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Unemployment, travelling and smoking thread. Apparently.


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Regarding the cigarette break issue I've always felt it is meant to help calm you yes? So why can't I go listen to a song on my ipod? Last about the same time and (depending on the song) would certainly calm me.


Interview yesterday went okay. More of a casual chat really. Again in a pub and again when I ordered a coke they said "you sure you don't want alcohol?" Strange.


Disney store today ^_^

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Regarding the cigarette break issue I've always felt it is meant to help calm you yes? So why can't I go listen to a song on my ipod? Last about the same time and (depending on the song) would certainly calm me.

Damn right, it shouldn't affect us people who don't want to waste money on a dirty habit in a negative fashion. I tried having a "crisp break" basically like your iPod plan but eating a bag of McCoys. Surprisingly enough, I got told off. The excuse was "it was busy", yet I can have a queue of 3-5 people and the boss never notices.

Interview yesterday went okay. More of a casual chat really. Again in a pub and again when I ordered a coke they said "you sure you don't want alcohol?" Strange.

Maybe it was a test? See if you might drink on the job.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I went to that McDonald's job interview on Wednesday. (I took my birth certificate - but the interviewer never asked for any proof or anything. Imagine if I actually splashed out for a passport and got it photocopied only for that to happen...)


Anyway, at the end the interviewer actually said it was likely I would get the job, and that I would get an email on Thursday saying whether or not I got the job.


I got no email, so I'm assuming I got no job.


Either the interviewer was bullshitting me, or he chose that attractive girl who was after me. I could understand that completely, but still...she could get a job anywhere with that face.


Oh, well, sign on again next week. :(

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What the flink is with the new title jayseven? Strange manchild.


Sorry to hear that TV :( Perhaps they're a bit behind, or hell the pretty faced girl could turn out to be useless or refuse the job or something. Don't give up hope yet.


Since I last posted here I got that job in London, but turned it down. It didn't 'feel' right and with moving to London and everything I wanted to be in a job I'd enjoy, not just a job for the sake of a job.


Had an interview at the Disney Store which just didn't seem to go well. The regional manager was there and he was just a miserable bastard which kinda threw me. They said they'd let me know at the start of the week "by phone or post" and seeing as I've had neither I'm guessing it was no good :heh: Applied for five jobs yesterday and noticed Waterstone's closing date is today which may explain why I've heard nothing.


Got a phone call from that disability support worker position I applied for ages ago today and have an interview and "work based task" on the 21st and hopeful for that particular job.


So hopefully things are on the up :)

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There's a few jobs that I'm after, although they seem to be in quite a few iffy areas. Basically, I'm either going towards the Valleys or towards England.


So, I'm doing one application as we speak. The one that just seems to not want to be completed. I've got another one to fill out in the same area, and I've rang the council to request an application form for another school.


So, that's three potentials. Not including the one I'm still waiting to hear from. I feel a bit more worth...something. What's the opposite of worthless? Worthmore! I feel worthmore!

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Read back over the last few pages. Those topics came up!


Because this is the first topic to ever go off on a tangent?


There's a few jobs that I'm after, although they seem to be in quite a few iffy areas. Basically, I'm either going towards the Valleys or towards England.


So, I'm doing one application as we speak. The one that just seems to not want to be completed. I've got another one to fill out in the same area, and I've rang the council to request an application form for another school.


So, that's three potentials. Not including the one I'm still waiting to hear from. I feel a bit more worth...something. What's the opposite of worthless? Worthmore! I feel worthmore!


Are the iffy areas 'the Valleys' and 'England' themselves or more specific?


Opposite of worthless....



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Are the iffy areas 'the Valleys' and 'England' themselves or more specific?


Opposite of worthless....




The areas are the Rhondda and South Gloucestershire. So, completely opposite directions, with Newport in the middle. Gloucestershire is just over the bridge, and it's only around 30 minutes drive time, which isn't terrible. However, I just don't know how it works with regards to paying the toll boothes.


Ahh, Woolworthes worth it. That's the opposite of worthless. :heh:

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Because this is the first topic to ever go off on a tangent?

Well to be fair, they were fairly wild tangents that I thought were individual-thread-worthy, but I was too lazy to 'thread-rip' them.

Hmm yeah fair enough. If I knew what I was doing with myself I'd say we could be roomies (could be the new jayseven and shorty!) but alas I'm not sure how long I'm going to be in the area for.


You'd need Eenuh too, for the nami bit!

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  • 2 weeks later...

You'd need Eenuh too, for the nami bit!


That's fine with me :) Lets do it :D


Woot after 3.5 months working a shitty job, living back home. Iv'e finally got an actual job and can move out \o/\o/\o/\o/ Genuinly nailed the interview yesterday cant wait to hand my notice in tomorrow.


Congrats Noodles :D But...you didn't get them to kiss Franklin did you? Because that would be cheating.


I'm hoping to hear back about this disability support worker position on Friday. The other three applicants were all women, and didn't come from the uni. I'm hoping that my penis and alumni status will help.


They didn't ask why I'm suited for the job though (typical interview question) which sucked because I would have nailed that answer.


I got the job :D! :yay:

*pelvic thrusts of celebration*


£7.18/hour, 37 hours a week, casual wear, holidays off (ie a month for xmas and all summer). Pretty fucking rad :D Start on Tuesday


That'll do me nicely for a year to save up and do a postgrad or training course next September.


Such a guffaffle though. Was at a shopping centre and just leaving and my phone rung and I dropped it as I went to pick it up. Then I was all nervous cause she said "We liked your application and task..." and thought she was going towards the "but..." but there was no but! Then I had to try and jot down some details while carrying shopping and my phone kept cutting out >_< Got there eventually though.


Went back to Sainsburys and got some champagne and wanted to come home and surprise my mother with the news but she's out. D'oh.

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I got the job :D! :yay:

*pelvic thrusts of celebration*


£7.18/hour, 37 hours a week, casual wear, holidays off (ie a month for xmas and all summer). Pretty fucking rad :D Start on Tuesday


That'll do me nicely for a year to save up and do a postgrad or training course next September.


Such a guffaffle though. Was at a shopping centre and just leaving and my phone rung and I dropped it as I went to pick it up. Then I was all nervous cause she said "We liked your application and task..." and thought she was going towards the "but..." but there was no but! Then I had to try and jot down some details while carrying shopping and my phone kept cutting out >_< Got there eventually though.


Went back to Sainsburys and got some champagne and wanted to come home and surprise my mother with the news but she's out. D'oh.


Fantastic, well done Ashmon! :D

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That's fine with me :) Lets do it :D




Congrats Noodles :D But...you didn't get them to kiss Franklin did you? Because that would be cheating.


I'm hoping to hear back about this disability support worker position on Friday. The other three applicants were all women, and didn't come from the uni. I'm hoping that my penis and alumni status will help.


They didn't ask why I'm suited for the job though (typical interview question) which sucked because I would have nailed that answer.


I got the job :D! :yay:

*pelvic thrusts of celebration*


£7.18/hour, 37 hours a week, casual wear, holidays off (ie a month for xmas and all summer). Pretty fucking rad :D Start on Tuesday


That'll do me nicely for a year to save up and do a postgrad or training course next September.


Such a guffaffle though. Was at a shopping centre and just leaving and my phone rung and I dropped it as I went to pick it up. Then I was all nervous cause she said "We liked your application and task..." and thought she was going towards the "but..." but there was no but! Then I had to try and jot down some details while carrying shopping and my phone kept cutting out >_< Got there eventually though.


Went back to Sainsburys and got some champagne and wanted to come home and surprise my mother with the news but she's out. D'oh.


Many congrats Ashley! Like others around here you managed (in a much smaller timeframe) to do what Dan Dare couldn't do in a year.


(I love you really Dan, especially now that you aren't living off my taxes anymore.)

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lol isn't it strange I thought the exact same; I did better than Dan :p


He can't help it though. With that face and everything.


Oh and thanks ^_^


Oooh I need to ring the job centre and tell them to stuff it. This should be fun :D! (although tomorrow was meant to be my set up meeting so thankfully I've never had to suffer the humiliating process).

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It's weird not having a job, since I got made redundant last week i've been bored most days, can't believe i actually keep saying it, but I am, just hope to whichever person I want to hope to I can get a job when I get to Sydney, gonna be fun looking >>

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