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Revolution-Europe's Top 50 Nintendo Games of all Time(VOTING CLOSED!)


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1) Legend of Zelda:Ocarina of time: This game is perfection, i cant think of a single negative thing to say about it. Everything about it is spot on.


2) Super Mario 64


3) Legend of Zelda: Links awakening


4) Metroid Prime 2


5) Mario Kart DS

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1) Zelda: OOT - This game is so great, that it doesn't even warrent a reason for why it's at no.1 anymore


2) Tetris - In some sense, this has the best gameplay ever in a videogame. Anyone can pick up this game and be addicted, whether it's your little sister or your old grandad.


3) Super Mario 64 - Pretty much the first game to feature an interactive living and breathing 3D world. Designed play mechanics as we know today across a variety of genres.


4)Perfect Dark - Took the revolutionary Goldeneye design and upped it to another level. Lost many a long nites and hours to the multiplayer of this game.


5)Zelda: Majora's Mask - Uses the OOT template and provides a whole new concept to story telling. Having people go around their daily chores while you are trying to save their arses is brilliant, and how certain NPC's fates intertwine throughout the three days.



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My contribution is .


1. METROID PRIME - The god of games , id love to find a way to use my cube to get samus jump into those xbox live halo frags , and watch them all cower .


2. Zelda , OOT. - Its a game i have passed on to my children with strict instructions for them to do the same when they have kids , and so on .


3. Goldeneye - You know what made it so great for me ? . I played it right through twice without ever seeing the movie .


4. Shadowman 64 - A cracking story with a great atmosphere , soundtrack and ultimate non linear gameplay . Jaunty was well cool .


5. Body Harvest - Someone must update this quality game for the next gen . It was great how you could save school kids from the aliens with just an ice cream van , magic.

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1 - Tetris - A simple highly addictive puzzle game which made the first Game Boy something really special. Highly enjoyable.


2 - Super Mario Bros 3 - In my opinion the best Mario Platformer to date, packed with secrets!


3 - Warioland - The original Wario Land on the Game Boy was awesome, the characters had attitude, the levels put a sense of excitement in to each one, and overall a very satisfying experience.


4 - Beyond Good & Evil - Loved this game, as it tried not to excel in any particular area (see this months Edge) and by doing this the experience as a whole felt really balanced for me.


5 - Viewtiful Joe - One of the most fresh expeirences to hit gaming in recent years, superb fun.

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1.Tales of Symphonia, Very long rpg, millions of hours and such indepth story, and thats without the beautifful anime styled graphics

2.Resi 4, The graphics you could say where ahead of the time for GC, gameplay and story was good.

3. Legend of zelda, Orcarina of time

4. Mario kart: double dash

5. Pokemon blue.

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1) The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - An obvious choice, but when you take a deep look at the game, you realise just how deserved of the top spot it really is. 7 years on, aspects of the game have dated, such as the graphics, and the limited soundclips (aside from the soundtrack, which is perfectly complementary to the environments), but below its visual and sonic shells, the unparalelled gameplay, design and execution of the game is truely astounding. This is the most well rounded, immersive, pure gaming experience available. No other single player game has made me replay it as much as this one.


2: Tetris


3: GoldenEye


4: Zelda: A Link to the Past


5: Pokemon Red

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Thanks for all the contributions everyone!

Its going to be very exciting and interesting counting them up to find out what goes where. The more people that contribute the top 5 the more accurate the top 50 will be, so if anyone here hasn't yet please do! Remember the deadline is 31st December if you can't make your mind up.

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1.Zelda: OOT(N64)-Yep, predictable be it so, it's a truly amazing game. The effort Shigeru and his gang put in is astonishing, and the attention to detail, the large quantity of side quests and some true emotion help this classic recieve the attention it deserves.


2.Super Mario World(SNES)-If there's one way you can criticize Nintendo, it's that they don't do as many 2D platformers as they used to. And this makes it all te more depressing. Mario responds to your every command with no wait, the level design is tuned to perfection and it's a game of sheer satisfaction. Just let a koopa shell off into a line of enemies, if you don't grin at your efforts then you're clearly not a gamer.


3.Super Mario Kart(SNES)-If there's one thing I can happily admit, it's that I love Mario Kart. I've enjoyed every incarnation so far (Excluding MKDS for lack of experience, I'm waiting until the 25th for it), but the SNES provides the best experience by far. The handling makes for some very challenging racing, and power sliding is a true test of your skills. Add that with well designed courses, memorable music and a fantastic multiplayer and you have the king of racers.


4.Zelda: Link's Awakening(Game boy)-If there's one game that isn't appreciated as much as I'd like these days, it's this gem. Considering the limitations of the hardware, it manages to best any Zelda game (Apart from OOT obviously) with ease. The tale of exploring the tmysterious island of Koholint is one that remains in my mind as a gamer, and it had classic moments that really puts other games of the genre (Including Nitendo's own efforts) to shame. And the dungeons? They may be flat and with one floor (with the exception of the seventh), yet the puzzles and dangers that lurk within make this a challenging and exciting journey.


5.Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal(Game Boy Colour): It's a tough call between this and it's predesscor, but I think I can hand this down as the ultimate pokemon experience. Sure, it may not do so for nostalgia sake, but the scope and suprise hidden in that cart make this some incredible achievement. Who honestly didn't get addicted to breeding various pokemon together to see the results? Who's jaw didn't drop in astonishment at the discovery of going back to Kanto? And who never experienced a linked battle and wasn't urged to push their pokemon on, no matter what the results were? An amazing experience, and proof that RPG's don't have to be traditional to be successful.

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Well its taken me a few weeks and quite a bit of thinking but I think this is as close to my top five as were gonna get - its soo hard to decide!


1) Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kongs Double Trouble

This is the top for me. DKC was amazing and the second was great but a little too dark for my liking but then came this one to complete one of the best trilogies ever. It has everything, a great world map and great characters both to play as and to interact with not to mention some great fun baddies. The game also has one of the best sound tracks ever and some of the best graphics and replay value Ive ever known in a game. Ive completed it so many times, first to get the 103% then I got a NMS that had a cheat, TUFST or HARDR that you could enter and play again to earn 105%. What an achievement, and what made it even more of a joy was that MERRY cheat. What a game... and Im getting the GBA remake this Chrimbo so I can get some (watered down) DKC perfection anytime!



2) F-Zero

Ill never forget this game or fall out of love with the series. This is the one that truly got me to where I am today gameswise. Id played on things like the Commodore 64 and NES before this and then stuff like Street Fighter 2 on the SNES but once I got a go on this... I was hooked to what was going on in the game... the graphics were/ are superb, the controls are perfect and the characters and vehicles and levels leave nothing to be desired. It was this game that kept me from getting into Super Mario World and it will forever hold a dear place in my memories, all the sequels have been amazing and everytime I hear the remixed music it gives me chills up my spine. What else can I say?



3) Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island

This was the first ever game I reserved, and back in them days it was in the lowly gaming heaven of Woolworths that I did so. I remember being up the town and coming down with my parents and driving past Woolies. I looked up the sidestreet and saw a big lorry sitting there and I got a buzz of excitement inside - today would be the day I got a new game! Lo and behold, when we got home the phone rang and it was Woolies, my game was in. Ma went to get it and I waited for what seemed like hours... but what an experience once I got my little mitts on it. The intro story... and then the colours and crayon backgrounds, raocking soundtrack and throwing eggs and the Yoshi's had so much personality - they were real... Nintendo had done it again. This was back when DKC and Mario World reigned supreme and look what they had delivered! This is my second favourite platformer ever and as you can see by me placing it third here, its easily one of the best games ever.



4) Skies of Arcadia Legends

Ok this is where the decisions get tough and I start over analysing my own selections. I have chosen this because its got a great story and characters and atmosphere from start to finish and wonderful tunes for everywhere you explore... what more could you want? Ok, no random battles and a battle system like Tales of Symphonia but get over it, this is an RPG and this is the mould that RPGs are made in. There are ship battles in this game and to end it all theres an onslaught of epic battles at the end each of which take forever to complete before you rescue the world and feel some of the warmest and proudest feelings you'll ever have while playing a computer game.



5) GoldenEye 007

Do I need to say anything to justify this? Its a game which is, no joke, still used as a bench mark in comparing others in the genre to today. Great controls, great Bondstyle music and a superbly superb and addictive 2player mode. Ill take you anytime, Bunker and Proximity Mines... your carcass shall be mine.





That was difficult, where are the Mario Karts, Mario Platformers, Zelda games and countless others like Pikmin and Starfox...? I wish I could vote for them but these others have nudged them aside. What does make a game so dear to you anyway? For me it seems to be the experience, the characters and something that is very important in making a great great game is the soundtrack. I sure hope my top three feature highly up the list because they truly are benchmark games which I have some wonderful memories of.

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1.The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - An epic revolutionary game. Had me hooked for months, and I've replayed it countless times since. Truly my fondest gaming moments.

2.Super Mario World

3.Super Smash Brothers Melee

4.Goldeneye 007

5.Final Fantasy 6

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OK, my top five favourite games are as follows (and i've had a good think about this) :smile:


1)Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time


Unbelievable game, everything is presented so well (although the graphics have unfortunately dated since) The dungeon design is absoloutley ingenous, all of them unique and special in there own way. The enviroments seem so big and full of promise the first play through the game, and an epic, superb (though i found a little easy) final boss.


2) Goldeneye


Astounding first person shooter, right up there with Half-Life and Halo. It may sound unfair, but i think the licence really does help with this one. You really did feel like James Bond with the perfect mix of stealth and shooting, with a few gadgets along the way :smile: The best part was undoubtedly the multiplayer though and although because of advances in technology i may prefer Halo these days, I think this had more depth and is overall the better multiplayer (if only the graphics were up to scratch)


3)Resident Evil 4


Easily the game of the year 2005, also probably the best game this generation. The Graphics are incredible on gamecube looking quite like what claims to be 'next-gen' with superb lighting and colour. But it's the gameplay thats the best. It plays like every game made of an action movie should: relentless, none stop action throughout. Incredible set pieces, a versatile combat system and some phenomenal enemy design :shock: also help make this a winner :D


4) Lylat Wars / Star Fox 64


Perhaps on my list because it was the first video game i ever really owned. It's just pure addictive, arcade action from the word go. The perfect mix of action, superb graphics and again a superb, epic final boss. This is also in here because (i think) it's got just about THE most replayable single player a game has had.


5) Metroid Prime


This game only JUST beats Mario 64 to my 5th spot. The level design is incredible, the graphics (although no doubt they will slowly start ageing) are superb, yet again phenomenal boss and enemy design. Such variation in locations means i prefer it to Metriod Prime 2, although generic ( lava, ice, desert, etc) are executed with such flair; they are just amazing, awe- inspiring :D


So thats my list, with not a mario game insight :hmm:

Admittedly some very nearly made it, but i just prefer these :rolleyes:

Also i've tended to go for single player over multiplayer


The most important thing to me in a game though has to be level design

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1)resident evil 4, before this every dam resident evil game annoyyed me to da point id have a nervous breakdown its like the developers make shureee u run out of ammo but resident evil 4 was a god send i cloked this game 5 times (seriously) upgrading new guns never gets old :bowdown:


2) metroid prime, dat game was so god dam beautiful and rich in gameplay :bowdown:


3)super smash bros melee, greatest multiplayer game ever i still play it to dis day an kick every1s a** at it :laughing:


4)super mario world, this game is sooooooo fun to play the gameplay still reamains unmatched to dis day in platforming games : peace:


5)metroid prime 2, they say no games as good as the original but i beleive this was as good but its just the fact of playing threw the world for the fist time that puts metroid prime ahead of its sequel but this gamee rocked aswellll and the dark world just kreeped me out i dreaded every time i saw a dark portal knowing id have to go through it:cry:

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1)Zelda OoT - Do I need to say anything more?

2)Jet Force Gemini - I think this was one majorly underrated game (still waiting for a sequel)

3)Goldeneye - My first N64 game (redefined console FPS's)

4)Super Mario Allstars - 4 incredible Mario titles on 1 cartridge

5)Super Metroid - IMO the best snes game (only beaten by Mario Allstars because Allstars packed in so many amazing Mario games.

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I hate to include OoT in my top 5 list because it's simply unfair to all the other games on the list, but if i must then:


1 - Zelda: Ocarina of Time

2 - GoldenEye 64

3 - Metroid Prime

4 - Jet Force Gemini

5 - Mario Kart DS


Edit: Sayn i love you for putting JFG in the top five!


Edit 2: Other noteable memorable games that barely missed my Top 5 in no praticular order are: Metal Gear Solid (PSX,PC,GCN) - Super Mario World (SNES) - Super Mario 64 (N64, DS) - Zelda: Majoras Mask and Zelda: ALTTP - Final Fantasy VII, FFVIII and FFX, Turok 2: Seeds of evil, Myst, Perfect Dark, Halo: CE, Eternal Darkness!!! Body Harvest, SSBM, Advanced Wars, Medieval: Total War, Rome Total War, Total Anihalation, Age of Empries, Half Life, Soul Calibur, Sim City 3000, Mario Kart DS (I own two copies of it) and i'm sure i'm missing a few others...

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