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i still dont get the gameplay though... I understand the first person and 2d parts but how do the third person parts work :S


There aren't 2D parts from what I understand. Its all 3D, just very linear to the point that it looks almost 2D.

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Wow, looking sweet! :o

Seriously slick. :awesome:


I loved the Prime games, but get the feeling that I'm going to enjoy this one more than all 3 of them put together! The gameplay just looks so awesome, it's like Super Metroid on steroids. :hehe:


Oh man, after Metroid Prime 3 was released, I was resigned to thinking that would be the end of home-console Metroid games. For a long time anyway - similar to the N64 gap.


How wrong I was. Not only that, but it looks kick-ass too.


Best trailer I've seen of anything in a long time. While the Prime games were great, this is how Metroid should be. The 1st person views in this game will be great for strategic shooting, scanning and puzzle solving but the 3rd person perspective allows for so much more possibilities and abilities. If this beats Super Metroid which is a mammoth task I'll have a new favourite game of all time.

Posted (edited)

thats weird, why is it that the japanese version of this trailer has ~10 seconds more footage than the US version? It even has the US voice acting in place. And for the ones that want to watch the extended (JP) version.

Edited by marcel

no you get more footage, wich contains

-a tight corridor with a hall with flower type of things

-scenes from 2 strong enemys

-a semi resident evil 4 type of camera(behind the shoulder)

-more 3th to 1st person switchting

no you get more footage, wich contains

-a tight corridor with a hall with flower type of things

-scenes from 2 strong enemys

-a semi resident evil 4 type of camera(behind the shoulder)

-more 3th to 1st person switchting


That's true, and an interesting video - thanks marcel!


I really really hope they change the logo before release (I'm sure they will). The Metroid part looks alright, but the 'Other M' is just a basic typeface. Make it funky, Nintendo!


I wasn't that interested in the game, I did like the first Prime, but the back tracking put me off. I just watched this trailer though and WOW! This has instantly become one of my most anticipated Wii games! It just looks fantastic!

no you get more footage, wich contains

-a tight corridor with a hall with flower type of things

-scenes from 2 strong enemys

-a semi resident evil 4 type of camera(behind the shoulder)

-more 3th to 1st person switchting


I think the ship that was quick shown leaving at the end is new as well.


That trailer has got me excited for this game now!


Was abit dubious to be honest at first (prob coz the only Metriod games ive played are the Prime ones). But this is a definate purchase now!

...the only Metriod games ive played are the Prime ones...


Go out and get yourself Metroid Zero Mission, Super Metroid and Fusion immediately! They're each MUST-PLAY titles!!!


.. I must admit it looks great in motion, although I still find it disappointing that the art design (levels / creatures / Samus) isn't up to Retro standards. But looking fun it does. However.. Now I've seen more gameplay, I'm surprised to see how 3D it actually is.. My graphics worries have been slightly alleviated only to be replaced by more control worries. Why they omitted nunchuck controls I really don't know. Even though 2D sidescrolling is the focus, they expect us to move in full 3D while only using the d-pad? That sucks.

Why the hell did they insist on remote-only controls?


- 3D movement --> analogue stick. Hello?

- Helps the FPS bits, you're remote is already pointing at the TV, transitions are more fluid.

- As this game is for the hardcore audience, you can expect every buyer to already own a nunchuck. If really necessary, sell a bundle next to the regular version.


Oh well.

Even though 2D sidescrolling is the focus, they expect us to move in full 3D while only using the d-pad? That sucks.


Honestly, the gameplay kinda sounds like a faster-paced Streets of Rage, and that worked well with a D-Pad.


- Helps the FPS bits, you're remote is already pointing at the TV, transitions are more fluid.


The transition is done by switching Wiimote positions. If you used the nunchuck, how would you change perspectives? With another button? Because I think they're going with the "plays like an old-school action game" idea, and just adding functions for the nunchuck wouldn't achieve that effect.

@Sméagol: You won't be able to move in 3D, you are just able to look around shoot and scan.


Yes you can. If you watch the video you will see that there are several occasions where Samus runs into an open 3D area to fight a boss etc, and also you will see that there are clips of Samus running down a corridor but she doesn't just run right to left, at times she runs towards the screen itself. Hence the need for 3D controls. Her planes of movement are not limited to simple right/left/up/down, but in/out (shake it all about) as well.


Honestly, the gameplay kinda sounds like a faster-paced Streets of Rage, and that worked well with a D-Pad.


The transition is done by switching Wiimote positions. If you used the nunchuck, how would you change perspectives? With another button? Because I think they're going with the "plays like an old-school action game" idea, and just adding functions for the nunchuck wouldn't achieve that effect.


I was under the impression that that game went into first person mode when it detected the wiimote physically pointing at the screen (rather than recognising the change of angle), so having the nunchuk just means you need to make less of a move to change from third to first person.


Still, we need an extensive hands on before we can say which control method will work. I'm pretty confident both will be included but the nunchuk option will be discouraged. I only found out there was a nunchuk control scheme for NSMBW a few weeks ago because they don't really want to encourage people to use it.

Yes you can. If you watch the video you will see that there are several occasions where Samus runs into an open 3D area to fight a boss etc, and also you will see that there are clips of Samus running down a corridor but she doesn't just run right to left, at times she runs towards the screen itself. Hence the need for 3D controls. Her planes of movement are not limited to simple right/left/up/down, but in/out (shake it all about) as well.


Sorry, I meant in First Person...


I was under the impression that that game went into first person mode when it detected the wiimote physically pointing at the screen (rather than recognising the change of angle), so having the nunchuk just means you need to make less of a move to change from third to first person.


Exactly my point. When I play with the nunchuck, I usually point the Wiimote at the screen. If the non-first-person segments were played with a nunchuck, you'd be changing perspectives accidentally (or be forced to maintain the Wiimote turned sideways, or backwards, or...).

Unless the change was done with a button, of course, and I doubt they're going that route.


Now, you do have a point about those 3D segments (versus Bosses and etc.). Kinda reminds me of when I played my 3D platformers/action games on the PS1 d-pad, so I wonder if it is similar.

Posted (edited)
Honestly, the gameplay kinda sounds like a faster-paced Streets of Rage, and that worked well with a D-Pad.

To be honest, I don't think a Street of Rage comparison is accurate.. But faster-paced is the key here. Sure, we've been able to do "3D" on a D-pad since the NES, with Double Dragon and Zelda, but that's the thing, they're much slower-paced games than this one or the other 2D Metroid games. If you need to evade an enemy in Double Dragon diagonally, you could do so at a leisurely pace. Imagine that in turbo mode with enemies chasing you ruthlessly, how does circle strafing sound on that D-pad now?


I'll agree that side-stepping an enemy in one of the many corridors (and similar areas) this game will likely have, probably won't be a problem, but I'm sure there are plenty open areas as well, which you didn't have in beat'em ups. Digital controls just don't feel right in real 3D (polygonal) games, can't recall any console games which have them, but there are probably some on the DS.

The transition is done by switching Wiimote positions. If you used the nunchuck, how would you change perspectives? With another button? Because I think they're going with the "plays like an old-school action game" idea, and just adding functions for the nunchuck wouldn't achieve that effect.

You're right, I had though about it earlier, but forgot to mention it. Since they already simplified the controls, I'm sure they can spare a button on the nunchuck to map the switch on. There's no diagonal aiming (all auto-aim unless in FPS mode), no switching weapons I believe? I mean, you just have the D-pad, and the A, 1 & 2 buttons now.. Mapping controls on a remote/nunchuck combo could go something like this:

C = FPS mode

Z = morph

B = jump

A = fire

Same number of buttons + C.

More aren't needed I think? Anyway, this way would be more fluid, and less awkward than the current way. Another advantages is that the stick is free in FPS mode, so you could add (some) movement to the FPS mode.

Edited by Sméagol
Guest Captain Falcon


You're right, I had though about it earlier, but forgot to mention it. Since they already simplified the controls, I'm sure they can spare a button on the nunchuck to map the switch on. There's no diagonal aiming (all auto-aim unless in FPS mode), no switching weapons I believe? I mean, you just have the D-pad, and the A, 1 & 2 buttons now.. Mapping controls on a remote/nunchuck combo could go something like this:

C = FPS mode

Z = morph

B = jump

A = fire

Same number of buttons + C.

More aren't needed I think? Anyway, this way would be more fluid, and less awkward than the current way. Another advantages is that the stick is free in FPS mode, so you could add (some) movement to the FPS mode.


Swap C and Z and then you pretty much have the Prime control scheme.

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