Nintendohnut Posted May 17, 2010 Posted May 17, 2010 Japan TV ADS. The last video made me hype to play that galaxy. remake areas from the past 3D Mario games That video(s) didn't work for me! And I want to see more of that awesome galaxy!
dwarf Posted May 17, 2010 Posted May 17, 2010 Did that guy on the left call the player a pussy when he started running from the Goomba? Awesome.
Dante Posted May 17, 2010 Posted May 17, 2010 That video(s) didn't work for me! And I want to see more of that awesome galaxy! a remake Mario 64 world area "Whomp's Fortress" in galaxy called Throw Back Galaxy. Which is remake of 3D mario games levels mixed together in the galaxy.
LostOverThere Posted May 18, 2010 Posted May 18, 2010 You have a freeloader? Or do you not need those anymore? Australia, much like Europe uses PAL. Thus, any European games work straight out for Australian Wii's. But yeah, if anyone at all could recommend an online store (such as Zavvi) where they're buying Mario Galaxy 2 from I would truly appreciate it. Must get it when you folks do, and not 3 weeks later!
killer kirby Posted May 18, 2010 Posted May 18, 2010 Australia, much like Europe uses PAL. Thus, any European games work straight out for Australian Wii's. But yeah, if anyone at all could recommend an online store (such as Zavvi) where they're buying Mario Galaxy 2 from I would truly appreciate it. Must get it when you folks do, and not 3 weeks later! It's $71 there, it's where I get a couple of games from...although I have never pre-ordered there so I don't know how long they would take if it just got release
LostOverThere Posted May 18, 2010 Posted May 18, 2010 Yeah, preordered from CD Wow once. Took one and a half months. How are Zavvi and ShopTo?
drahkon Posted May 18, 2010 Posted May 18, 2010 Pre-ordered it for 40€ Now I need a Wii Component cable but they're so expensive
... Posted May 18, 2010 Posted May 18, 2010 Japan TV ADS. The last video made me hype to play that galaxy. remake areas from the past 3D Mario games I loved the idea, but I think they should have added a spin to it, like make it a full 360º galaxy, making you able to walk on every surface, something you couldn't do in SM64. As it is it looks like it's simply exactly the same level, with new textures and a few new enemies (flying goomba, et al). Anyway, SMG2 is looking 1000000 times better than the first one! Christmas comes early this year.
Josh64 Posted May 18, 2010 Posted May 18, 2010 OH MY CHRIST! That last video!! <3 I... MUST have this game!
Dante Posted May 18, 2010 Posted May 18, 2010 IGN Roundtable Brian Altano: Back in 2007, I stood in line outside of the Nintendo World Store in New York at midnight in November just to get a copy of Super Mario Galaxy before any of my friends. My hands were almost too numb to hold a Wiimote and Nunchuk once I finally snagged a copy, but that didn't stop me from staying up the entire night to play it. Super Mario Galaxy reinvented the platforming genre and proved that over two decades later, Nintendo still had some new ideas for their fat mascot. It was so good, in fact, that I found myself wondering how the hell they'd ever be able to top it. And then, I played Super Mario Galaxy 2. A lot. And once again, it's brilliant. Gamers worrying that this sequel is just a retread of old ideas can stop. Galaxy 2 is an untiring bombardment of brilliance and surprise. It's also one of the toughest games Nintendo has ever made, tempting me to throw the controller down in defeat on more than one occasion. But again and again, I'd return, determined to grab that just-out-of-reach comet coin or topple that ridiculously hilarious looking boss. I'm looking forward to unlocking every stage, collecting every star and exploring every inch of Galaxy 2. Nintendo, somehow you've done it again. Ryan Clements: I'll be the first to admit that I never beat the original Super Mario Galaxy. Although the game was certainly a great example of solid 3D platforming, I wasn't nearly as enthusiastic about it as other gamers out there. One of my main complaints when it comes to 3D platforming is depth. Sometimes I'd just have a hard time gauging where Mario was in a 3D space and I'd end up careening off a cliff and into the terrifying void below. This could just be a problem that lessens with experience, but even still, I couldn't help but feel like this was just a prettier Super Mario 64. Was it fun? Absolutely. Have I seen it before? Yes. When it comes to Super Mario Galaxy 2, I'm slightly more excited than I was with the original Galaxy, but not by much. I know exactly what I'm going to get: a polished platformer. But for me, there still isn't the hook that I need in gaming. Maybe the Mario universe just doesn't do it for me. Sure, he's one of – if not the most – iconic and endearing characters in videogames, but I dislike his design. I sincerely believe that Mario's (well-deserved) status prevents people from realizing how terrible of a character he is. And when I play a game with characters, I need good characters. Sorry Mario!
Josh64 Posted May 18, 2010 Posted May 18, 2010 Ryan Clements, I've never felt such fanboy rage in years, go die.
K-project Posted May 18, 2010 Posted May 18, 2010 What I'd really love to see in Galaxy 2 is some bigger and more expansive levels. I've been playing Mario Sunshine recently (boy is that game underrated!), and I'm really enjoying how vast and unfettered it feels. It's so busy and alive too, and seems to have a life of it's own regardless of the players input. I really love that about Sunshine. Often just running about the levels you'd see something new, such as birds just flying past your head or that little boat that just tootles about aimlessly. Sometimes Galaxy felt a little bit linear and limited in scope compared to Sunshine, so I'm hoping they've addressed that. However, don't take my criticisms wrong. On balance my fave out of the two would be Galaxy. It is just endlessly inventive and rewarding to play, and feels more polished. Even now after completing it I'll play it through and it still manages to surprise. High hopes for number 2.
mcj metroid Posted May 18, 2010 Posted May 18, 2010 ryan clements must hate most games if that's how he feels.. should stick to movies maybe
Ronnie Posted May 18, 2010 Posted May 18, 2010 Is this loser who is clearly shit at games actually paid for his "writing" (if you can call it that)?
Fused King Posted May 18, 2010 Posted May 18, 2010 To be quite fair, Mario really isn't a character, he's a stereotype.
Eddage Posted May 18, 2010 Posted May 18, 2010 I don't get what you're all complaining about. He's clearly just saying that the game isn't for his tastes. He's not denying the quality of the titles and regarding his comments on Mario as a character... well all he does is go to the Princesses castle for a cake or some party, realises she's been kidnapped and then rescues her from a giant turtle... the guy has a point!
Pookiablo Posted May 18, 2010 Posted May 18, 2010 Oh man, those additions have just made the game even more awesome in my opinion, and I don't even have it yet! Think this is gonna have to be a release day purchase for me after all! Hmmm, need to get my copy of Galaxy back off of a friend, I feel another playthrough is in order to get me back into the epicness that is Mario Galaxy! Btw, someone mentioned something about getting a Wii component cable - have they found one per chance? And if so, have they found a cheap one. I do have one, although it's stupidly stuck round another friend's house and I have virtually next to no chance of getting it back now.
Shino Posted May 18, 2010 Posted May 18, 2010 I don't get what you're all complaining about. He's clearly just saying that the game isn't for his tastes. He's not denying the quality of the titles and regarding his comments on Mario as a character... well all he does is go to the Princesses castle for a cake or some party, realises she's been kidnapped and then rescues her from a giant turtle... the guy has a point! He's playing Mario ffs, next he'll complain about the lack of fps elements in the game either. He should go read a book instead. Besides this guy clearly has sand in his vagina against Mario, in his rant against NSMB Wii (in which he doesn't complain a single time about the lack of character), he raves about games that clearly don't focus on the story or character development. He's just looking for something to hate.
Pookiablo Posted May 18, 2010 Posted May 18, 2010 I love how he says that Mario is "one of - if not the most - iconic and endearing characters in videogames". Everyone and their mum knows who Mario is! As for depth, what the fuck does he expect - how the fuck do you make a game about a fat plumber who jumps around all sorts of crazy shit an in depth experience? Heavy Rain this ain't, twat. It's Mario, it's meant to be silly. That's what makes him so "iconic and endearing".
Ashley Posted May 18, 2010 Posted May 18, 2010 You guys get wound up by stuff far too easily... You think this is bad? Watch their reaction to this.... MEGATON!
Dante Posted May 18, 2010 Posted May 18, 2010 I don't get what you're all complaining about. He's clearly just saying that the game isn't for his tastes. He's not denying the quality of the titles and regarding his comments on Mario as a character... well all he does is go to the Princesses castle for a cake or some party, realises she's been kidnapped and then rescues her from a giant turtle... the guy has a point! He is just looking for ways to hate the game by stupid reasons and other games that have story and characterization are Mario & Luigi.
Kav Posted May 18, 2010 Posted May 18, 2010 Booked the 11th June off work so I can get a full day on this when it's released!
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