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New Super Mario Bros. Wii


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Metroid, what are you on about? Show me in that video where they are picking each other up...


Tell you what, why don't they make it so you go through each other in Mario Kart too, don't want to make that racing any more difficult for each now do we?!?!


I don't get what people are complaining about. If you just walked straight through each other it would be absolutely ridiculous!!

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The PAL version has been leaked online (0____o)


But it aint running for haxxers :D. It has some kind of new IOS on the disk which is making it crash constantly for those running it from a burned DVD. Furthermore it won't run off USB loaders.


A win for Nintendo or only a matter of time before it is patched? Happy to see it being a tough nut to crack. It's about time Nintendo upped their anti-piracy measures.


EDIT: I agree with Dazzy. Walking into each other is how it should be. Adds a different dimension which multiplayer should be about. If you walked through each other it would just be like single player.

Edited by tapedeck
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No it's stupid. There aren't many similtaneous sidescrolling games around but i'll give N+ as a close example. A very difficult platforming title for ds and xbox live arcade( I think)

note that there is no bumping in this. but it doesn't make it seem less interactive. It's a dead serious platforming title that constantly challenge you with small platforms.



imagine if you had to land on the small platform in the middle here: with 4 people? bumping each other off constantly.. it wont work.



If this game is as difficult as they're all bragging( and by the way I bet it isn't) then it would be a nightmare. Remember playing streets of rage or battletoads and you would hit and throw the other player by accident causing outrage? Ya it would be like that.


It is not a good idea.

and to answrr your question.. er I assume you press a button to pick the other player up... why wouln't it work the same?


I also think stopping the game when someone is dead is idiocy too.


I really dislike the way N+ plays, its way too janky.


Anyway I'm sure this "bumping into each other" thing is just making a mountain out of a molehill. I'm sure they QA'd this enough to notice if it was a problem, and if 4 people want to be in a platform but there's only room for 2, then it isn't supposed for them to be there in the first place.


The "dead stop" thing I kinda agree with you, but I guess that only playing it would make it clear. They did remove it at one time (Kotaku said it I believe) and if they went back on it, then there must be a reason to be there (or none to remove it).

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The PAL version has been leaked online (0____o)


But it aint running for haxxers :D. It has some kind of new IOS on the disk which is making it crash constantly for those running it from a burned DVD. Furthermore it won't run off USB loaders.


A win for Nintendo or only a matter of time before it is patched? Happy to see it being a tough nut to crack. It's about time Nintendo upped their anti-piracy measures.


By all accounts the leaked version is a fake, I would wait until after release before we know for sure whether or not Nintendo has upped their game...


As for NSMB Wii itself, I must say I'm really not looking forward to it. :/

The DS version was comparatively poor to 4 of my favourite games as a child and failed to capture the magic that 1,2,3 and World brought me. Add that to the fact that I never, ever play local multiplayer and this game just gives me an overwhelming 'meh' feeling. I'll probably pick it up cheap or sencond hand and bash through the single player, but I doubt I'll enjoy it as much as a certain 2D side-scrolling game featuring a blob and some kid.

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Metroid, what are you on about? Show me in that video where they are picking each other up...


Tell you what, why don't they make it so you go through each other in Mario Kart too, don't want to make that racing any more difficult for each now do we?!?!


I don't get what people are complaining about. If you just walked straight through each other it would be absolutely ridiculous!!


mario kart is a racing game this is DIFFERENT. I can't understand why you can't see my point.

It's hard to explain because there aren't many examples of similtaneous sidescrolling multiplayer games.


You have heard what many reviewers are saying . Feels more like a 1 player game with players tacked on than what we initially thought, now you have to start questioning WHY they are saying this.

It's clearly not PERFECT and this is one suspect of why it isn't.


I gave n+ as an example of a platform game with similtanous multiplayer because honestly I cant think of much more. Yes it has no picking up but you dont have to bump into each other to pick another player up surely?


Anyway it doesn't matter now the decision has been made but this bumping into each other makes it into a much less serious platform and more party game in my opinion.

I'm sure it's HILLLLARIOUS your friend bumping you into a pit for the first few times causing a stop in the game for a second but it's garunteed to get anoying if you take games more seriously.


I'll play the game of course before I say anymore.

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I've got to say, i think the bumping into each other makes the game more tactical, if playing against each other i'd certainly make sure i didn't stop right on the edge of a pit, and as for the problem of everyone getting on one square, I can't really see how that holds up, firstly, why would everyone want to be in exactly the same place? that must be one special place. there is just no need to all be in the same spot.

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Another Mario Kart song?



IGN's Preview - Five Coolest Levels


World 7-6 Area

While the lofty World 7 features some of the toughest challenges in New Super Mario Bros. Wii, World 7-6 takes the cake. This level ditches solid ground in favor of an onslaught of Para-Beetles which you have to navigate quickly as the screen scrolls ever onward. The smaller beetles will give you a lift, while the giant beetles sink, making for some mindbending platforming. Luckily, you won't have to go it alone; Yoshi makes a rare appearance in this level. His peculiar, fluttering jump makes some of the bigger leaps in this level more manageable.


Nintendo's restricting footage from this level specifically, so you'll have to use your imagination. But trust us, this challenge is pretty cool indeed.

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