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Top Ten LEAST Favourite "Things"


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3. Anti-smoking people

Just delaying the inevitable.


I've never understood that arguement. If you're pointing out that non-smokers are delaying the inevitable - which, by the way, I'm like to point out I am going to work out how to live forever - and that smokers are some how... smarter(?) for "cutting to the chase"; then why not just stab yourself in the heart. Then you'd be hella smart.


*Note* I said "you" a lot. You may not actually smoke, just hate anti-smoking people, in which case, no offence.




I hate most of you guys.


Not really.


1. Society's drinking problem.

2. Most people my age.

3. Common night life. Mostly involving:

4. Getting "pissed maaate".

5. Pulling "a slllaaaag mate".

6. Getting "off maa head!"..... maaate.

7. People who make the really smart move of trying to start a "debate" about religion. Seriously, just be quiet. Just... sit down, shut up. I don't care if you don't believe in God or not. I won't care, no one will. I'd never tell someone if I believed in God or not. You know why? Because you wouldn't care.

8. Sex becoming something of a pass time.

9. Discussions of music. Even though I love music, like pretty much everyone does in their own right, disucssions about music just become tiresome. The thread in this place is a prime example. Person A posts thoughts about band. Person B explains that band isn't worth the disc is was put on. Then Mr. Smart Person C explains that music is of opinion and that everything is good. Repeat, repeat, repeat.

10. Black people.







Okay, that last one was a joke. But my real number 10:

10. People who get offended too easily. The world would be rotating twice as fast as it is if there weren't so many dip-shits complaining that everything isn't there way - like it was when they were a kid. Guess what? Not even your parents love you anymore. Stop complaining.


- I'd like to note, that I never post something this large, and I may disappear for a while to compensate for that. -

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Hmm... what do I hate? I had to think awhile for this. These things kind of annoy me a bibt. I don't absolutely hate them though. :)


1. Sleep.


I have never been a fan. :)


2. When run out of food.


An empty Fridge is not a good sight for my eyes.


3. My Computer Freezing.


It doesn't happen that often but when it does it is always in the middle of something important.


Talking to someone. FREEZE

Watching Something and I'm halfway through it has taken so long to lad this far. FREEZE

Posting a long post on KNEE. FREEZE


Not fun.


4. People who patronise me


"OMJ you can talk! :o well done, very good."


Ermm yeah I don't speak to you as you are an idiot.


Mimicking my monotone voice. .. :( I don't even sound like that.


Not cool man, not cool!


My opinion is apparently not valid as I'm just a Robot or something!


5. When I lose my Glasses.


I lose them I can't see. I can't see I bump into things constantly I also can't do a lot of things without them so yeh! :heh:


6. Facebook


It creeps me out a lot. People who have it even say they don't like it! Also I'm not that bothered that X has put there pizza in the oven and 10 minutes later they are now eating it. :p


7. Someone who closes my door.


During the day I like my door open if I'm awake. If someone goes to close it I will shout. A little odd I must admit but I've always been like that with it.


8. When the clocks change


Waaaaay too confusing for me. I never know whether it has gone forwards or backwards I forget who I am and what I'm doing and I definately have no clue what the time is!


9. Unhelpful people in supermarkets


Could you tell me where the yogurts are please?


assistant: "Errm...we...errr..


*scratches head*


Don't sell them any more!"


I've heard that countless a time and they just can't be bothered to help you!


10. Mobile Phones


When it rings it scares me half to death!

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8. When the clocks change


Waaaaay too confusing for me. I never know whether it has gone forwards or backwards I forget who I am and what I'm doing and I definately have no clue what the time is!


Try and remember, Spring Forward and Fall Back. Practice actually springing forward and falling on your ass now.


Or just don't listen. And then next year you'll forget to change your clock back.. and you'll be late for an important job interview. And you won't get it. You'll be so poor and hopeless. Your wife will leave you, you're kids won't want to hug you. You'll hang yourself. Hang yourself dry until the very last breathe escapes your mouth in a wimper.


All because you couldn't be bothered to fall on your ass for a few minutes. Well, it just serves you right.

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1) I find most things boring these days. Those story books and cartoons I watched as a kid really mis-sold this world.

2) Most people (no need to offend anyone)

3) The UK because its dead and stagnant compared to other, more lively and younger places

3) The destruction we have done to this planet

4) The fact that the planet is being destroyed in order to support me

5) The slow worms, frogs, fish and newts which I removed from their habitats when I was a kid. I think I am the reason for a local extinction of slow worms... I dont know how I'll ever get over the innocent cruelty my facination with animals led to when I was a child. I do give money to WSPA out of my salary every month.

5) hmm, thats all I can think of right now!: peace:

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Yes, the Daily Mail is shit, but why do you hate other newspapers?


Newspapers are as bad as each other. But the Daily Mail is by far the worst.



Why is this a problem? I've never understood why football fans get so annoyed by this, surely it's good to support a team for a reason (eg, they are doing well), rather than watching a crap team because your dad watches that crap team?


I can't talk about this without it becoming a wall of text. So I'll just say this:


If you're not into football like I am, then you're not going to understand why I dislike glory-hunters.


I've never understood that arguement. If you're pointing out that non-smokers are delaying the inevitable - which, by the way, I'm like to point out I am going to work out how to live forever - and that smokers are some how... smarter(?) for "cutting to the chase"; then why not just stab yourself in the heart. Then you'd be hella smart.


*Note* I said "you" a lot. You may not actually smoke, just hate anti-smoking people, in which case, no offence.


I am that at the bottom. I don't smoke, but this is a sensitive issue to me because a lot of my family smoke. So to see anti-smokers treating smokers like they're some sort of scum makes them oblivious to their own twattishness. (Told you it was a sensitive issue.)

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I hate anti-smokers. It's not enough that us smokers have to now smoke outside, we now have to be considerate to others' health? Pfft. Are they blind? You see someone smoking, you go around them. If they are at an entrance to a building, you walk through. Big deal, two breaths of smoke max, outside when the wind takes most of it away. Come on. Paranoid much? You're not going to die from a few breaths of secondary smoke a day. They need to get off their high horses and appreciate they now have smoke free buildings and pubs. Or should we make it law that no-one can fart or burp in public too? Those smells arn't nice either. Just pisses me off that people can get so annoyed at a few moments, mere seconds, of discomfort in their day. Or maybe they'd rather have to work with bunch of angry smokers, irate and on short fuses because they cant go out and satsify their urges. But im sure those few seconds of clean air would make up for that.


Man i went on a bit. But yeah. Anti-smokers. God damn, look at the bigger picture.

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Not really a top 10 as such but these are the first things that popped in my head tonight.


People playing music out loud on their phones

WHY? WHY? WHY? It's not cool, It sounds shit coming from the crappy little speaker, you annoy everyone else on the Bus/train, you're usually playing shit music anyway. So buy some god damn earphones.


People talking loudly on their phones

I've been at work all day the last thing I want to hear on the way home from work is you speaking incredibly loudly telling your wife and the rest of the carriage that you are on the usual train that you have been getting for the past 5 years. The point? Wouldn't it be easy to just to notify your wife if you miss the 'usual' train? The usual train means you usually get it so she is usually expecting you so you dont need to tell her this information. Please stop and please learn how to speak at a normal volume on a mobile phone.


People talking 'street'

You sound stupid. Please stop.


ITV football

Worst coverage ever. Worst commentators ever. Please stop covering football. You ruin games.


Can you move down the train?

I HATE these people that try to get on a packed train in the morning and demand everyone move down so they can fit on. Where would you like me go exactly? lay in the luggage rack? sit on someones lap? hang from the roof? No I cant move down, wait for the next one.


The outside seat sitter

Anybody encounter these? you get on the bus or train and there is a spare seat, but its on the inside of where someone is already sitting. You say "excuse me can I sit there please?" you get huffed and puffed at and squashed into the corner. Annoys the hell out of me. It's like these people believe that cos they are sitting on the outside you have no right to ask to sit next to them. You didnt pay for 2 seats now move over you mofo.


Kids running mad in restuarants

Look I like kids but if you're gonna bring them to a restaurant don't let them run round like they're on speed taking no notice of what they are doing. Teach them some manners, get them to sit there and eat a kids meal, do some colouring in, play with some toys at the table. Don't get me starting on crying babies in a restaurant. >_<


Moody staff in retail

Look you're not the only one in the world who doesn't enjoy their job. Cheer up or leave. A please or thank you would be nice now and again seen as im spending money in your shop.


Booze Britain towns

Living in London im quite lucky that I escape a lot of the craziness on a weekend when town centres around the country turn into Booze Britain. Don't get me wrong I like a drink, I really do but jesus some towns and the people in them are unreal. I'm looking at you Romford. Never shall I visit you again. Ever.


Tracksuit cap wearing chavs

Is it the 80's? No didn't think so. Are you taking part in a sporting event? No didn't think so... So why are you wearing an all in one tracksuit with it tucked into your socks and a cap on the back of your head with the front of your hair gelled to the nines? You look pathetic. Tell you girlfriend she looks pathetic too.


Amy Winehouses Valerie

I hate this version. People need to know that it's not an Amy Winehouse song. Just really annoys me to the point where i've annoyed myself by constantly informing people of the Zutons. The original is far superior.



Firstly I have no problem if people are religious and in general people don't bother me with their views. But I personally believe that Religion causes more trouble than it solves. Just take a look at the world troubles.... A lot can be traced back to reglious reasoning. Back in the day before Law I believe it was needed to keep people in line using the fear of God. But now its pretty obsolete. If you want to live your life by a book written by a mad man many moons ago then feel free. I just don't see the point. One chance at life and all that.

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Newspapers are as bad as each other. But the Daily Mail is by far the worst.


I can't talk about this without it becoming a wall of text. So I'll just say this:


If you're not into football like I am, then you're not going to understand why I dislike glory-hunters.


I dunno, having read Ben Goldacre's book, Bad Science, I hate the media as much as anyone. It's a really excellent book that attacks all aspects of the media, even the "good" newspapers; I'd recommend everyone reads it.


Everyone (sane) hates the tabloids that feed off peoples hatred, but I'd be interested in knowing what you have against the guardian, for example.




I'm not into football like you are, but I still think it would be nice for you to attempt to explain it.



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Can you move down the train?

I HATE these people that try to get on a packed train in the morning and demand everyone move down so they can fit on. Where would you like me go exactly? lay in the luggage rack? sit on someones lap? hang from the roof? No I cant move down, wait for the next one.

there's always more room in the middle parts of the trains - people crowd around the doors and that's retaaaarded. i ask people to move down... if then dont i just squish myself into the car anyway :grin:

BUAHAHAHA i are evil commuter.

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a please and thank you from customers would be nice on occasions too.


I always say please and thank you. But the keyword I used was moody retail staff. Most are very friendly, just the moody ones that annoy me hence making it onto my list. :)

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a please and thank you from customers would be nice on occasions too.


There are nice staff in retail that get treated awfully, customers can be complete asshats at times and they have to stick their shit. And then they have to stick the shit from the management (and in my experience the management don't do an awful lot)


I don't think I'd care all that much if I was getting paid min wage. :blank:




My main rant is people that ring at my work and moan constantly about shit no-one cares about. Or people that just moan for the hell of it.


There was a girl I spoke to in work today - she wasnt even 30, 7 fractures in her spine. I would imagine she was in agony (as well as having pressure sores from lying down a lot!). She didn't complain once, thanked me for what I did, and for the sympathy I showed her. If people were more like this life would be a lot easier.

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but we only get moody because of rude customers :p



Fair enough but then the next customer may not be as evil as the previous one so you should cheer up and give the next one a chance and they may be extremely nice and friendly like me : peace:

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Fair enough but then the next customer may not be as evil as the previous one so you should cheer up and give the next one a chance and they may be extremely nice and friendly like me : peace:


nice customers make my day :heart:


if your nice/friends/funny + you buy shoe care to help me make my target... i give the best damn service!

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I'm not into football like you are, but I still think it would be nice for you to attempt to explain it.




I'll try not to make it a wall of text...


If you're a glory hunter, you're taking a club's glory for granted.


Manchester United might be English, European and World Champions at the moment. But in 1989 they were has-beens. One-time European Champions not going anywhere. The glory days were behind them.


They won a trophy a year later, but Man U fans probably treated that success like it was their last. They had won nothing for a number of years and they were patiently waiting for more glory and success.


They got their wish: The last 15 years have been bloody full of success for them. They've never won so many trophies before.


And for the aging Man United fan; that was the stuff their dreams were made of 30 or so years ago, when they were languishing in the second division.




But if you're a glory-hunter, you wouldn't understand what seeing a club win a trophy means. Because the moment that club have a barren spell where they win nothing, you've jumped ship! You're now supporting the team that ARE winning.


And chances are, when that team have the barren spell, you'll either start supporting another team or go back to that team before.




For me, being an Aston Villa fan has been less good and more absolute wank in the years since we last won anything (1996). But we're in a period where we're finally looking like we could achieve success and win something.


I've been dreaming of seeing Villa win a trophy, whether it's just the League Cup or the European Cup. But to see either of those happen would be absolutely fantastic. But all I can do is support the team and wait for it to happen.


And when it does happen, I'll be celebrating it like it will never happen again.

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And when it does happen, I'll be celebrating it like it will never happen again.


I guess I can understand that, but if a team isn't playing good football, why go to their matches? I'm sure it feels nice being surrounded by a bunch of like minded people, but surely that and the hope of winning a trophy isn't enough to justify watching a poor team play football?


Would you consider it to be acceptable to change club if you moved house to a different city?



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1) I guess I can understand that, but if a team isn't playing good football, why go to their matches? I'm sure it feels nice being surrounded by a bunch of like minded people, but surely that and the hope of winning a trophy isn't enough to justify watching a poor team play football?


2) Would you consider it to be acceptable to change club if you moved house to a different city?




1) It's proper dedication from die-hard football fans to go down every week even if their teams playing absolute crap. Some of you here would say they've got more money than sense.


A lot of people enjoy the matchday atmosphere regardless of the game's entertainment value. I enjoy it myself, but I wouldn't go down every week. I'd probably end up getting bored of it.



But don't let me be the one to tell you all this. Many of the other football fans here would say almost the same thing as I have.



2) I don't think that would be acceptable. It's like your local-ness. Say if I was to move to somewhere like Liverpool or Manchester or even out of the UK, I'd still be a Brummie.



But bear in mind, though, this sort of thing isn't just in football. It happens in every sport. I only said football because it's the only team sport I'm properly into.

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funny you should say that, i was woke up by a txt the outher day, screamed "FUCK!" cos it gave me such a fright!


Haha, I had that happen to me at school I was about leave my phone bellowed it was that loud and I jumped a foot in the air and the people that where their laughed at me! :p


I'm also suprised it rang as no one ever rings me!


Try and remember, Spring Forward and Fall Back. Practice actually springing forward and falling on your ass now.


Or just don't listen. And then next year you'll forget to change your clock back.. and you'll be late for an important job interview. And you won't get it. You'll be so poor and hopeless. Your wife will leave you, you're kids won't want to hug you. You'll hang yourself. Hang yourself dry until the very last breathe escapes your mouth in a wimper.


All because you couldn't be bothered to fall on your ass for a few minutes. Well, it just serves you right.


Yeah I've been told that spring forward fall back thing before but I forget about it in my state of panic! :D


Ah well...


*hangs noose from a nearby tree*

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Jamba hates roast potato?







Dudes gonna get jumped at the meet.


i know, right?!

(i read 'meet' as "meat" and got really confused and a little defensive for a second - back the fuck off, rezzo. :heh: )


...hehehe "rezzo"....


new nickname instigation act!


tbh tho ~ jamba's dislike of roast taties (freakish as it is!!) is no way NEAR as bad as my ex's weird aversion to food. he was the fussiest eater i'd ever met... he literally wouldnt eat anything but chips and fish fingers. and maybe sometimes sausages and burgers. as much as i wish i was; i'm not exaggerating at all.

...can i change one of my 10 to "weirdo fussy eaters"?? :shakehead

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