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Eurovision 2009


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I voted for Azerbaijan, Estonia and Turkey. Out of the big four and Russia I only liked France and Russia.


I liked Azerbaijan too. I thought Germany (Kiss Kiss Bang) would be higher considering it was completely hilarious.

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All the songs were so meh. Nothing that stood out at all. Nothing that grabbed you. They were all very similar in a way. Disappointed that Finland didn't put out some form of rock/metal because I usually look to them for some form of redeeming factor for the night. The Iceland song wasn't bad but that was it really.

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Guest Captain Falcon
All the songs were so meh. Nothing that stood out at all. Nothing that grabbed you. They were all very similar in a way. Disappointed that Finland didn't put out some form of rock/metal because I usually look to them for some form of redeeming factor for the night. The Iceland song wasn't bad but that was it really.


A Finnish friend of mine pointed me to their entry a few weeks ago and I have to say, I didn't think it was too bad - not sure how it came across live though.


Our songs are always dreadful,and this was no exception. How we managed to get so many points is beyond me.

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I was disappointed in Portugal's place. It deserved a lot better. :(


I liked Iceland, Bosnia, Estonia, Moldova and UK. Glad to see some of those got nice places.


Spain got near-last :o They performed near the end, I didn't expect that at all.


And WTF was up with Norway's landslide victory? It was insane, I don't think even Lordi got that much.

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That was a little bizarre.


I actually really liked Iceland's song , and was reasonable keen on Estonia and Finland (don't ask me why , I really shouldn't have). But I must have been missing something somewhere as I just didn't get anything from the winner , so really can't understand how it won so convincingly.


As for our entry , thought it was garbage the first time I heard it and that hasn't ever changed. I can only assume the name of Andrew Webber carried some weight with the voters.

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ha ireland didnt get into the finals :D.. you know I do believe ireland have won it the most times historically.. but ever since televting was introduced have been reduced to the last ten places..


this year is a marked improvment but voting should also be spplit in the semi final rounds.. also I heard that the judges voting was doen during a DRESS rehersal?... what happens if the act fucks up in the actual show?


this year is a vast step in right direction as england's song WAS good and DIDNT get last.. you should be happy with the 5th .. congrats norway though !

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Guest Captain Falcon
Because our entry was the clone of Leona Lewis/Alexandra Burke?


And even then, we still did well...


It's a total mystery I tell thee.

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I actually watched the entire thing this year and thoroughly enjoyed it. Norton did a great job of hosting, and I think we can be proud of 5th place. Wanted the crazies to do well as always so was backing Armenia and Finland :D

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^ I think the main problem for Spain was that they were on last and so by that point, everyone had basically made up their minds which is ashame as she wasn't bad. The song wasn't great, just your typical pop crap, but she performed well.


Well yeah, the song wasn't that great. But there were others who weren't that great and got a higher place. I thought a good place for her was a given.

Still, me and my family all LOLed when they got 12 points from Andorra :P


As for our entry , thought it was garbage the first time I heard it and that hasn't ever changed. I can only assume the name of Andrew Webber carried some weight with the voters.


Come on, have more confidence. UK's was pretty good.

I actually liked France more, but UK wasn't shabby either.


Yeah, Bosnia's was quite good.


I really don't get why Norway won, and by such a large margin. My only explanation is every woman in Europe voted for that boy.


And judges too, apparently. Was it the violin or something? Was he the only one voters and judges could agree upon?

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Rigovision Song Contest, i stopped watching a few years ago as it is all fixed and all that.


Britain has had great acts, but since we supported that damn war in Iraq, we have ended down the bottom half, but am surprised with 5th place this year

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