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Does anyone else think this generation is poor?


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Until games with the production values and playability akin to Uncharted 2 become the norm, developers shouldn't be even thinking about the next console.


But not all developers have the capability to make games of that magnitude.


I wouldn't worry about next-gen starting anytime soon. I can see this generation lasting a lot longer than the rest.

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But not all developers have the capability to make games of that magnitude.


I wouldn't worry about next-gen starting anytime soon. I can see this generation lasting a lot longer than the rest.


Perhaps no, but it's at least something they should at least aspire too.

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All this gen needs to match the previous is more absolutely perfect masterpieces.


SNES gen had 5 - Chrono Trigger, Super Metroid, Super Mario World, Final Fantasy VI and Link To The Past.


N64/PS1 gen had 4 - Metal Gear Solid, Mario 64, Ocarina Of Time, Symphony Of The Night.


PS2/Game Cube/XBOX had 3 - Shadow Of The Colossus, Metroid Prime, Resident Evil 4.


And so far, we have Portal for this gen. And possibly Galaxy 1&2. I just hope the last guardian is all I hope it to be.

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I'm not sure how this generation is going to pan out but the NEXT generation is really going to be something to watch for several reasons.


But beyond anything, this generation has seen the biggest changes in the way that we play games since the invention of consoles. New ways of playing, new business models, popularization of new distribution, new competitors, massive broadening of the market, 3D and the unilateral acceptance that motion control is more attractive to the masses than a pad. Oh and did I mention Apple....


That's a lot. What I will say is that this is the best generation so far for the health of the industry. What has happened in the past 4 or 5 years has really opened up the opportunities for business and broadened the product choice.

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All this gen needs to match the previous is more absolutely perfect masterpieces.


SNES gen had 5 - Chrono Trigger, Super Metroid, Super Mario World, Final Fantasy VI and Link To The Past.


N64/PS1 gen had 4 - Metal Gear Solid, Mario 64, Ocarina Of Time, Symphony Of The Night.


PS2/Game Cube/XBOX had 3 - Shadow Of The Colossus, Metroid Prime, Resident Evil 4.


And so far, we have Portal for this gen. And possibly Galaxy 1&2. I just hope the last guardian is all I hope it to be.


Hell yes. I swear I am buying a Gamecube again just to play that over christmas. It's been far too long since I played it.


Can't think of anything this generation that really matches it.

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Until games with the production values and playability akin to Uncharted 2 become the norm, developers shouldn't be even thinking about the next console.


Don't forget the economic climate either. People don't want to fork out for a new console at the moment - and why should they? As you said, Uncharted 2 is absolutely fantastic and proves the developers can still get more out of the consoles.


Both Microsoft and Sony have just released peripherals for their respective consoles which will improve the lifespan of them even more.

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Not overly impressed with this gen, i'd rate it good at best.


I hate DLC, i remember when you bought a game and that was it, enjoy. Plus constant patches to make a game work properly is very annoying.


I find myself playing my SNES and PS2 a lot more than my current consoles. Although i always look forward to the next Mario game, Final Fantasy, plus totally new and great franchises, which sadly seem to be few and far between due to companies afraid of losing money.


Really looking forward to the 3DS though. Although the consoles, (in my opinion), aren't quite as good as their predecessors, the DS has been the best handheld console i've ever played.

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I just want to enjoy something as much as I enjoyed Zelda: the Wind Waker and Dragon Quest VIII. If such a game exists, I don't know about it.


For me, it's impossible for the Wii to deliver that experience, as it's basically GameCube technology with a worse controller, and I need something more than that now to impress me as much as previous consoles did at the time.


The Xbox 360 and PS3 are still top notch consoles (I don't feel the need for a new generation in that sense), but none of the games for them give me that "must have" feeling. Thus I haven't got either.


I feel as alienated as the days when PlayStation and PS2 were all the rage - that's how "mainstream" gaming feels to me now. The difference is, back then I had games on the N64 and GameCube that at least I knew were awesome. However much I enjoy games on the Wii, I can't pretend it's the same feeling.

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This generation is just boring. I mean don't get me wrong I was bored at pieces in the last generation too but at least I had the gamecube for an alternative gaming experience. The wii hasn't delivered as much for me. I simply don't like the wii-mote controller all that much.


I'm feeling that. And I'm also growing disillusioned with how everything is sequels. I know they're nothing new, but it seems the vast majority of games these days are some already established IP.

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I can think of quite a few new IPs this gen.


Wii Sports

Viva Pinata

Gears of War


Dead Rising


And some downloadable stuff


World of Goo




I'm sure people can think of many more.


But I see what you are saying about the sequels. But how many of you would complain if Mario 64 and Ocarina were the only 3D Mario and Zelda respectively?


Like it or not, sequels to popular games are what fans want. And what's to say that a new IP is a good thing? What would you rather play? Uncharted 3, or Lair? Skyward Sword or Escape From Bug Island? Gears 3 or Rogue Warrior?

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Could've sworn it was on teh original Xbox.


Apologies for the shite mal-correction.


Uhm, Motorstorm is another big new PS IP, Pacific Rift was really good. Although it looks like it's going downhill in Armageddon (heh).


Can't think of that other main franchise.

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Infamous (amazing), ModNation Racer (not bad), Warhawk (some people love it). Then there are absolutely tonnes of smaller games life flower, Joe Danger and Costume Quest.


There are also a load of awesome iPhone games.


In fact, I find it hard to criticise this generation in any way.


Edit: Forgot Heavy Rain.

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Could've sworn it was on teh original Xbox.


Apologies for the shite mal-correction.


Uhm, Motorstorm is another big new PS IP, Pacific Rift was really good. Although it looks like it's going downhill in Armageddon (heh).


Can't think of that other main franchise.


True love means never having to say you're sorry ;)


Never played Motorstorm, but that's because I'm not big on racers, but I hear it's pretty good.


Getting back on topic - after a certain amount of time in any medium, things are bound to get stale, and all you will get is rehashes of ideas already done, regardless of whether it's a sequel or a new IP. Look at the music industry for proof of that. What new ideas have come from music in the past 20 years?

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I would say that BioShock is one of those "perfect masterpieces". And Mass Effect is a brilliant new IP. And don't forget Alan Wake, Crackdown and Kameo (I think it's really underrated).


And loads of downloadable games like 'Splosion Man, Castle Crashers, Braid, Lucidity, Shadow Complex, Super Meat Boy, The Maw, Limbo and much more.

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I can think of quite a few new IPs this gen.


I wasn't saying there wasn't new IPs, but there's not as many new and exciting new IPs that I'm interested in. Even new IPs this gen have multiple sequels already like ones already mentioned, Gears of War, Uncharted and Assassin's Creed.


Even Wii Sports has a sequel, though using that as an example of a decent game this gen is bit far, its blend of short party games that held the attention until Christmas.

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