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How Many Of You Still PS2? (The Beginners Guide to Last Gen)

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Still play it regularly with my wii and 360 if not a little more.


I constantly play through mgs though so that's not surpise.


FF as everyone else mentions too and SOTC and ICO are timeless.


I also have a soft spot for the original Killzone which makes me dirty I know but I always loved it.


And just got God of War in the post which i've heard is amazing. So i'll do that tomorrow :D

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Yep, I still play on my PS2. Like others, I used to be anti-Sony (for "putting Sega out of business", as such), but the truth is that's marketing and the mainstream for you. It doesn't matter whether the dominant console is the PlayStation, PS2 or Wii, great games will always be underappreciated.


The whole Twilight Princess/Wii scenario helped me to get over my anti-Sony stance, and I'm glad I did, because I'd hate to have missed some absolute gems. My favourite two games are Shadow of the Colossus and (particularly) Dragon Quest: Journey of the Cursed King.

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I've recently had a PS2 revival. In the course of a week I've bought:


PS2 console

Phantasy Star Universe AotI

GTA Vice City Stories

GTA Liberty City Stories



Escape from Monkey Island


Plus I can finally play FF12 that's been sitting waiting for a console to play it on.

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I got a new PS2 in Sainsbury's this time last week for a wonderfully low price :yay: ..I have picked up a few games throughout the week that I have always wanted to play in the past.. and I'm so glad I made the investment :smile:


I have had an exam to revise for, unfortunately, but when I'm wanting to play something it is the current console of choice (though that probably isn't surprising considering I only just got it..)


I'm definitely looking forward to getting into games such as Onimusha 1-3, Metal Gear Solid 2 & 3, Devil May Cry 1 & 2 and Shinobi.. It seems strange that the majority of those will involve sword fighting, but hey, I guess that's what I like :heh:

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Since the PS2 has only been mentioned for wearing the RPG hat last gen (and having God of War), here are a few other/different PS2 titles.


Blood Will Tell - pretty fun hack & slash about regaining your body parts - the first 20 mins are even in black & white until you get your eyes.

Castlevania Lament Of Innocence - lots of mediocre reviews & split opinions on this, but the music alone makes it worth playing through.

Chaos Legion - Capcom hack & slash with lots of squishy bugs.

Fantavision - Interesting quirky game about setting off fireworks.

Genji - To fully appreciate how much the sequel fell short, play the first. One of the prettiest games with the best progress.

God Hand - Fighting game with chihauhaus, fetish babes and fat Elvis.

Gradius V - Arcade shmup by Treasure. Case closed,

Gregory Horror Show - Look over here Splinter Cell...THIS is how you do stealth properly. None of this "here's a gun, but you're not allowed to use it" crap. Disturbing cartoon visuals, a nurse with a giant syringe chasing you through the hotel and dogs with axes in their heads are a bonus.

Jak & Daxter - 3D Platforming at its best.

Maximo Both great action platformers, the second especially is much more balanced than the first, and gives you vibrating underwear (to help find secrets). What more could you want?

Onimusha - Legendary hack & slash series.

Primal - Demonic adventure (and the only PAL game that runs in progressive scan) with original ideas & plot. Confusing as hell too.

R-Type Final - Although nowhere hear as good as Delta on the PS1, still very good arcade shmup.

Ratchet & Clank - Another great platforming series, more focus on guns than Jak.

Sly Racoon - Cel shaded platformer with original moves - feels different to the usual ones.

Katamari Damacy / We :heart: Katamari - No need to even comment on this one :)

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Nice list there, Bogus.


Chaos Legion has one of the best ending songs in a game I have ever heard. I love it to bits and often listen to it.



Another hidden gem is Under the Skin by Capcom. Its a cartoony alien invasion game, the Resident Evil level is fantastic, especially when you see the cartoony Nemesis charging for you :D


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I've recently had a PS2 revival. In the course of a week I've bought:


PS2 console

Phantasy Star Universe AotI

GTA Vice City Stories

GTA Liberty City Stories



Escape from Monkey Island


Cool. I've just finished Liberty City Stories. The only GTA game left for me to play now is Vice City Stories.


I still have God of War II to finish, Dragon Quest VIII to play as well.

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I actually just bought a PS2 about a week ago. I already had some games to play on a friends console though, so I'll list those out too.


Persona 3 FES (bought, want to get P4 in case they go out of stock and don't come back)

Final Fantasy X (bought it doesn't work, but that's okay I've played about 6 hours of it before and didn't like it)

Yakuza (had and highly recommend)

Yakuza 2 (same as the first)

Dark Cloud (bought and I'm surprised no one else has mentioned it yet in this thread. For shame)

Sly Cooper (bought the first, very fun and but kinda short)

Shadow of the Colossus (had, and it's just so great. Buy it!)


I've played (about 60 hours) FFXII before, I didn't dislike it nearly as much as X or VIII but it still fails to reach even the levels of VII or IX much less any of the IV-VI levels.

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I actually just bought a PS2 about a week ago. I already had some games to play on a friends console though, so I'll list those out too.


Persona 3 FES (bought, want to get P4 in case they go out of stock and don't come back)

*Pats back* Well done, you will enjoy it I think easily better then most RPG's of last gen.



Final Fantasy X (bought it doesn't work, but that's okay I've played about 6 hours of it before and didn't like it)

Then tis a good thing it's broken :heh:


Yakuza (had and highly recommend)

Yakuza 2 (same as the first)

I need to get into these games one day, they are cheap where I am so I should buy them before I can never get a chance.


Dark Cloud (bought and I'm surprised no one else has mentioned it yet in this thread. For shame)

Another game which I want to play but yet to since I am swarmed with other PS2 and DS games >_>


Sly Cooper (bought the first, very fun and but kinda short)

Might get it one day, not so keen at the moment


Shadow of the Colossus (had, and it's just so great. Buy it!)

So true


I've played (about 60 hours) FFXII before, I didn't dislike it nearly as much as X or VIII but it still fails to reach even the levels of VII or IX much less any of the IV-VI levels.

Final Fantasy XII was just a mess all because Square didn't like where it was heading halfway through development, hence why they put in the syndrome which has infected and ruined so many great series...the teenager syndrome.


I could only have imagined what the game would have been like if Matsuno kept going on developing it in his vision.

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Well the RPGs I played last gen consist of:

Kotor 1&2

Baten Kaitos 1st and prequel

Tales of Symphonia



Neverwinter Nights


Advent Rising

Fire Emblem

Golden Sun


There are likely more, but point is, for the time being P3FES has some stiff competition.

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Never had a PS2 but I eventually hope to get one to catch up with the Final Fantasies and anything else. :)


That was my stance and due to / nando / tipping me off the other night, I got a PStwo yesterday from Tesco's for less than £60! Not a bad deal, eh? Now I need a memory card and some games for it.


... And yes, for there to be 100 hours in a day rather than just 24...

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I still have God of War II to finish, Dragon Quest VIII to play as well.


I'm still really hoping you'll like that. :)


That was my stance and due to / nando / tipping me off the other night, I got a PStwo yesterday from Tesco's for less than £60! Not a bad deal, eh? Now I need a memory card and some games for it.


... And yes, for there to be 100 hours in a day rather than just 24...


Good buy! The PS2 (and DS) have kept me away from current-gen gaming for quite a while!

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That was my stance and due to / nando / tipping me off the other night, I got a PStwo yesterday from Tesco's for less than £60! Not a bad deal, eh? Now I need a memory card and some games for it.


... And yes, for there to be 100 hours in a day rather than just 24...


Shit, good luck, with soooooo many games, I can only hope you can get through most before all those MUST BUY games on the Wii come out ^_^

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GoWII or DQVIII? GoWII is outstanding, one of the best action games from last gen, IMO.


DQVIII, because I particularly recommended it. I'd hate to have someone waste money on my account (but I genuinely believe it's brilliant).


As for God of War 1 + 2, I get the feeling I should play them, but I really don't like violence and gore, so I haven't so far. :hmm:

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As for God of War 1 + 2, I get the feeling I should play them, but I really don't like violence and gore, so I haven't so far. :hmm:


Thats fair enough. Its worth checking out for the massive boss battles and the epic story alone. The way the second one ends hypes you up so much that the 3rd one can't arrive soon enough.

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