Ocarina Of Time, Diddy Kong Racing, Donkey Kong 64, Goldeneye, Banjo Kazooie and loads, loads more. The controller was awesome and the graphics were amazing, it will forever be my favourite console.


Although crazily, I LOVE my Wii, so many great games - I don't get why it has such a bad name. There are loads of brilliant games and it stands out as possibly the most fun I've had with a console. Too many casual games? Don't buy them, jesus.


For me its all about the Megadrive! Just the sheer diversity of games that were out and whilst I've grown older and now enjoy 2D Mario games at the time I was a sucker for Sonic and his "blast processing" also Sonic 3 + Sonic and Knuckles was simply the coolest invention ever at the time and still amazes me even now. Also so many other iconic games on Megadrive; Kid Cameleon, Shinobi,Mega lo Maniac, World of Illusion and Castle of Illusion, the list really does go on. Sega should be bringing all these titles back, although they should remain selective I don't think there is quite the following that Nintendo's big franchises have built up over the years.


One thing about this list is how the fook did the Atari Jaguar make it onto the list it really was an absolute turd of a console.

  flameboy said:
For me its all about the Megadrive! Just the sheer diversity of games that were out and whilst I've grown older and now enjoy 2D Mario games at the time I was a sucker for Sonic and his "blast processing" also Sonic 3 + Sonic and Knuckles was simply the coolest invention ever at the time and still amazes me even now. Also so many other iconic games on Megadrive; Kid Cameleon, Shinobi,Mega lo Maniac, World of Illusion and Castle of Illusion, the list really does go on. Sega should be bringing all these titles back, although they should remain selective I don't think there is quite the following that Nintendo's big franchises have built up over the years.


One thing about this list is how the fook did the Atari Jaguar make it onto the list it really was an absolute turd of a console.


The Megadrive is one of my favourite consoles. But, I would have to say that I was never a huuuuge fan of the Sonic games. One of the defining Mega Drive games for me was Streets of Rage. Enjoyed that so very much. :)


If you read through the comments on this IGN article, there is some very upset people that their console of choice is not rated higher. I'm talking about real anger, its insane.

  MATtheHAT said:
If you read through the comments on this IGN article, there is some very upset people that their console of choice is not rated higher. I'm talking about real anger, its insane.


Console Wars. You thought World War II was bad.

  Cube said:
PlayStation above N64? PS2 above GameCube? IGN are insane.


Too True, mine are:


5) GameCube

4) Wii

3) NES


1) N64


I rank N64 as my fave of all time as it ushered in a new era of games and when I look back at games like LOZ: Ocarina of Time, Mario 64, Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, Turok, Mario Kart 64, Banjo Kazooie, Lylat Wars, Wave Race etc I would say if you had to choose any console and it's top ten games the N64 would come out on top.


Closely (very closely) followed by the SNES which admittedly had better third party support. I would say the SNES was the Konami era, that was when they were ON FIRE. Contra, Axelay, Castlevania, Lethal Enforcers, Pop N Twinbee, Parodious etc.


Not a bad list but Gamecube should have been WAY higher.


Hmmm it's hard for me to give a top 5 but here it goes:


1. Sega Mega Drive

2. Nintendo Gamecube

3. N64

4. Sega Master System

5. NDS (though if Handhelds don't count, i'd say SNES).


Bomberman, Sonic 1,2,3&K, Streets of Rage 1+2, Columns, Sega Soccer, Super Monaco GP, Revenge of Shinobi.



  Pookiablo said:
I would argue that new IPs aren't what make a console great - the N64 didn't really need any new franchises as it perfectly reinvented the old in glorious 3D for the very first time. Perfect Dark was far from not important - its impact was minimal due to it being released late in the life of the 64 but neverthless it did show what the N64 was capable of when truly pushed to the limits. Even today the multiplayer mode stands out for its amount of choice and options.


As for the bolded bit, I don't really think MGS played THAT big a role in changing story-driven gameplay. Sure it was good but hardly revolutionary. I mean, Lylat Wars proved that voice acting and cinematics (in a literal sense too!) were suited to gaming and that was hardly the most popular game of the 64/32bit era. I think the first time games truly took a step in the direction of what you're suggesting MGS did, is when GTA III was released. Even Ocarina of Time, despite it being the most awesome game ever, didn't have that much of a fleshed out storyline. I think it's the technology that truly stood out in that era, and more how gameplay and game build changed dramatically to what is considered standard today.


it's like what i say for the megadrive and snes.. I thought the megadrive was brilliant but it was stuck in the past.. password systems, ports of arcade games and even arcade style games whereas the snes has lenghty rpgs and adventures like super metroid and link to the past which last longer than most games today..

The average megadrive game has to be completed in one sitting like sonic 1 and 2..


This goes 2 ways. You can actually argue it both ways here..

lets argue for the n64 point of view..

n64 was the most revolutionary because...


it refined 3d platforming with super mario 64. it had the first succesful console fps game goldeneye.. and seen as fps games on consoles are STILL the most popular genre this is quite an accomplishment. It's safe to say that the ps1 coulnt really handle a multiplayer fps game..


but it lacked fmv mostly. Gamers want their games to feel more like movies and I really think metal gear solid was the first game to do this properly and it could never be done on n64. gta 3 started a whole new trend of violent games yes but the story aspect was done just fine with ps1 games.


Cd technology was the way forward.

every generation has a pioneering console and one stuck in the past. Now the wii is reshaping gaming to appeal to the nongaming audience. thats the next step.


this is a long post:)

Posted (edited)
  Indigo said:
Clearly nostalgia proved more of a factor than objectivity in this list.


Exactly what I was going to say. Take a 10-14 year old kid today, ask him/her to compile a list of his/her top 10 consoles in 20-25 years time. Consoles such as NES, atari etc would probably not even be on that list.


Interesting list but it means absolutely nothing.


Just thought I'd express the obvious :P

Edited by Sooj
  Sooj said:
Exactly what I was going to say. Take a 10-14 year old kid today, ask him/her to compile a list of his/her top 10 consoles in 20-25 years time. Consoles such as NES, atari etc would probably not even be on that list.


Interesting list but it means absolutely nothing.


Just thought I'd express the obvious :P


You are right you have to be of a certain age at least otherwise retro consoles just mean nothing to you other than a curiosity...


It's a bit mental to think there is a generation who could have easily never played a 2D game..

  flameboy said:
It's a bit mental to think there is a generation who could have easily never played a 2D game..


It disturbs me that the current generation of young gamers have never played a decent Sonic game. Although it would explain how Sonic Team keep in business, it's mainly due to the current people having nothing to compare it to.


It would be nice to see this poll viewed from a European perspective as well. From what I remember the NES wasn't so hot over here. Don't get me wrong it had great games but I guess IGN won't put in things like the Speccy or Amiga (as they are computers).


Everythings subjective I guess.

  • 1 month later...
  pigfrogmonkey said:
N64 is best console for me, Most games on the machine were awesome.:geek:


Also the Wii above Gamecube? :o


I think it's because the Wii has seen the rebirth of Nintendo as the home console leader.

  • 2 months later...

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