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Ok, probably the worst title to go with this thread, but I don't care, it seems appropriate.


Basically, my housemate is ordering pizza from a pizza ordering delivery place off the internet. And, her stuff arrives, and she's ordered potato wedges. Now, I have a soft spot for wedges, and they smelly so, so good.


But, the thing is, it wasn't the fact that they were wedges that swayed me. It was the potato-ness. I was developing a craving for all things potato: Potato wedges, roast potato, mashed potato...anything!


So, I popped to the shops, and bought myself a big bag of potatos. I came home, and chopped myself some potatos, then roasted them. I had 16 roast potatos last night, and my housemates looked at me like...what the shit...just potatos? No stuff with it? NO! Just potatos. Fuck off, leave me alone with my roasties.


Then, today, I realised I had lots of potatos left over, so I did the same, again. Man, they're so fucking tasty. If Ine was made of potato, she wouldn't be coming to this meat, because she would already have been roasted into a delicious belgian female shaped potato. *drools*


I've had 32 roasties in two days...some is not right.


This is my fetish. I am Jim, and I fucking love roast potatos.


Who are you, and what is your secret fetish that people think you're strange for?


Tell me, naaaw.


Big fan of frozen sweetcorn myself, straight out the freezer, ummmmmm yeaah!


Pancakes are pretty awesome aswell, though not particularly weird.


Ohh yeah I often buy multipacks of cereal at lunch and eat them from the pack through school, no milk or nuffink. Honey loops = epic win

Posted (edited)

Do you not mean craving?!!


Atm... Jaffa Cakes!


Seriously, they are doing these special price 36 cake packs for 99p atm and I could eat them all in a day EASILY! Probably one long sitting!

I'm buying these packs all the time atm!

Edited by Retro_Link
Posted (edited)

I definately think craving sums it up. I was having horrific images of potatoes getting stuck in....places by a dominatrix.


Humus is my bag, as in the chickpea based middle-eastern dip not dark organically rich soil. I love the stuff and can easily go through a tub with a packet of crackers in about half and hour.

Edited by weeyellowbloke

Craving would have been a good word, but Fetish really does capture my feeling for potatos.


I caught the words ears and gravy in this thread. I do like my ears, but they're best served without the gravy.


My fetish is sausage casserole! I keep making them, pretty much every week. But, it's only every week because I force myself to stop. I just love them, with a bit of mash. They taste so GOOD! I only just manage to keep myself from making them all the time because I tell myself they can't exactly be healthy...


Worryingly I've started to develop a bit of fancy for salads. I've never been a huge fan of them. Until I realised they were places where you could just have all the pastas, vegs, etc, you wanted... already made... just pick... ooooooh so nice. I'm thinking of excuses to hop on the bus and get one pretty much every day. I'm going to be screwed once I can't tell myself, "NO! You need to do work! Sit!". Also, when I move into my new flat, which is in Huddersfield and not on the out skirts, I'll just be able to walk to the salad heaven.... Sweet Jesus. Sweet Baby Jesus!


Roast potatoes are basically rotund chips, so it isn't that odd. Still, maybe you should make dauphinois next time? They're one of the finest forms of potato, in my humble opinion.

You know, those slices of potato, layered up with a creamy/cheesy sauce.


damn they sound good


roast potatos are brill...


i cant think of anything food wise thats as bad as having 32 roasties in a couple of days

i did have 8 bacon sandwiches once in about 3 days..lol

You know, those slices of potato, layered up with a creamy/cheesy sauce.


It rings a bell, but maybe I've heard it called something else?


I feel like I'm reading a Mills and Boon novel.


Man, I didn't think I typed that, but looking back...I did. Aww, huge fail. :(

Aimless: What are the dauphinois?



Anyway, I'm pretty sure I can eat lightly salted crackers indefinitely. I'm not sure if I'd class it as a craving as I very rarely think, "I'm going to buy crackers!" But if they're there I'll eat them. All.

You know, those slices of potato, layered up with a creamy/cheesy sauce.





That is a very very tasty dish indeed.


Another desirable food product is chicken and mushroom pastry slices. Most are utterly disgusting yet I can't resist them.


Man, I didn't think I typed that, but looking back...I did. Aww, huge fail. :(


I love it though, if slightly altered it could be the best random chat up line; "If you were mashed potatos you could come to my meat anytime!'

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