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Exams 2009!


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Everyone is either doing them as we speak (Jayseven), or revising for them or failing them in the near future (Domjcg).


So what have people got, when, and will you ace it?


Currently revising for the first of 4 exams. Tomorrow at 9am I shall be partaking in a 3 hour exam about tort law. If anyone wants to know how to sue someone now's the time to ask me!



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I have four exams in a couple of weeks (phonology and morphology, syntax, general linguistics, the structure of English). I need to be doing more work for them, but I was looking at the papers the other day and they look fun. Will be a release when they're over, however.

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I've got two Psych exams on Friday and I'm terrified. Then, I've got about a 3 week break until my A2's properly kick in. If I mess up these Psych exams, I'm completely fucked, and last year I screwed them up so badly. Eeek.

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My first exam is June 1st (Core 3 Math) with my last June 19th (with many exams in between). I haven't started revising yet and i really, really should, considering i never actually learnt it when it was being taught.

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For the first time in my academic career, I've had to start revising weeks in advance, seeing as uni exams are actually quite tough. Bit of a knock to my ego, but hey, if they go well I will be immensely satisfied with myself. It is still only the first year, so I shouldn't put too much pressure on myself.

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High-Five, Letty.


I'm so glad I don't have the pressure of 100% worth of marks being on one day. But at the same time it is quite stressful having to ensure I do enough work through-out the year. I've done countless all-nighters, staying up to 3-4ish on most nights, and then on a few days of the week around 5... and still being up for lectures and up early at the weekends.... still, no exams, suckers!

Edited by Wesley
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Had 2 exams: One at the beginning of April and one yesterday. Both will provide me with a nice fail probably but who gives a crap. Got an English exam next tuesday morning at 9 in the morning (ridiculous I know). Done half of the preparation for that that is needed. Just need to decide on my second essay topic and then what I'll write. Shouldn't be too hard.

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For the first time in my academic career, I've had to start revising weeks in advance, seeing as uni exams are actually quite tough. Bit of a knock to my ego, but hey, if they go well I will be immensely satisfied with myself. It is still only the first year, so I shouldn't put too much pressure on myself.


You know I'm really pleased to hear that for some reason...:heh:


Had my first exam today (Physics practical retake). Got a high B the first time so retook it to grab a few marks..pretty sure i aced it :)


More practicals next week :(

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Two yearly written tests in Greek and Latin on the 3rd and 4th of June, then a yearly oral exam on the 8th of June (my birthday T.T) defending an assignment I've just handed in about Barack Obama's visions for America. Then in the following two weeks I have two oral exams in physics and nature geography.



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Highers this year for me. English on Friday, followed by Maths next week, Physics/Modern Studies consecutively the following week, rounded off by Computing at the start of June.


Not bothered with them at all. I don't seem to feel much pressure with stuff like this. Only ones I'm slightly worried about are English and Mod Studies, as they are essay based rather than the more sciency stuff like Physics/Maths which has definite answers. Only problem might be is if the essay questions are a little awkward / write too much and don't get finished in time.

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2nd year uni exams start for me next week...


Market Research on monday.

Marketing of services on the 28th.

E-Marketing on the 29th

Innovation and some other pish on the 1st.


Shouldn't be too hard, done a lot of work throughout the year for MR and Innovation. The other 2 are both electives and are easily wingable.

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I had a Chemistry Practical exam on Monday, and I'm really not sure how I did. I couldn't see properly, and felt like I was giving off light I was that hot. The bunsen's didn't help either. It was a pretty simple procedure though so I hope I didn't mess up too much.


Got my next practical on next friday, and then none for a few weeks. On one day I have a 2h45 Chemistry exam and 2h30 Italian exam. That's going to be fun day indeed!


Best of luck to everyone!

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I've got one exam on Monday, on Twentieth Century Fiction, Postmodernism and Realism specifically - then I've finished Uni. I have taken a quite pessimistic view to keep me from being nervous, and that is that a 40 (pass) will give me a 2.2 grade overall, and a 54 will average out at a 2.1 :D


Not that I'm not going to try or anything.

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Exam went okay today. Not really sure what the people marking will think as I can't really gage how to get a good mark at uni yet. At A level I knew what they wanted etc.


Came out after 3 hours and some toff doing law was like "I've definitely failed!" Hate those people. He will do well and be surprised and everyone will be like omg n you fort u faild no wai! >_>


Going to start revising for next exam on monday morning now :)

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