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Primary school I actually hung around with the more popular kids.....I think its because my family was one of the first to get Sky around here.


Secondary school was where I met goafer, we werent exactly popular but we had a pretty good group of friends which later throughout got split a bit so we hung out in different rooms but im sure we'd have been considered the geeks.


College was a lot better, there was only a couple of groups there and only 2 of those got common rooms, we had one and the more jockish group I guess you'd call them got the other. Good thing was there that most of the groups liked each other and mingled a lot.


Primary School: I only really hung around with 2 other people, these were my really close best friends. I'd say the only groups at my primary school were the people who did play football and the people who didn't. I occasionally played and got the best of both worlds.


Secondary school: I was an inbetweener. I wasn't 'in' with the popular kids or the unpopular kids, but i got on with them both. In other words, i was popular enough to not been seen as a target to the chavs.


6th form: Everyone got on pretty much.


All in all i was an inbetweener as well.


Yeah, I was also an inbetweener. Especially in secondary, when I was pretty much seen as a geek but I always played and talked about footie with the popular lads.


My primary school was quite small, so there were no seperate groups. Just one big mess of people that knew everyone.


Secondary school has pretty much been summed up by Happenstance. We were probably the geeks/nerdlingers but towards the end of normal secondary school we kind of became the emos of the time (greebos? I forget the name of the time for them). Either way, I wore black hoodies with bands on the front a lot.


Sixth form, I just kind of blended in a bit. Gener-o-person I guess. I still liked my rock music, just less Slipknot and more skater style rock I guess. I've been told I fitted the skater image. Guess that'll be my clique of chioce to describe my sixth form years.

  goaferboy said:
My primary school was quite small, so there were no seperate groups. Just one big mess of people that knew everyone.


Secondary school has pretty much been summed up by Happenstance. We were probably the geeks/nerdlingers but towards the end of normal secondary school we kind of became the emos of the time (greebos? I forget the name of the time for them). Either way, I wore black hoodies with bands on the front a lot.


Sixth form, I just kind of blended in a bit. Gener-o-person I guess. I still liked my rock music, just less Slipknot and more skater style rock I guess. I've been told I fitted the skater image. Guess that'll be my clique of chioce to describe my sixth form years.


You know, thinking back it might not have been the best thing for our image to reinact episodes of Power Rangers every lunchtime....


i was an inbetweener, more specificaly will from the inbetweeners.


ive never seen my self as part of a social group, i mean, emo, goth, chav, trendies, who cares? just be your self. ive always dressed how i liked, acted how i wanted to act and been interested in what ever i liked. conforming to a social group is like admitting you have little personality and need to feed from outhers.


i actualy had a mate who would copy my interests but be louder about it, make it his thing, make himself seem like an individual, when all you could see in him was some one trying desperatly to fit the "individual" persona.


anouther mate at uni went the outher way, did everything he could to fit the rugby club, litteraly hung off their every word and hated any rivals just bacuse they were rivals.

  Chris the great said:
conforming to a social group is like admitting you have little personality and need to feed from outhers.


  Chris the great said:
i was an inbetweener



  ReZourceman said:






that wasnt really a social group though,, was it? the whole thing about the inbetweeners is they are niether the cool nor the geeky, they just sort of sit inbetween without fitting any.


also, i was doing that way before the term was used so arguably, they copied off me.


tbh i didn't really fit in to any of these groups. I guess i got on with everyone but i wasn't amazingly popular or anything. As someone else mentioned....i was just myself and hung round with similar minded people. Boring I know, but its true!


At our school in our year most people were friends, which was weird as most other years had loads of smaller clicks that didnt get on.

We did split up into smaller groups, but the people in them alternated.

There were some leser liked people, and some people who everyone liked.

We seemed to hang around with everyone, though.

If i had to put my attitude into one of the stereotypical ones, id say im the closest to the Geek.

Im not really sure of many others though.


  Chris the great said:
that wasnt really a social group though,, was it? the whole thing about the inbetweeners is they are niether the cool nor the geeky, they just sort of sit inbetween without fitting any.


also, i was doing that way before the term was used so arguably, they copied off me.

Theres inbetweeners, and outcasts almost.

The inbetweeners fit in most places, with one area slightly more than others.

The outcasts dont really fit in with any of the other groups, apart from the odd one or two.


I wasn't popular or unpopular. I had a good group of mates to chill out with. Although, I'll admit, I was a bit of a gangster- I had close friends in higher years, who would 'have words' with someone for a fiver. Other than that, no one really gave me grief, and I got on with everyone.


Primary School I have no idea. Although I did walk around the playground going from person to person having a chat. I remember one time calling two girls lesbians because their arms were linked... that just made me chuckle remembering that.

High School I was the guy who knew many people but knew no-one. I could chat with all the cool kids or the uncool kids who sat inside playing on computers through dinner time.

College I joined a group of people who I think were all friends from High School. Had fun with that lot even though I didn't really have much in common.

So I pretty much floated through my school years. I didn't consier myself in any group, I just wanted to get along fine with everybody.


I was somewhere in the between. Not one of the cooler kids but not one of the geeks either. I had a group of 5 or 6 good friends but then I'd also talk to people in each of my classes.


I was bullied constantly in primary school, but I ended up fitting in with a few kids who were sort of pre-gamers and then towards the end gamers. Since then, the people have changed, but I've always fit in with the sort of Gamers/Nerds/Geeks/whatever group. I'm not that social of a person though.


I'm curious to find out what group ReZ belonged to. I'm guessing turbogeek.



I remember everyone bringing in Game Boys to play Pokemon when Red and Blue were released. We kept ourselves to ourselves when playing, had no real effect on anyone. Didn't stop one of the "popular" girls from complaining about it and getting Game Boys banned. She's probably dead from a cocktail of STDs by now so it's all good. Or got 18 kids and living on a council estate with no real goals in life.

  Emasher said:
I was bullied constantly in primary school, but I ended up fitting in with a few kids who were sort of pre-gamers and then towards the end gamers. Since then, the people have changed, but I've always fit in with the sort of Gamers/Nerds/Geeks/whatever group. I'm not that social of a person though.


Makes it sound like you were hanging out with people who wanted to destroy the world :p


  goaferboy said:
I'm curious to find out what group ReZ belonged to. I'm guessing turbogeek.



I remember everyone bringing in Game Boys to play Pokemon when Red and Blue were released. We kept ourselves to ourselves when playing, had no real effect on anyone. Didn't stop one of the "popular" girls from complaining about it and getting Game Boys banned. She's probably dead from a cocktail of STDs by now so it's all good. Or got 18 kids and living on a council estate with no real goals in life.


Who was it? I remember bringing in the gameboys but not the bannings.


I do however remember, possibly in our last year when we were being moaned at for the tutor room being a mess, one of the girls saying it wasnt them but the "geeks" and pointing at our group. That really pissed me off at the time.


In primary school I was awesome. I was clever, but I was also a happy child so people in my class just liked me. Life was good.


High school. No-ones friend, no-ones enemy. I had a couple of friends I suppose, but mainly I was one of those people who kinda drifts around. Not really a geek, but not cool. My childhood charm had appeared to have worn off, I was cetainly not happy like I used to be.


6th Form. Pretty much sacked off all my old mates, not that they would care anyway. Our year was split in two really. The 'cool' people, and us. Our side had yet again it's own unwritten unspoken divisions. I was one of the laidback ones, who didn't let college work stress them out and all. I was the token heavy metal fan. I had kids from the highschool shouting mosher at me and such.


College. Yeah I went to another college. I was the heavy metal guy. The one the other metal fans looked up to (even though I don't like the way that sounds). Non metal people would kinda approach me with caution, if at all. Shame, since i'm actually really nice. Unless I don't like you. Lol.

  Happenstance said:
Makes it sound like you were hanging out with people who wanted to destroy the world :p




Who was it? I remember bringing in the gameboys but not the bannings.


I do however remember, possibly in our last year when we were being moaned at for the tutor room being a mess, one of the girls saying it wasnt them but the "geeks" and pointing at our group. That really pissed me off at the time.


It was Bethany I think. She was a twat. I'm not sure they were officially banned, but I remember not being able to bring them in anymore.


A computer nerd through out all my school life, but curiously it seems the cool kids like computer nerds as my friends were mostly geeks/nerds/the cool kids and none of the inbetweeners.

  goaferboy said:
I'm curious to find out what group ReZ belonged to. I'm guessing turbogeek.


Ah an interesting question.


In primary school I guess I was just a normal-ey. I would say there weren't any specific cliques. One of the greatest times ever was, when playing....chase...game...thing, this super hot tall chick said she liked me....however nothing came out of it, apart from mild cuddling in the "family game".


In my first secondary school things got interesting. I was certainly the nerd, and I was certainly a ...."class clown" not a disruptive or rude class clown, just a loveable and funny one. Also businessman (I had a South Park book with stickers, and sold the stickers seperately) of course I didnt make my money back...but thats fine. I was almost a king. I certainly felt the rich fruits of the kings, but I wasn't in the popular crowd. I was in the nerd crowd but admired and respected by my peers, partly due to my sister being in her years popular crowd.


This enabled me to sit on this chick's Rachel's lap quite often, which I found pretty awesome.


In my second secondary school things changed though. I relegated myself to the nerd/sad/outcast column. Wasn't in the cool crowd, and bullied by the rough/cool crowd, however the "Nice/normal" crowd I was certainly welcome in, and interacted the most with, but I also spent a lot of time in the "library at lunch, drawing shit with other geeks crowd" so it really was a mixed bag of an experience.


College as others have said, theres not really cliques. Because I only did Art (and its contained topics) there was basically only one class of people, give or take a few, and we all got on well.


However my awesomeness (class clowndidability) did apparently/assumably/Ive been told/was told that it did contribute to my being kicked out, but thats fine. It was partly their ass-hole-ness, and inability to cope with how awesome I am. I mean FFS I got kicked out of the class once for farting.

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